Hearing Robert's words, Li Yichen was suddenly stunned. Is his name really Sam?

So this is that movie?

Time rules puzzle is a movie?

Where to follow?

However, the most important thing at the moment is how to deal with Robert's doubts. Li Yichen's mind flashed, he came here, what is the mystery?

He had seen this movie, although he had only seen it once, but because it was a good movie, Li Yichen remembered it roughly. This movie has two endings, one is that Robert dies, and the other is that he lives. Go down and leave the city with the heroine and the child.

Moreover, according to the plot of the movie, Robert should have met the mother and son at this time, because on the night he strangled the dog to death, Robert was impulsively preparing to seek revenge from those monsters, and then was trapped in the car. , almost died, but was later saved by the mother and son.

But according to what Robert said just now, his dog died yesterday, which means that he either did not seek revenge on those monsters last night, or the mother and son had rescued him.

Thinking about the car lights he saw last night, could it be the car that the mother and son brought him back?

If that were the case...those monsters would have found this place today.

Li Yichen suddenly broke out in a cold sweat, but then he immediately looked around, but didn't see anyone, so he immediately asked:

"What about mother and son?"

"What mother and son?"

Robert was stunned for a moment, and then said:

"Don't interrupt, answer my question first, how do you know my dog's name is Sam?"

"I'll explain that later, but now tell me about the mother and son?

And you went to take revenge on those monsters last night. What was the result? "

"How do you know I'm going to take revenge on those monsters?"

Robert was stunned again, and then suddenly sat down frustrated:

"That guy moved for some reason. I went there yesterday but couldn't find him, so he came back!"


Li Yichen was also stunned, and then suddenly an idea flashed in his heart:

"Among the monsters in this city... is there only one that is particularly powerful?"


Robert nodded:

"He is the leader of all monsters. He usually lives in the underground parking lot of a building on Winston Street. But yesterday I went there and didn't see him, not even the other monsters. I didn't dare to go far, so It’s back again!”


Li Yichen thought for a while, he came the day before yesterday, and was blocked in the building by the monster leader the night before yesterday. The monster leader should be the husband of the butterfly zombie woman, who almost killed Robert in the movie, and finally came The one who asked Robert for help!

Because Robert has already said that there is only one leader among the monsters in this city, so the one who smashed his cabinet must be the one who has a grudge against Robert. And the leader attacked him the night before last night, and he must not be reconciled last night, so As soon as it got dark, he went over to smash the cabinet again, but because the guy was similar in size to other monsters, he didn't recognize it.

And this is also the reason why Robert didn't find the guy last night. It seems that because of his intervention, the plot has changed, but where are the mother and son?

However, thinking of this, Li Yichen is no longer so worried. Since the mother and daughter did not show up, Robert came back by himself last night. With his caution, he will definitely not expose this place, so the plot of monsters coming to siege this place should be done for the time being. It won't happen either.

But the question is... what kind of mystery is this?

How can I untie myself?

Not even a hint!

Li Yichen searched his memories and found no puzzle similar to this one. He couldn't help but feel depressed. Could it be that... his appearance had led to changes in the plot, so he had to find a way to bring the plot back?

But even if the plot is directed back, what does it have to do with time?

This is a tower gate with time rules, and the puzzle that needs to be solved must be related to time.


Li Yichen frowned and thought hard. If the puzzle in the tower gate of Time Rules was a movie, this would be nothing, but you should at least make one about time travel, right?

Is it possible to make a post-apocalyptic movie simply to fit the theme of the novel?


Li Yichen suddenly remembered that the beginning of this movie seemed to be three years ago, and then it cut into the theme and arrived three years later. During this period, Robert often dreamed that he would go back to three years ago when he sent his wife and daughter away. of that time.

If it’s related to time, then this should be it, right?

But the problem is...how could I go back in time to three years ago?

If Li Yichen still has all his strength now, it can be considered. At least he has mastered the rules of space. Even if he is not as familiar with the rules of space, he can at least try it.

But now, he is just an ordinary person and can't even mobilize his life energy. How can he turn back time?

Kesai can just stop time.

While Li Yichen was thinking, Robert did not rush to question Li Yichen, but fell into deep thought. It seemed that Li Yichen's words just now reminded him of the dog again.

"your family……"

After thinking for a long time, Li Yichen couldn't come up with a clue, so he raised his head and looked at Robert and asked again.

"Three years ago... I sent them away, but... the helicopter was..."

Robert shook his head and spoke slowly. This time, what he said was consistent with the plot. When a disaster occurred, Robert used his identity to send his wife and children to the helicopter, and his daughter left Sam to stay with him. As a result, When the helicopter took off, another helicopter was attacked by monsters and crashed.

After that, Robert decided to stay in the city because of guilt, study viruses, and try to save mankind. Yesterday, he took Sam out, and Sam entered a building while following Robert to track a deer—— It was the building where the monster leader lived. He was bitten in the end and died not long after he escaped.

"Wait...you mean...you entered a building while chasing a deer, and Sam was bitten there and died?"

When Li Yichen heard this, he immediately felt something was wrong. There was this scene in the movie, but Sam was not bitten that time. Sam was bitten probably because Robert fell into the trap of those monsters, and then the monster leader released the dog. Bite them, Sam was bitten by a dog in order to save Robert, and finally mutated, only to be strangled to death by Robert!

"That's right! I told Sam not to go in. Although those guys don't dare to come out during the day, they can still move around in the building!"

Robert shook his head and said in frustration.

"So...how are the mice you studied doing?"

Li Yichen asked again.

"who are you?

What else do you know? "

After hearing this, Robert finally couldn't sit still. He stood up and stared at Li Yichen and asked.

"I can't explain it to you now because you won't believe it, but...as you said, I have no reason to harm you, right?"

Li Yichen spread his hands and said.

Robert looked at Li Yichen and nodded gently after a long time. Then he stood up, waved to Li Yichen and said:

"follow me!"

After crossing the room, Robert took Li Yichen to a laboratory. At the door of the laboratory, Robert took off a white coat hanging at the door and put it on himself. As he put it on, he said:

"Sam can't come in here, so I prepared one, and I'll prepare one for you next time!"

Li Yichen didn't express an opinion on this, but he felt something was wrong.

Sure enough, after entering the laboratory, Li Yichen did not see the zombie girl with a butterfly tattoo on her body who was captured by Robert. Instead, Robert showed him many cabinets containing mice.

"I've been in a bad mood for the past two days, so I haven't come to see it, but... to be honest, I actually don't have much hope!"

Robert said as he pulled back the cloth covering the mouse cabinet, then looked at the aggressive mice, shook his head and knocked on the glass of a cabinet:

"It's still too aggressive. It seems... those vaccines have no effect! In the past three years, I have been analyzing these viruses and trying to cure those people, but... it seems my knowledge is still not enough!"

"Maybe not?"

Li Yichen pointed to a cabinet on the lower floor and said.


Robert looked in the direction pointed by Li Yichen, suddenly stopped, then approached the cabinet, looked at the mouse carefully, teased it with his hand, and found that it did not attack him. He immediately ran to the computer and took the He picked up a camera and clipped it to his glasses, then went to the mouse's cabinet and started recording it verbally.

Li Yichen watched quietly from the side. He now understood that this puzzle was indeed related to time, because the timeline of the entire movie seemed to be messed up.

According to the plot of the movie, Robert first discovered the abnormality of the mouse, and then thought of catching a zombie for experiment, and almost succeeded, changing the woman back, and then the zombie leader set a trap to catch his girlfriend in order to save him Robert lived, and Sam died as a result. After that, the mother and daughter appeared, and the rest of the plot took place.

I remember in the movie, when Robert came down, Sam should be waiting for him at the door, but now, Sam is dead, and Robert has just discovered the abnormality of the mouse. What follows...

Li Yichen just thought of this. Robert had already finished taking notes. He took off his glasses, then pulled Li Yichen and said:

"Come on! Do me a favor! We need a new test subject!"

"New test subject?"

Li Yichen looked at Robert:

"You don't want to catch a zombie and bring it back, do you?"

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