Apocalyptic Garbage Sorting System

Chapter 830:  The king of the zerg strikes

"Swish swish!"

Li Yichen didn't stop at all. When he came to the top of the insect swarm, he immediately opened the horizon, facing the insect swarm below it was a thunder light purgatory, and at the tips of those arrows, he was attached to the lightning element wrapped by the rules of space. !

"Puff puff……"

Because they are at high altitude, although the insects can fly to this altitude, their bodies are far less flexible than at low altitudes. Moreover, they have hovered upwards for a long time, and naturally they are somewhat exhausted. Therefore, under the coverage and shooting of Thunder Light Purgatory, one after another arrow!

Although those arrows are insignificant compared to the huge body of the Zerg, after all, all the arrows are attached with miniature lightning bombs, and the Lightning Purgatory itself also has lightning attributes and paralysis effects.

The wings of the Zerg are not like the wings of a bird. They are composed of their own flesh and blood and feathers. They are the wings of a crustacean. Under the attack of the lightning element, they are instantly scorched, and the body is temporarily paralyzed. The group suddenly fell downward.

Li Yichen stared at the wise zerg and shot another arrow. Although the wise zerg who was in free fall knew that the arrow could not resist, but he could no longer control his body at this time, and watched the feather arrow penetrate him. Head!

His figure flashed, and the corpse of the wise zerg was recovered. As for the other zergs, because they were only hit by the arrow, they did not die. Li Yichen ignored it, but stopped again and began to build a space channel.

Although taking advantage of the time when the Zerg was down, he could shoot those Zergs one by one, and then recover their corpses to obtain life energy, but Li Yichen now intends to smash with the Zergs, and will never stop without tearing their shells. , So the Zerg’s life energy will be his sooner or later, so he doesn’t need to be in a hurry!

Subsequently, Li Yichen began to construct spatial passages continuously, because there are too many spatial passages constructed today. Although these spatial passages are short distances, the consumption of space rules is still a lot.

Later, Li Yichen even rested on it for a night, waiting for the restoration of the internal space rules, and then completed all the space channels.

When Li Yichen was resting, he saw that the Zerg below was attacking the spiked fortress, but the spiked fortress was now an iron lump, and there was no one inside. Of course Li Yichen wouldn't care.

As for himself, no Zerg tried to attack him anymore, and even the A-Class Zerg who was below all returned to the Worm Nest.

After constructing the space channels, Li Yichen felt the space rules in his body, and felt that it should be almost enough, and only then began to detonate these space channels again.

The space coordinates Li Yichen got this time were all close to the previously torn Worm Nest, and he planned to enlarge the scale of those holes.

After the continuous space explosion, all the holes in the Worm's Nest that were being repaired were enlarged, and dozens of large beetles that were repairing the Worm's Nest were swallowed by the spatial turbulence created by the space explosion.

However, the area of ​​the Worm’s Nest is too large. Although continuous spatial explosions have destroyed the Worm’s Nest a lot, it will take a long time to completely empty the Worm’s Nest.

But Li Yichen had no other way. He tried countless times, and this method worked, so he could only continue. Moreover, he didn't dare to wait too long, because if he comes again after a while, I am afraid that the insect nest will be destroyed again. Fixed it.

However, after this space explosion, the Zerg did not continue to let the construction beetles repair the nest. After all, these big beetles were too expensive to manufacture, and Grijalva was unwilling to waste it.

There are not many big beetles now, and if you continue to send them to repair the nest, I am afraid there will be more losses.

Seeing Li Yichen come down to obtain the space coordinates again, Grijalva finally couldn't sit still, because he knew very well that if this human continued to do this, his lair would definitely be torn down.

If the entire worm nest is really torn down, the Zerg race's biggest reliance can be gone, not to mention, what if the space created by the human race explodes on the core side?

Because he wanted to obtain the space coordinates, Li Yichen exchanged for the helicopter again, and then came down and started shooting at the Worm’s Nest. In fact, Grijalva worried that the core of the Worm’s Nest was unnecessary. Because Li Yichen had made up his mind, he continued to blow up the Worm’s Nest. The insect nest near the hole until the entire insect nest is removed.

The core of the worm's nest is half on the ground and half underground, and the worm's nest is high enough, he estimated that it will not blow up the core of the worm nest in the end!

Of course, if Li Yichen exploded to the end, the Worm Nest would be gone, and the remaining core would be of little use.


Li Yichen drives a helicopter to shoot at the holes in the Worm’s Nest, and obtains the space coordinates through the space rules attached to the bullets. He is not greedy. Each hole takes the space coordinates of two points relative to each other, because he cannot accurately predict. How much space explosion will expand the hole, so it can only be exploded once and then taken down again, it cannot be done all at once.

And even if he can obtain so many space coordinates and construct so many space channels, there is no way to detonate these space channels at once-it consumes too much!


Just when Li Yichen was shooting the insect nest, two black shadows suddenly appeared from the insect nest and swooped towards the helicopter. The speed was so fast that they could almost catch up with the teleport. The helicopter had no time to dodge and was directly hit by the silhouette. , Then turned into a fireball and exploded.

"What a powerful breath of life!"

Li Yichen looked at the two Zergs who had just destroyed his helicopter from a high altitude. Although the helicopter could not dodge the previous attack, of course Li Yichen himself could. Before the black shadow appeared, he had something in his heart. This kind of warning sign, so he teleported out of the helicopter immediately, and climbed a lot towards the sky.

The two Zergs that destroyed the helicopter are not too big, and neither are flying Zergs. One of them looks a bit like an ant, and the other is a spider, the king of Zerg. Halva! !

Obviously, Grijalva wanted to take the shot himself and take Li Yichen down, but he didn't expect Li Yichen to react so quickly that even his mortal blow was avoided.

Grijalva and another Zerg were thrown up by other Zergs, so that they could reach the fastest speed, even in the stage of being just thrown away, Grijalva also used the rules of time to accelerate.

It's a pity that the Zerg's time rule comes from the Worm's Nest, so it can only be used when they have not yet flown out of the Worm's Nest, so the effect is not very significant.

Because Grijalva and the other Zerg were not flying Zergs, after destroying the helicopter, the two of them moved up a distance again and began to fall.

In fact, with Grijalva's ability, he can stay in the air at this height for a period of time, but he is not a flying zerg after all, and fighting in the air does not belong to the home field.

In addition, through other wise zergs, Grijalva has already understood some of Li Yichen’s abilities. According to his judgment, if fighting in the air, Li Yichen is capable of killing himself. Therefore, after the sneak attack fails, he will naturally not stay. Go down.

However, when Grijalva and another Wise Zerg fell, other Zergs flew out of the Nest, including six flying Wise Zergs and other S-level or A-level Zergs.

After these zergs got out of the worm's nest, they rushed towards Li Yichen in the air, because now Li Yichen is not so high, there are many zergs that can reach this height, and of course Grijalva will not save more troops.

Moreover, although he is not a strong space system, Grijalva also guessed that Li Yichen's helicopter shot at the Worm's Nest in the air must be obtaining space coordinates!

After all, this kind of bullets cannot cause harm to the Worm's Nest itself. Even bullets shot from the holes in the Worm's Nest do not pose any threat to the Zerg. There is no reason for that human being to do such unnecessary things.

Seeing the Zerg rushing towards him, Li Yichen certainly wouldn't fight it. Now the Zerzu's reaction just proved that his previous series of operations were very useful, and they were already anxious.

Although Li Yichen didn't have much fear in fighting these zergs, it was not necessary. It not only consumed his own energy, but also wasted time.

As a result, Li Yichen teleported several times in a row, came to the sky again, and began to recover his consumption.

Although he had obtained a few space coordinates just now, Li Yichen didn't just explode like this. At least he had to get all the space coordinates near the hole.

Before his space rules have not been fully restored, and coupled with the detonation of the space channel consumption, Li Yichen is not in a full state now, and now the Zerg is a little anxious, no one knows whether the Zerg has any back-hands or necessary killing skills. Yes, so of course Li Yichen must be careful.

In fact, the Zerg really doesn't have any hole cards now. The time rule is that it is useless if Li Yichen is not close to the Worm's Nest, and there are many types of Zergs, including ground and underground units.

Li Yichen has been staying high in the sky now, which is tantamount to abolishing at least three-quarters of the Zerg's troops, because these guys can't get to the sky!

However, even though Li Yichen had reached the previous height, this time, the Zerg did not withdraw its troops. After seeing Li Yichen climb again, the flying Zerg did not continue to chase, but began to hover over the Worm Nest.

"This is... don't let me go down and get the space coordinates?"

Li Yichen looked at the muttering words below. At this height, although the helicopter can still be exchanged, it has exceeded the range of the airborne machine gun...

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