However, after taking just a few steps, Li Yichen stopped. After hesitating for a moment, he looked at the sky and the somewhat deformed shotgun in his hand, and finally turned around and walked towards the city.

When he was up there before, he saw a gun shop about two blocks away from here. According to his experience in the trial area, this kind of place with weapons will usually receive priority care from survivors, so It should be empty inside.

But thinking that when he was getting food just now, it seemed that there was no shortage of things in the store, and since it was still early in the day, Li Yichen thought that he might as well go over and take a look, in case he got something?

Soon, Li Yichen arrived at the firearms store. To his surprise, it seemed that no one had visited it at all. Various firearms were neatly placed with a heavy layer of dust on them.

Putting down the shotgun and gun belt in his hand, Li Yichen carefully selected, and finally chose two pistols, a sniper rifle and a submachine gun. He also picked up a high-powered telescope and filled a backpack full of bullets and grenades. , and then left the gun shop.

After picking up a few cans of insecticide from a nearby store, Li Yichen came to the street, chose a car, tried to start it, and drove around the city for a while.

When it was almost dark, Li Yichen drove out of the city. At this time, he had already changed into an off-road vehicle with a bucket, and the back of the vehicle was loaded with such supplies, and he drove all the way towards the small hill.

When he arrived near the hill, Li Yichen did not drive up directly, but carefully drove around the hill. When he heard the roar of the car, several wolves ran out of the woods on the hill. After they came out, they did not pounce directly on the car. Instead, they lowered their bodies slightly, bared their teeth and roared.

Li Yichen looked at the wolves, frowned, then turned the car and drove into the distance. He stopped after driving nearly a kilometer, then walked to the truck body, put the sniper rifle on the front of the car, and aimed at the mountain. Wolf on the hill.

Because he had never seen such creatures, Li Yichen didn't know what their abilities were, so he didn't shoot with a gun just now. Now that the distance was so far, no matter how the wolves reacted, Li Yichen could always run away in time.


Aiming at the head of a wolf, Li Yichen adjusted his breathing slightly, and then pulled the trigger. The bullet penetrated the wolf's head before the sound of the gunshot was heard. The wolf fell headlong without even wailing. He fell to the ground, his limbs twitching slightly.

The death of this wolf shocked the other wolves, and they immediately began to run around wildly, barking continuously. However, it was obvious that they could not find the source of the attack. Li Yichen pulled the bolt of the gun and put another bullet into the gun. Chamber!

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

The sniper rifles kept roaring, and the wolves on the hill fell to the ground one after another. The last few remaining wolves finally felt fear and hid in the trees with their tails between their legs.

Li Yichen moved the sniper rifle and searched for the hiding wolves in the scope. After killing two more wolves, he finally found no trace of the wolves. So he put away the sniper rifle, returned to the cab, and took out his submachine gun. After checking the magazine, he drove towards the hill again.

There are at least four wolves in the hills now, but they are all hiding in the small bushes. They can't be seen outside, so they can only get closer. After arriving at the hill, Li Yichen jumped out of the car, looked at the small bushes, and breathed. After taking a breath, he walked up the hill with a submachine gun.

This hill is actually quite large, but not very high. The highest point is only about twenty meters. It is covered with trees six to seven meters high and as thick as arms. It seems that it should be the territory of those wolves.

To be honest, seeing these wolves gave Li Yichen some confidence. At least their existence should indicate that those monsters would not come here. Otherwise, those wolves would have been eaten by them long ago.

In this case, this place should be considered safe. You can hide here at night, observe the actions of those monsters, and then consider how to act next.

Li Yichen now only hopes that the way he solves this puzzle does not require him to kill all the monsters, otherwise, he will have nothing to play with.

Walking into the jungle, Li Yichen immediately heard the menacing roars of wolves. Then, six wolves appeared from the jungle and surrounded Li Yichen. Looking at these wolves, Li Yichen couldn't help but frown.

The eyes of these wolves were scarlet, and the pupils were bright yellow, with some weird markings. They looked a little scary and weird, and Li Yichen also smelled a putrid smell.

"Damn it! Isn't this wolf also a zombie wolf?"

Li Yichen murmured, but seeing that these wolves did not rush up to him immediately, and when he first came here, these wolves also roared threateningly, and he did not chase after them when he left. It doesn't seem like a zombie that goes crazy when it smells flesh and blood.

However, no matter what they were, they couldn't be Li Yichen's friends, so Li Yichen directly raised his gun and pulled the trigger at the wolf in front of him.

The roar of the submachine gun was not loud, but the wolves seemed to be afraid of these sounds. Except for the two wolves that were directly in front of them and were killed by Li Yichen, the other wolves turned around and ran away after the gunshot. Go down the hill and run into the distance.

These wolves all ran in their own directions, and one actually ran directly towards the city...

Li Yichen did not chase the wolves. Instead, he searched carefully in the woods and found a few wolf cubs. The wolves must not have been weaned yet. He just opened his eyes. After taking a look, Li Yichen stopped. Pay attention and continue searching the woods.

Soon, Li Yichen searched the entire forest. It turned out that this was the den of the wolves, and it was located in the center of the forest, so it had a strong rancid smell.

Moreover, there are a lot of skeletons in the woods. Li Yichen can't tell what animals these bones belong to, but this at least shows that there are other creatures in this world, and they should be around, otherwise, those Wolves would not use this as a den.

However, Li Yichen didn't care about other creatures now. He wanted to figure out the monsters in the city first. As for the wolves that were killed, Li Yichen didn't plan to use them as food because the wolves looked a little weird.

Choosing a place in front of the jungle, Li Yichen dragged a tent from the car and set it up. He was going to spend the night here, and of course he had to find a more comfortable place.

It's a pity that the trees are not tall enough for him to build a cabin on them, otherwise it would be safer to sleep in the trees.

After setting up his simple camp, Li Yichen set up many traps around him and parked his car nearby. At this time, the sky gradually began to darken.

Although the hill was not very high, the city could still be seen. Li Yichen picked up the binoculars and sniper rifle, climbed up a tree, and looked towards the city.


That is……"

Just as Li Yichen was casually looking around the city, he suddenly discovered two fast-moving lights...


Li Yichen immediately understood what he saw, but because of the obstruction of the building, he only saw the light flashing twice and then disappearing.

"Is there anyone?"

Li Yichen was overjoyed, but it was too late now. He didn't want to enter the city when it was about to get dark, so he remembered the location where the lights disappeared and would go there tomorrow to take a look. If he could find survivors, at least he could Know exactly what is going on here.

Darkness soon enveloped the earth, and Li Yichen cheered up, picked up a telescope with night vision function, and looked at the city carefully.

Not long after, the monsters he saw yesterday appeared again. This time Li Yichen could see clearly that those guys emerged from the ground, and some even rushed out of the sewer wells.

Thinking back to when he was walking around the city during the day, all the manhole covers he saw were covered. Li Yichen couldn't help but frowned. These guys...did they know how to cover the manhole covers when they went back?

Do they still retain some consciousness?

Watching the actions of these monsters carefully, Li Yichen found that these guys had no destructive power. Although they ran around in the city and even climbed various buildings, they did not destroy any buildings, even those buildings. They didn't break a single piece of glass.

Thinking about the situation when he was collecting supplies in the mall, Li Yichen couldn't help but shake his head. If these guys don't eat ordinary food and only eat meat, then where is the source of food for them without leaving the city?

Although it is said that zombies cannot die without eating for a long time, and they will wander around the streets tirelessly, after all, zombies move slowly and consume little energy. And these guys can climb high and low without food. I'm afraid this kind of consumption cannot be maintained.

(Zombie: Pull it down. This is a novel. It’s not surprising that a perpetual motion machine appears. So why are you taking it seriously?


Li Yichen also walked around the city for a while. In addition to looking for various supplies and changing cars, he also observed carefully. He did not find any living life, not even small insects such as flies. No.

Moreover, Li Yichen also paid attention to the building where he was hiding before. Many monsters rushed towards the building after they appeared. It seemed that they were the ones who besieged him yesterday, but Li Yichen did not find anything particularly outstanding among them. monster.

Didn't that particularly strong guy come out?

Probably not?

He must have been smashing all night last night, there is no reason why he can't come out today?

Li Yichen couldn't help but point his telescope at the building and began to search carefully...

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