Apocalyptic Garbage Sorting System

Chapter 868:  Xin Tianyu

Hearing this voice, Li Yichen was taken aback for a moment, and then overjoyed, Xiaohu returned from the source world? That is to say, the Source Realm has discovered it, otherwise, Xiaohu will definitely not come back specially.

"Little Tiger! Where are you?"

Li Yichen asked the terminal immediately.

"I'm at the main base!"

Xiaohu replied.

"Okay! I'll go back soon!"

Li Yichen said, then after thinking about it, he connected to Xiao Mao's private channel and told him not to mess around with him if he encounters a strong opponent, he must tell himself, and then he drove the helicopter towards the hell. All gone.

Xiao Mao wants to train the warriors of the **** capital. This is certainly true, but it also depends on the situation. For enemies who are stronger than him, you can go up and try, but if the gap is too big, if you pile people down, it will be worthless. , And it's not much of a training role.

Because if the gap is too big, you will be killed in seconds when you go up. How can you accumulate any experience? Just like online games, you have experience in fighting monsters similar to yours. Cross-level fights against bosses that can't kill at all are purely looking for abuse, and online games are just a waste of time, and here is a direct waste of life.

Back in the capital of hell, Li Yichen found Xiao Mao directly. He was quite interested in the information about the source world. If it weren't because the source world was too much connected, he might have asked directly during the call.

When Xiaomao was found, Chang Guchuan and Zhang Anji were also there. Varimathras was more interesting and didn't come. He also knew that he was just taking refuge in the **** capital, and he could not really be regarded as his own person in the **** capital.

Xiao Mao's condition didn't look very good, and he still had injuries on his body. However, Li Yichen took a closer look. The wound was on the shoulder of his back. Although the mouth was large, it did not hurt the internal organs or bones. It's not that serious, it will be fine after a month of recovery.

"This injury is..."

Although impatient, Li Yichen didn't ask Source World about his wounds when he saw Xiaohu's injury.

"It's okay to hurt!"

Xiaohu didn't even look at his wound--maybe he couldn't see it from behind, so he spoke directly:

"We found in the source world the kind of heaven you mentioned!"

"Tianyu? Did you go in and watch it?"

Li Yichen's eyes lit up and he let Xiaohu and the others enter the Source Realm. Although he said that he wanted them to search for the Heaven Realm, he didn't actually hold much hope in his heart, because the people in the Source Realm had already told him clearly. Quite a lot, but basically they are all occupied.

Therefore, Li Yichen allowed Xiaohu and the others to enter the Source Realm, and more wanted to let them know more about the Source Realm, so that they would not know anything when they entered in the future.

"Go in!"

Little Tiger nodded:

"The Origin Realm should be Ownerless, but now other races have discovered it and are attacking. I followed it in, but it was soon discovered!"

"Is this wound left there too?"

Li Yichen asked.


Little Tiger nodded:

"Because I was discovered, I didn't see anything in that heaven. I only knew that the creatures that were attacking the Source Realm were humanoid beings, but they looked... ugly!"

With that, Xiaohu turned on the terminal and projected an image on the wall.

Obviously, when he entered Tianyu, Xiaohu had already turned on the video recording function of his personal terminal, so all the events after he entered Tianyu were recorded.

This universe looks similar to the Terran universe that Li Yichen entered. Of course, this universe has not been occupied yet, so there are no buildings. Once you enter, it is a grassland, and the mountains and woods in the distance are clearly visible.

At the entrance of the heaven, there is a simple camp, all made of local materials and built with trees. There are many humanoid creatures in the camp, which should be the creatures that Xiaohu said are attacking this heaven.

These humanoid creatures... are actually very different from humans. The only thing in common is that they also walk upright, and have a head, two arms and two legs, and, compared with humans, they have an extra tail. .

The heads of these creatures resemble lizards or geckos, their tails resemble crocodiles, and their skin is gray-blue. They look a bit similar to the lizardmen in a certain game.

There is no fighting in the lizard people’s camp, and there are no other creatures. There are some corpses that look like wild beasts. They are piled up in the camp in a mess. There are many lizard people handling these corpses. There are several barbecue grills on which the corpses of the beasts are grilling!

It seems that these guys are fighting to feed the war, and the creatures killed here are directly regarded as food. Moreover, the creatures in the heavens do not seem to be so alert, and will not always come because of someone invading. Attack!

If you look at it this way, it doesn't seem to be difficult to build a heaven. The most important thing is how to find the heaven.

"It looks like...this heaven was just discovered by these lizardmen, right?"

Li Yichen looked at the screen and asked.

"En! It should be, you see, they are now exploring this stage of heaven."

Little Tiger nodded.

Li Yichen also nodded, then stopped asking more, and looked at the video seriously.

This image is not long, because it was the little tiger who entered the heaven, and after being discovered, the escape from the heaven was over.

The entire image lasted for less than ten minutes. At the beginning, the little tiger's entry did not attract the attention of the lizardmen. As the commander of the shadow of death, the little tiger is absolutely master of stealth and hiding.

Moreover, the little tiger came in obviously for reconnaissance, so after entering, he recorded all the circumstances around him. After recording these, the little tiger began to walk, but it didn't take long before he was spotted by the lizard people.

Fortunately, when he was discovered, Xiaohu was not far from the entrance, but he teleported to the entrance and then escaped.

However, the lizardmen reacted quickly, even if the little tiger fled immediately after being found, he was still stabbed by the guard at the entrance.

"How did they find you?"

Li Yichen looked at the image and frowned and asked, because in the image, it was completely impossible to see why the little tiger was exposed. He saw a lizard man about five or six meters away from the little tiger, [51 Novel www.51xs. info] I was fiddling with the weapon in my hand, suddenly turned his head to look at Xiaohu, and then yelled.

"I patronized them, but I accidentally trampled on a small beetle and was discovered by them!"

Xiaohu said with a bit of annoyance that the entrance to the heaven was a wasteland. Xiaohu was already very careful, because he was afraid that he would be found if he stepped on the grass, so he chose a location carefully.

As a result, the beetle in the sky actually had a camouflage color, which looked almost the same as the ground. The little tiger didn't pay attention and stepped on it to death.

Originally stepping on a beetle would not be found, but the problem was that there was an unpleasant smell on the beetle. After being trampled to death, the smell spread quickly.

The lizardman guessed that there was someone because he smelled that smell and then found a beetle that was trampled to death.

After Xiaohu explained, he deliberately reversed the recording, because the personal terminal recording follows the user's line of sight, and every time Xiaohu settled down, he had to check the ground.

Sure enough, when Xiaohu turned the screen back and paused, Li Yichen and Chang Guchuan looked at the ground carefully and finally found the beetle on the ground.

The beetle is only the size of a thumb cover, and the carapace on its back is actually yellow and green, just close to the soil and grass on the ground. Even Li Yichen, who has an eagle eye, has to look carefully to find it, let alone Xiaohu.

"How powerful are these big lizards?"

Of course Li Yichen didn't mean to blame Xiaohu. This was purely accidental, and it was also because Xiaohu was not familiar with this universe, so he went on to ask.

"The others are not clear. Those who did it to me are about B grade!"

Xiaohu thought for a while and replied:

"If under normal circumstances, that guy can't actually hurt me, it's not difficult to avoid him. It's just that there are many such lizardmen near the entrance to the heaven. If I dodge, they will block the entrance to the heaven, I might I can't get out anymore, it just took a while!"

"Class B?"

Hearing the strength of those lizardmen, Li Yichen was obviously a little surprised. According to his calculation, the biological strength in the source world should be very strong. Just like those arbiters, if they are not strong enough, how can they make this trial? Earth, still treated as gods by those trial races?

"En! It must have not reached A level!"

Xiaohu nodded with certainty:

"But... it was just a guard who cut me, and his strength definitely does not represent the strongest power of those lizard people!"

"How far is this heaven from the space channel?"

Li Yichen thought for a while and wanted to ask.

"About 320 kilometers!"

Xiaohu was obviously prepared long ago and replied without any hesitation.

"You can try it!"

Li Yichen looked at the picture on the wall and nodded slightly:

"And we must first determine their strength as soon as possible, and if we can eat it, we will **** this heaven from them!"

Actually, this universe is not the best choice. It's not that Li Yichen is embarrassed to **** those lizardmen. He is not the kind of person who wants to pay attention to first-come, first-come. It's just that this universe has been discovered after all, and Li Yichen doesn't know about this. Apart from the lizardmen, are there creatures of other races that have also discovered here?

However, they don't have any good choices now. No matter what the universe is discovered, it is much better than setting up a temporary camp in the valley after they reach the source world, right?

"Okay! I'll go back now!"

Hearing Li Yichen's words, Xiaohu nodded immediately, and then turned around to leave...

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