Apocalyptic Garbage Sorting System

Chapter 825:  It was a waste of effort!

Li Yichen didn't know what the Zerg King Grijalva had made, but at least he knew that if the Zerg were to connect the spiked castle with the Worm Nest, there would be some trouble.

Although he himself is not afraid, those soldiers can't do it, and the system space can't take those soldiers in, let them fight the Zerg in the Worm Nest, even if there is a spiked castle!

After all, the Worm’s Nest is the home ground of the Zerg. The life energy within the Worm’s Nest will be absorbed by the Worm’s Nest, which is equivalent to a cost-free battle. Even if the 50,000 fighters are beaten with iron, they cannot hold on forever. .

"Everyone, prepare for the second set of defense!"

Li Yichen immediately shouted to the terminal, this spiked castle is not only in its current form, when it was built, Li Yichen had already thought about many possibilities, because it was a battle with the Zerg. Once it was opened, it would definitely be endless. He There was no time to remodel the castle, so I designed it first.

Tokugawa and the others had already learned about the function of the castle through the terminal, and upon hearing this, they all left their current defensive positions and entered the castle.

Seeing that the Terran warriors disappeared, the Zerg did not respond. Now the Worm’s Nest is being built, and it is impossible to complete it in a short time. The order Grijalva gave them was to let them surround the castle and build the Worm Nest. Surrounded by that castle is enough.

After the encirclement, not only Grijalva can control Li Yichen with his time ability, but the zergs can also attack the castle frantically without consumption, and destroy all these human races by means of war of attrition.

When all the soldiers entered the castle, the appearance of the castle began to change. All the platforms opened up, revealing holes. From the holes, a muzzle came out, and the soldiers were already sitting on those big ones. The rear of the caliber machine gun is ready for war.

"Free shooting, don't worry about ammunition!"

Li Yichen's voice sounded from the terminal again. These machine guns were all 20mm-caliber machine guns, integrated with the spiked castle, and the barrels were unique. No matter the recoil or the high temperature caused by continuous shooting, don't worry.

Moreover, the machine gun supply system is also hidden in the strong shell of the castle, and the soldiers don't even need to change the bullet chain!

Following Li Yichen's orders, thousands of machine guns roared together, spitting out tongues of fire in all directions. The insects surrounding the castle did not dare to leave because of orders. They were all targets, and they were torn apart by huge kinetic energy. A green "blood rain" began.

The remains and blood of the Zerg fell around the castle, while Li Yichen started to circle inside the castle. Because the distance was enough, all the Zerg's remains were recovered by him into the system.

Of course the Zerg King Grijalva saw this situation, but he did not change his mind. In his opinion, although they will lose some life energy now, there is no intelligent Zerg who surrounds the castle anyway, and other insects die. The point is dead, given the huge base of the Zerg, this loss can't even be regarded as injury.

Moreover, although he didn't know where these Zerg remains were received by that human, as long as his plan was completed and all humans were killed, then these life energy could naturally be reclaimed by him.

The attacked bugs also began to counterattack. However, the shooting position of each machine gun was closed. The soldiers aimed directly from the monitoring screen above the machine gun. Although this might be a little awkward, it was at least safe enough. The attack could not hit those fighters.

Soon, the Zergs surrounding the castle became sparse, so the warriors targeted the large beetles that were building their nests. Now around the spiked castle, most of the Zergs are of that kind of solid carapace. That kind, even a 20mm bullet, can't penetrate their armor.

However, these insects also have their own weaknesses, that is, they can only be on the ground. With such a heavy carapace, they can't fly, and the carapace can't protect their abdomen, so they can only lie on the ground motionless.

Naturally, the big beetles that build the nests can't lie on the ground, but even their heads are covered by carapace, and the teeth of their mouths are also fearless of bullets, so the soldiers can't help them.

Seeing this situation, Grijalva did not send the Zerg to surround the castle again. Anyway, his purpose was to build a worm nest to surround the castle. As long as these humans didn’t come out to make trouble, he didn’t bother to worry about it—whatever was waiting for me. After the worm nest is built, I don’t believe it is in my nest, and I can’t cure you.

Of course, Li Yichen also noticed this situation, so a teleport appeared at the top of the spiked castle, watching those big beetles that were constantly building insect nests, stretched out his hand, Tianya appeared in his hand, and then opened his bow. The feathered arrow struck out and shot towards the beetles...

The soldiers of the Hell Capital also stopped firing at this time, watching all the arrows shot by Li Yichen.

Those feather arrows look like ordinary feather arrows. Compared with the 20mm caliber bullets, they are not enough to see. However, Li Yichen has always been omnipotent in the minds of the warriors of the Hell Capital, so the eyes are full of Extremely looking forward to it! !


Several feather arrows hit their targets. Of course, the sound made by the bow and arrow was incomparable to that of a bullet. It just made some slight whistling sounds. However, the effect of the feather arrow was much better than that of a bullet.

Li Yichen’s aiming point was the heads of the big beetles. At the moment when the feather arrows hit, a black round hole appeared on the front end of each feather arrow, and a big gap appeared in the body of those beetles. Part of the body was swallowed by the black hole-space torn apart!

This is a newly developed ability of Li Yichen himself. After compressing his own space rules, attach it to the tip of the feather arrow. After hitting, the compressed space will be released instantly, tearing the surrounding space at the same time.

Although this tearing is only a moment, it is the rules of space after all, ignoring any defenses. Therefore, the strong carapace of those big beetles is completely useless under the attack of the space tearing arrow.

Seeing that his attack was effective, Li Yichen immediately bent his bow and drew arrows again, his hands kept moving, and the feathers and arrows shot towards the beetles that built the nest.

Grijalva was shocked and hurriedly controlled the return of the beetles, but the problem is that this large beetle, which is only responsible for building the nest, pays attention to defense, so it is very slow and has no time to return, and has no ability to avoid Li Yichen's feather arrows!


Seeing this, a large group of Zerg came out of the Worm’s Nest again, and rushed towards the Spiked Castle. However, the Worm’s Nest is two kilometers away from the Spiked Castle. Although many bugs can fly, there is no time. .

However, after discovering that all the Zerg races were pouring out and intending to rescue the big beetles, Li Yichen pulled his bow again, and after killing a dozen big beetles, suddenly his body flashed and disappeared at the top of the castle.

"Where is Brother Yi?"

"I don't know! In the castle?"

"I didn't see it, I didn't!"

"Will you go to the Worm's Nest?"


Seeing that Li Yichen disappeared, the soldiers who had been watching the battle couldn't help looking everywhere, but Chang Guchuan immediately shouted:

"Don't look for it, where do you care about Brother Yi? Ready to fight, the bug is here again!"

Hearing Tsuguyagawa's order, the soldiers immediately turned their machine guns and aimed them at the influx of insects.

Of course, Li Yichen did not return to the castle, because he found that the Zerg seemed to cherish the big beetles. After so many insects died before, the Zerg did not say to withdraw them.

But how many big beetles he killed before, the Zerg not only immediately wanted to withdraw those big beetles that were building their nests, but also sent so many Zerg troops to cover their retreat!

Therefore, Li Yichen immediately thought that these big beetles should be more important to the Zerg, so he immediately used teleport to recover all the big beetles that he killed.

Because these big beetles did not attack the castle, they built insect nests around the castle, so after they died, the corpses were naturally some distance away from the castle. After the corpses of these insects were recovered, Li Yichen teleported again and came to the side of the castle. With a wave of his hand, he exchanged three missile launchers, and then ignited all six missiles on the launchers.

After all this was done, Li Yichen strayed again and returned to the spiked castle. Just as he returned to the castle, the gunshots in the castle also sounded at the same time—the bugs had already arrived over the castle!

These insects are all low-level. They are not here to attack, but to cover the retreat of the big beetles, so just block the line of sight here. Now fighting with humans, the Zerg seems to be saving life energy.

And shortly after the gunshots sounded above the castle, several huge explosions came from the missiles that Li Yichen had fired before.

These missiles exploded very close to the spiked castle, and even caused the spiked castle to shake, because the target of the missile launched by Li Yichen was not the insect nest, but the Zerg built between the insect nest and the spike castle. The road to the nest.

This road is only about two kilometers, but Li Yichen is certainly not stupid enough to blow a missile to the castle, so the attack range is only 1.5 kilometers of the insect nest!

For the insect nest that has not been built, the missile is still effective. The power of six missiles directly blows up the insect nest that the big beetle has built before, and there are six large pits on the ground, and the insect is flying out of the nest. Naturally, those bugs were also bad luck, they were blown up to pieces, and the debris was everywhere.

All the Zerg’s previous efforts were completely cleared at this moment...

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