Apocalyptic garbage classification system

Chapter 987 The meaning of existence

Following the direction Casey pointed, Li Yichen looked at the mountain carefully, but because he had been driving the car, he didn't notice any changes in the mountain.

"Have you noticed this phenomenon?"

Li Yichen turned to look at Robert and asked.

"No! I've never been out! They were all in the city!"

Robert also shook his head and said, originally in the film, he was always in the city, until the end, in one of the endings, he left the city with the mother and son! In another ending, Robert simply used a grenade to die with the zombies.

"So, if this is a movie world, then there is no need for other cities, so no matter how long we go, the road ahead will not change!"

Casey said pointing forward.

"Hi! Lee!"

Hearing Casey's words, Robert suddenly let out a strange scream. He glared at Li Yichen and said:

"Don't you want to explain to me what the movie world is?

Why are there no other cities here?

Of course there are cities over there, I’ve been to them! "

"Then why can't we get to the next city?"

Without waiting for Li Yichen to answer, Casey asked politely. It seemed that after accepting that he was a movie character, Casey had become very calm and was even in the mood to discuss some strange things about the world with Li Yichen!

"Robert! Be quiet! I won't tell you now because I haven't confirmed it yet. Besides... you are with us now. What we can see, you can also see, right?"

Look at the mountains over there, and then look at the front of us, don't you think...there's something wrong with this? "

Li Yichen looked at Robert and said.

"Okay! If it comes to that..."

Robert was stunned for a moment, then looked outside the car:

"There's something wrong with the damn car and the road. The scenes we see seem to be exactly the same! It's like we haven't moved!"

Li Yichen looked at the speedometer and did not explain, because Robert and Casey were both in the car. Even without looking at the speedometer, they knew that the car had been traveling at high speed.

"Turn around!"

After thinking about it, Robert suddenly turned to look at Li Yichen:

"If...I mean if, our world is really the damn movie world you mentioned, then if we look back, we should be able to return to the city where we started from soon, right?"

Li Yichen looked at Casey, who nodded, so Li Yichen immediately turned around and drove towards the city...

The road back is obviously different, at least the scenery in front of us is changing, and the outline of Niuyue City is gradually appearing in front of us.

"It looks like we should be able to enter the city in less than half an hour!"

Looking forward, Casey said, and then looked back at the back. Robert also looked behind subconsciously, with a solemn look on his face.

Sure enough, about half an hour later, their car entered New York City again. Looking at the familiar city, Robert let out a sigh of relief:

“It’s better to feel more familiar here!”

"Robert! Why...you have never thought of going to other cities while you are here?

You are the only one here. If you go to other cities, maybe you can find other survivors? "

Casey looked at Robert's expression and suddenly asked.

“How comfortable am I here alone?

The whole city belongs to me. As long as I don't seek death and run out at night, I can do whatever I want in this city! Why go to other cities to find survivors? "

Robert looked at Casey, pointed to the city outside and replied:

"Although I'm alone, I'm not alone either. There used to be Sam...but it's a pity...it couldn't survive it!"

"Isn't it right?

I remember...even when Sam was still alive, you kept sending broadcasts to the outside world, looking for any survivors! "

Li Yichen looked at Robert's somewhat dim eyes and asked.

"I don't know either!"

Robert shook his head:

"After the disaster started, I planned to leave, but when I saw the helicopter explode in front of me, I didn't want to leave. Maybe... I subconsciously didn't want to see other people's families, right?"

Leaning on the back of the chair, Robert looked out the window:

"As soon as the disaster started, my family was gone. I took Sam to hide around the city, looking for any resources that could be used. For more than three years, I have become accustomed to this kind of life, so I I don’t want to go to other cities!”

"Not necessarily! If this is the only city in your world, then you may not only be unable to leave by driving, it may even make you subconsciously not want to leave here!"

Casey said suddenly.


Who is that? "

Robert frowned and looked at Casey and asked.

"Maybe it's God, maybe it's Mary, anyway, she's the one who created this world!"

Casey pointed to his head:

"Everything has its source, so...how did our world come about?

And there is only this one city. I think it should be easier to create such a small world than to create a complete universe, right? "

"Look! There is only you and maybe a dog in this city. As for those zombies, they will not appear during the day. Therefore, as long as the creator of the world leaves you alone in your subconscious, If he wants to leave this city, then there is no need for him to create a larger area!"

"Create the world?"

Hearing Casey's words, Li Yichen was also thoughtful. The Speaker said that their ultimate goal in solving the mystery here is to become a creation god and a being who can create a world. Then...the current world, Was it also created by such a creature?

You know, there are quite a few similar worlds. Almost a puzzle is equal to a unique world. So many worlds... just like Cathy said, they can't come out of thin air. So... who created it? After entering these worlds, what is his purpose in letting himself enter here?

If the people who created these worlds are the so-called Creator Gods, that is, the realm that the Speaker dreams of reaching, then these Creator Gods created these worlds just so that more lives can become as powerful as them?

This seems... a little unreasonable. I haven't heard that the God of Creation likes to imitate Lei Feng?

Create some worlds, and instead of perfecting them, turn them into some broken worlds, allowing other creatures to experiment in them to find ways to create the world?

Li Yichen felt something vaguely in his heart, but he could never catch the feeling. He felt that the existence of these worlds had something to do with those dimensional universes.

Li Yichen himself has also experienced many dimensional universes, from the earth where he was born, to the trial land, to the earth where the undead are, and even the goblin plane, and later the source world, heaven realm, and even The world we are in now is, strictly speaking, a dimensional universe.

Of course, this world may be relatively small, only as big as a city, but really speaking, it is just like a small bungalow and a large villa. Although the sizes are different, they are still houses!

Just like the earth, speaking of which, the earth is in the universe, and the entire universe is boundless, but who has actually entered the universe and personally measured the length of the universe?

Although the universe is said to be so big, without actually entering the universe, who knows whether it really exists?

Just like the road they took just now, Robert also said before that the road leads to the next city, but that was just his opinion, but he had never been to that city.

Therefore, when I was on the earth, I thought the universe would be boundless. But when people really enter space, who knows whether it will become like the road just now, which will never end. What I see around me is Endless void?

For a moment, Li Yichen was suddenly confused. Among the dimensional universes he had visited...which one was real?

Is it like this world that only exists for a special reason?

Moreover, if Robert, Kathy, and others are all characters in a certain movie, what about you?

Could it be that he is actually a character who exists in a certain movie, novel, or TV series?

Will there be people watching and even commenting on everything I have experienced along the way?

If that's the case...then what's the meaning of my own existence?

Are you trying to solve the puzzle yourself to create a world, or to get rid of a world?

"Lee! What's wrong with you?"

While Li Yichen was thinking about this, Robert and Casey were also arguing. Li Yichen was distracted and drove the car along the road. Soon Robert realized something was wrong and quickly grabbed Li Yichen's arm. shouted in the ear.


Only then did Li Yichen come to his senses. He pressed the brakes hard and turned to look at Robert and Casey who were looking at him with strange expressions. He suddenly sighed and said with a wry smile:

"It's nothing... I'm actually just thinking, is the world we live in really created by humans?

So... what is the meaning of our existence? "

Hearing Li Yichen's words, Robert and Casey suddenly fell silent together. The three of them just sat in the car, each thinking about their own thoughts. No one knew how to answer Li Yichen's question.

Soon, the sun sank, the sky began to get dark, and the alarm clock on Robert's watch also rang. Robert raised his arm and turned off the alarm clock, and then looked at Li Yichen and Casey.

Dark night is coming, and the city will soon turn into a world of zombies, but it seems that neither Li Yichen nor Casey wants to get out of the car.

Looking at the sky outside, Robert suddenly smiled, and he reached out and opened the car door...

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