Apocalyptic garbage classification system

Chapter 966 The Secret of the Controller

"Don't know the specific location?"

Li Yichen was stunned. He knew how to get there but not where?

Is this like human speech?

However, Li Yichen immediately realized that this Heavenly Dao Tower should be entered through a space channel. In this case, of course it would be impossible to determine its location. It is like he is in the Heaven Realm now, but you have to ask where this Heaven Realm is. Where it is from, no one can tell!

"That's right! To enter the Chaos Heavenly Tower, you need to pass through the Chaos Vortex. You can understand it as a kind of space passage!"

The Speaker replied:

"However, this space passage is not made up of space rules, but made up of the energy of chaos. Ordinary people cannot enter at all!"


Having said this, the Speaker was suddenly startled, then shook his head and smiled bitterly:

"Alas! In my preoccupation with talking, I actually forgot the most important point. It seems... you still can't enter the Chaos Heavenly Tower for the time being!"

Looking at Li Yichen, the Speaker looked annoyed. He grabbed the bottle and poured himself a glass of wine and drank it. The chaotic vortex leading to the Chaos Heavenly Dao Tower was located in the mist of the Tianyu Sea, and Li Yichen did not step into control. How can a person with such a realm resist the erosion of the energy of chaos?

The Grand Speaker has always entered the chaotic vortex in this way, because he himself is the controller, so of course there are no restrictions. Habits have become natural, and he actually forgot this necessary condition for entering the Chaos Heavenly Tower.

Among the Gu Yan Federation, only the Grand Chancellor has entered the realm of controller, and the others are far behind, so the Grand Chancellor has no hope. When I saw Li Yichen this time, I felt that although this little guy is young, he is very capable. It was special. Maybe it could give me some help in the Chaos Heavenly Tower, so I was tempted. Now that I suddenly thought of this, I couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

In fact, if the Grand Chancellor uses the energy of chaos to wrap Li Yichen, he can be brought in, but that is meaningless. In that case, he is not bringing in a helper, but a burden. Such stupid things are natural for the Grand Chancellor Won't do it.

"Why can't I enter the Chaos Tiandao Tower?"

Li Yichen asked curiously. It would be fine if he didn't know about this Tiandao Tower. Now that he knows, of course Li Yichen wants to go in and see what's going on.

Moreover, although the Chancellor did not say it, Li Yichen could also guess that his heavenly hearts obviously came from the Tiandao Tower. In this case, Li Yichen had to go, because even if the big The system was still not upgraded enough for the two Heavenly Domain Hearts given by the Speaker.

Although we still don’t know what will happen after the system is upgraded, there will definitely be benefits, and Li Yichen feels that whether he can step into the realm of a controller as mentioned by the Great Speaker may have something to do with whether the system can be upgraded!

Although the Speaker did not speak very carefully, from his words, Li Yichen also inferred that after becoming the controller, he can absorb the energy of Hongmeng in the heart of Tianyu, which is what the Speaker calls the energy of chaos. , Li Yichen estimated that the two were actually the same thing, except that the Speaker and the system called them different names.

The system currently has no way to use Hongmeng's energy to create injections, but what happens when the system is upgraded?

Is that enough?

Then it is equivalent to being able to absorb the energy of chaos. Isn't it no different from the controller?

Therefore, he was more concerned about the fact that the Grand Speaker said that he could not enter the Chaos Tiandao Tower. He looked at the Grand Speaker seriously, waiting for his explanation.

Maybe it was because of drinking, or maybe it was because this was not a secret. The Speaker did not hesitate and told Li Yichen the reason directly:

“You know the mist of Tianyuhai, right?

The chaotic vortex that enters the Chaos Heavenly Dao Tower is in the mist. If you have not entered the realm of the controller, you cannot resist the invasion of the fog, so... you cannot enter the Chaos Heavenly Dao Tower yet. "

"Moreover, the Chaos Tiandao Tower is filled with the energy of chaos everywhere, so even if I protect you into the Tiandao Tower, you can't stay inside on your own, and there is no point in going in!"

"That mist...is actually the energy of chaos, right?"

Li Yichen asked, because when the system recycles the fog, it can decompose all types of rules of heaven and earth except for the declared rules, and the energy of chaos, or the energy of Hongmeng, existed at the beginning of the universe. It can be said that the entire universe They are all born from chaos, as is said on Earth.

"Yes! So you must be able to resist the energy of chaos first, and then you can enter the Chaos Heavenly Dao Tower!"

The Grand Speaker nodded, simply grabbed a bottle of wine on the table, raised his head and drank the entire bottle, then dropped the bottle and stood up:

"I am the controller. If I want to improve my strength, I must absorb the energy of chaos. The rules of heaven and earth in the heaven domain are of no use to me, so I don't plan to stay here for a long time. I will go back soon."

"As for the Gu Yan Federation... you'd better withdraw your troops. Although I don't care too much about them, they are my people after all, and there may be my descendants among them, so I can't watch them being destroyed by you!"

"And I've already told you, as long as you enter the Chaos Heavenly Dao Tower, you will know that it doesn't matter whether it is the Source Realm or the Heavenly Realm. Understanding the Dao is the ultimate pursuit of life. Don't waste your time. In these meaningless things, it is most correct to work hard to improve yourself. Come on, young man. I hope that next time I come back, you will be qualified to enter the Chaos Heavenly Dao Tower. When the time comes, I will take you there to take a look. of!"


Seeing that the Speaker seemed to be leaving, Li Yichen quickly said:

"Maybe...it won't be necessary next time!"


The Speaker was stunned for a moment, then turned around, looked Li Yichen up and down and said:

"Little guy, don't show off. If I take you in now, you won't be able to enter the Chaos Heavenly Tower. As soon as you enter the fog, you will be broken down into the purest rules of heaven and earth!"

"I can enter the fog!"

Li Yichen looked at the Speaker and smiled:

"Perhaps you haven't communicated with your people since you came back. In fact, I have been here before, and I disappeared in the mist that time, but I did not die. You saw it, I am here!"

"You said... you can resist the mist?"

The Speaker suddenly widened his eyes and asked Li Yichen.


Li Yichen nodded vigorously.


The Chancellor flashed and suddenly came to Li Yichen's side. He put his hand on his shoulder, but Li Yichen did not dodge because he did not feel murderous intent from the Chancellor.

Putting his hand on Li Yichen's shoulder, the Chancellor carefully sensed it, and then frowned. He was sure that according to Li Yichen's energy fluctuations, he was the peak of A-level life. When it comes to S-level, he could barely count, but He was definitely still thousands of miles away from the one who controlled him, and even that idiot Krudy's life level was higher than that of Li Yichen.

But Li Yichen said that he could resist the erosion of the fog. The fog was made of the energy of chaos. Before becoming a controller, no one could resist the energy of chaos. This was the most basic common sense. How could this guy do it?

The Speaker did not suspect Li Yichen of lying, because it was completely meaningless. What Li Yichen said was that he disappeared in his own realm, so he could just ask his own people about this matter.

And what good would it do him to deceive himself about this matter?

Once he believes it and he doesn't have that ability, he will be the one who dies after entering the fog!

This is like a person who says that he can survive the fire without being burned to death, and asks others to put him into the fire and burn him. There are only two possibilities. One is that this person really has this ability, or he just wants to die. !

No matter how the Speaker looked, he couldn't tell that Li Yichen wanted to die. In other words, does this guy really have the ability to withstand the energy of chaos without reaching the level of a controller?

Controllers, as the name suggests, are those who can control the rules of heaven and earth. People like Wanshan and others are actually just using the rules of heaven and earth. That is not control at all!

In fact, Li Yichen has some control, because he can directly absorb and store the rules of heaven and earth, such as the rules of space, in his body, and then release them when using them!

However, if you want to become a controller, you must reach the perfect level of your life form - that is, the SSS level. Only then can you try to control the rules of the world.

Generally speaking, a controller has only one attribute, such as wind, fire, earth, water, etc. Of course, more advanced rules of heaven and earth such as space, life, etc. can also be controlled.

This kind of control is complete control. The controller can use the rules of heaven and earth he controls at will, just like Li Yichen uses the rules of space.

And when it reaches this level, the energy of chaos will no longer try to decompose this life, because the controller has merged with the rules of heaven and earth under its control. To the energy of chaos, this guy is some kind of rule of heaven and earth, and it is the most powerful one. Pure, no decomposition required at all.

This is the reason why controllers can ignore the energy of chaos, and Li Yichen... Although he can control the rules of heaven and earth and has actually reached the level of a controller, he does not rely on the energy of chaos like other controllers to resist the energy of chaos. It can only be done by itself, but with the help of the system.

This is because... Li Yichen does not control a single rule of heaven and earth. At least now he has the rules of space and lightning, and he is a living body himself. Of course, he also has the rules of life, so the energy of chaos will not ignore him. !

Of course, the Grand Chancellor still doesn't know that Li Yichen has more than one rule of heaven and earth. When he enters the fog and discovers that Li Yichen not only ignores the energy of chaos, but can even use two completely different rules of heaven and earth, he will be greatly surprised.

However, this may not be a good thing for Li Yichen, because... Strictly speaking, the Grand Speaker and him have nothing to do with each other, and the secrets about Li Yichen are definitely of interest to the Grand Speaker...

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