Apocalyptic Garbage Sorting System

Chapter 845:  Zerg Field

Li Yichen had seen Grijalva spit out a poisonous needle, and he was already on guard, but who knew that Grijalva spit out a poisonous needle this time, and after the white light left Grijalva’s mouth, It quickly grew larger, at least ten times larger than the envelope of the poisonous needle!

If Li Yichen can use the rules of space or time, then there is no problem. Whether it is time static or space conversion, Li Yichen can easily avoid the attack of this white light.

It's a pity that Li Yichen can't use these two rules now, even though he tries to retreat, he is still completely enveloped by white light.

"Spider silk?"

As soon as the white light touched his body, Li Yichen immediately understood what it was, and what Grijalva vomited was a web made up of spider silk. This kind of thing is basically a necessary ability for all spiders!


This spider silk is very sticky. When it meets Li Yichen's body, it directly attaches to it, and all the spider silks are tightening, and continue to wrap around Li Yichen's body. Li Yichen knows that he is wrong and wants to break out of the net by waving Tianya.

But this time, Tianya, which has always been unfavorable, has not been able to successfully break the spider web. Not only is the spider silk sticky, it is also quite tough, and it is also very elastic. Li Yichen's Tianya, when it is cut, actually only makes the spider silk change. Long without cutting it off.

At this time, Grijalva’s attack came again, because he was very close to Li Yichen, so this time Grijalva only used the last two spider legs to fix his body, and the other six spider legs. , And even the two fangs in his mouth, all pierced Li Yichen!

Regardless of the claws at the top of the spider legs, or the fangs in his mouth, they are quite sharp. No matter how strong Li Yichen's defense is, it is estimated that he will not be able to stop it. If all of them are caught, Li Yichen will be seriously injured if he is not dead!

Li Yichen tried to leap upwards, but the spider web covering him was connected to the ground, connecting him to the ground. Although the web was somewhat flexible, Li Yichen could not complete the jump.

At the same time, Li Yichen also tried to release lightning outwards, but the lightning element had no effect on the spider silk.


Just when Grijalva’s spider legs were only a few centimeters away from Li Yichen’s body, Li Yichen suddenly noticed that the spider silk on his body was not connected to Grijalva’s mouth. This guy just spit out a ball. The spider web came to trap him, so he immediately cried out in his heart.

The spider silk on Li Yichen disappeared instantly, and Li Yichen, who felt that he was not bound, had no time to rejoice, and his body slammed backwards. At the same time, his legs tried hard to get out of Grijalva's attack range!

Seeing his spider silks suddenly disappeared, Grijalva was stunned for a moment. He couldn't figure out how this human made his spider silks away. However, when he saw Li Yichen lying down, Ge Rihalva also reacted, the spider's legs suddenly changed direction in the air and thrust into the ground...


Although Li Yichen tried his best to dodge, his left leg was pierced by the spider leg and firmly nailed to the ground. His body, which was already sliding backward, also stopped abruptly.

Seeing the attack succeeded, Grijalva immediately raised the other three spider legs, ready to attack Li Yichen again, and Li Yichen immediately sat up, slamming his hand to cut off the spider leg that had pinned his left leg.

At the same time, Grijalva's other three spider legs had already been pierced, and Li Yichen's body rushed forward, and while leaping under Grijalva's body, he also pulled out his left leg that was nailed to the ground. .


Although Li Yichen's movements were fast, a spider leg still scratched his waist, and suddenly there was a wound 30 cm long, with deep bones visible, and blood spurted out like money.


And just after Li Yichen pounced under Grijalva, he suddenly heard a dense soft noise on his head, and before he could turn over to look, he rushed towards Grijalva with his hands and feet simultaneously.

The soft noise Li Yichen heard was that Grijalva released the needles on his stomach. Generally speaking, the spider's stomach is covered with fine hairs, and Grijalva's stomach Above, they are all sharp needles, and these needles are poisonous, and can be launched as weapons.

Because Li Yichen was under Grijalva’s body, there was no chance to escape. Although the person crawled out, his back was nailed with needles. Fortunately, the system gave him the antidote injection. The time has already worked, not only the previous paralysis effect has disappeared, but the toxins contained in the needles that pierced his body later also did not work.

Leaving Grijalva’s body, Li Yichen suddenly stood up, but at this moment, a large group of cobwebs appeared in front of him again. Grijalva did not turn around at all, because Li Yichen crawled out from under his ass. Yes, so he spouted a bunch of cobwebs directly from this position-in fact, this is what the spider originally used to spin silk!

(Zombie: Actually, I think it should be called drawing...)

This time the spider web was also quite large, and even though Li Yichen's body retreated, he was still covered by the spider web again.

Covered by the cobwebs, Li Yichen's heart was quite depressed. To be honest, this battle with Grijalva could be said to be the most awkward battle in Li Yichen's history.

For a long time, when he fights, he is used to assisting with abilities, especially space abilities. Just like just now, when he just left under the spider, he also habitually wanted to use teleport to leave, but now, he The rules of space cannot be mobilized at all. Every time I use it, I remember that I can’t teleport. When I do other actions, there will inevitably be a delay.

However, despite being covered, Li Yichen didn't feel flustered, and said directly to the system in his heart:


But this time, the spider web on Li Yichen's body did not disappear. Instead, there was a traction force that dragged his body forward.

"System! Reclaim this **** cobweb!!!"

Li Yichen shouted again in his heart.

"Host! The spider web has not been separated from the body of this big spider, and I have no way to recycle it! Because the spider web is not yet unowned!"

The system answered immediately.

Hearing the words of the system, Li Yichen suddenly frowned, and at this moment, his body was also heavily hit on the ground!


The other end of the web was still attached to Grijalva’s ass. He forcefully threw Li Yichen from behind in front of him, and then dragged the web to him again, while raising his head, the two fangs suddenly opened to both sides. , Afterwards, his mouth suddenly became huge, as if a black hole, and Li Yichen, who was entangled in the spider web, flew towards his mouth!

Seeing this situation, Li Yichen stopped struggling, because he knew that the time between himself and Grijalva would not be enough for him to break the web.

Seeing Grijalva's movements, Li Yichen knew that this guy was not planning to kill himself with his fangs, but wanted to swallow himself, who was entangled in the spider web, directly into his stomach.

Looking at Grijalva's belly, it's actually not very big, but if you want to fit him, there should be no problem.

Especially Grijalva would use poison, so entering his stomach would definitely not be a pleasant vacation trip, but Li Yichen seemed to have no other choice now.

It seems to be a long time to speak, but in fact, from the time Li Yichen was enveloped in a spider web, and then thrown to the front, and then led to Grijalva, the total time of this total did not exceed three seconds.


Li Yichen, who was entangled in the cobweb, didn't even change his trajectory in the air, and plunged straight into Grihalva's huge mouth. Then, Grijalva's mouth instantly recovered.

Even if he swallowed Li Yichen, Grijalva's stomach was not bulging at all, the same as before!

After swallowing Li Yichen, Grijalva was obviously relieved. In fact, this was a battle that broke the ship.

Zergs are different from other races, such as goblins or orcs. If they are annihilated in the Trial Land, those people left by their own planes will be enough to continue their inheritance, even if they don’t get the resources. But the resources left are enough for them to survive this era.

But Zerg, their most important thing is the Worm’s Nest. If they lose the Worm’s Nest, the entire Zerg Tribe will be destroyed. This is their foundation, especially the core of the Worm’s Nest! !

Before the Worm’s Nest was destroyed and the Wisdom Zerg was destroyed by the Li Yichen group, Grijalva had thought about whether to return to the Zerg Plane, and if he returned to the Zerg Plane, the Worm's Nest could naturally be kept, but the Zerg might be destroyed.

Everyone knows that the reason why the Zerg is strong depends on the number of worm nests. If they return to the plane of the Zerg, then they will not get any resources. With the current resources of the Zerg, rebuilding the worm nest can be done. Where's the soldier?

After losing a large number of insect soldiers, the Zerg race would basically be disqualified in the next trial, so after Li Yichen left, Grijalva thought for a long time, and finally decided to break the boat! !

Worm’s Nest has a relatively high power against the sky. In addition to the time rules, he can also shrink. This is actually a space rule, but the Zerg does not control the space rules, but he can use the Worm Nest to shrink once. This ability, The Nest can only be used three times during its lifetime.

And this time, it was the second time. Last time, using this ability, the Zerg escaped a catastrophe of annihilation and moved its place of existence. This time, it was also used at the critical moment of the life and death of the Zerg.

Moreover, when using this ability, the Zerg can also activate a rather abnormal skill at the same time, that... is the domain! !

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