Apocalyptic Garbage Sorting System

Chapter 892:  Lizardman's last wish?

The blade warriors searched for the remains for a long time, but no one disturbed them. Those who rushed into the lizard army with grenade, the corpses were blown apart, they tried their best to find all the remains, but there was At that time they couldn't tell whether some stumps belonged to that person.

"Brother Yi! These guys... seem to have become a little scary!"

Looking at the blade warrior, Chang Guchuan also felt a little puzzled, so he came to Li Yichen and asked softly.

"Actually... when you experienced the Battle of Wucheng, you were like this! They were in this state, you have also had it before."

Li Yichen looked at Chang Guchuan, and said faintly.

"We... used to..."

Tokoyagawa was stunned, staring at the corpse on the battlefield not knowing what he was thinking.

"You guys are watching here, I'll see how the battle is going over there!"

Li Yichen saw what Chang Guchuan looked like, and didn't say much. After leaving a word, he ran to the helicopter and replenished all the helicopter's missiles and ammunition before flying the helicopter into the air.

Coming to the battlefield between the lizardmen and the native villains, Li Yichen did not deliberately raise the helicopter. The lizardmen nowadays have no time to worry about Li Yichen. At this time, almost all the lizardmen are fighting.

The number of primitive villains is quite large, estimated to be no less than tens of millions, and there are still primitive villains around who continue to join the battlefield. It seems that for the invaders, these primitive villains, like Li Yichen and others, must be eliminated quickly. .

When fighting against the six major trial races in the trial land, Li Yichen and the others belonged to the invaders, while in the heavens, they became the invaders. Instead, they were primitive villains, assuming their previous identities.

However, for this, Li Yichen didn't have any guilt in his heart. What he was thinking about was how to destroy these primitive villains and completely control this universe.

He never thought of leaving these primitive villains. The two races co-exist in this universe. They are invaders. Coupled with different races, it is impossible for these primitive villains to live peacefully in the same sky. Here, especially since it originally belonged to them only.


Looking at the battle below, two words surged in Li Yichen's heart. Yes, no matter what world he is in, the most important thing is always strength.

If they don't have the strength, let alone the Origin Realm, they are probably still struggling in the trial land, desperately trying to survive under the encirclement and suppression of the six major trial races.

With strength, they can drive out the alien races that invade their world, and even invade the territories of other races. This is the importance of strength.

The lizard people have been declining under the siege of the original villains. It seems that the war here has returned to the trajectory that Li Yichen previously estimated, that is, the lizard people will be wiped out by the original villains, and then they have to face it, These are the original villains.

In fact, Li Yichen now has a better way to easily kill all the enemies. The battlefield below is now in chaos. The war between the lizardmen and the original villains is in full swing, and he can't take care of the others.

As long as Li Yichen goes back to the castle and gets a few missile launchers out, a dozen or even dozens of missiles can be dropped, and the battlefield can be blown down, and there will naturally be nothing left of the two fighting sides inside.

However, Li Yichen did not intend to do this. The explosive power of the missile is of course terrifying, but the damage to the environment is unquestionable. He doesn't want to create a ruin in the sky to save trouble.

Now the space channel has been opened up, although it seems that they only have one castle here, but behind it is the entire **** capital. The wounded can be sent back at any time, so don't worry about supplies.

Moreover, after completely occupying this universe, Li Yichen planned to move the intellectual brain from the capital of hell. At that time, as long as he stays in the mist of the sea of ​​heaven and continuously recovers, the intellectual brain will be A steady stream of various injections appeared.


Thinking of this, Li Yichen was taken aback, and then asked:

"System, I... can I put the intellectual brain in those mists and let the intellectual brain absorb the rules of heaven and earth instead of me?"

Because the intellectual brain also has the ability of a garbage sorting system, it can recycle and reorganize all materials. In this case, putting the intellectual brain into the fog, the effect is not the same as if you are inside?

In this case, you don’t need to be confined in the fog, and you have a lot of time to explore the source world. Although this way, other people can’t exchange any materials in the brain, but you can just get a warehouse. Then redeem a large amount of materials from the mall, which may be a bit troublesome, but for Li Yichen, it is definitely worth it.

"I'm afraid not!"

Unexpectedly, the system directly poured cold water on Li Yichen:

"The recovery ability of the secondary system is not as strong as mine. Put it in the fog, and the final result is likely to be that the secondary system is also completely decomposed by those fog."

"I go!"

Li Yichen couldn't help but cursed. He didn't seem to want to be lazy, so he could only stay in the mist for a while, and wait until the recovered enhanced injections were enough for the soldiers of the Hell Capital. To get out of it.

However, this doesn’t have a big impact. Anyway, it will take a long time to build this heaven. No matter how Li Yichen convenes, he will first build this heaven to almost the same level, and only think about going to the source after it has stabilized. Expand in other places!

Moreover, Li Yichen actually still has a guess in his mind. Hearing from the humans of the Source Realm, the growth of the sky requires the integration of the hearts of other sky regions. In this way, the fog will spread, exposing more areas.

But now Li Yichen already knows that the mists in the heavens are actually the rules of heaven and earth. In other words, in fact, the mists in this heaven are transformed by the mists. It is not so much that the mists recede, but rather it is a part of the mists that form. With the new horizon, people felt that the fog had receded back.

And he now has the ability to absorb the fog. If he absorbs enough, the fog will of course be reduced, will it also expand the area of ​​the sky?

If this can be done, Li Yichen's horizon should not need to swallow the hearts of other horizons, and he can expand by himself.

Of course, this conjecture requires him to find the heart of heaven first, and see what the so-called heart of heaven is, before he can be sure. At present, the most important thing is to deal with the lizardman and the native talent first. .

The battle on the battlefield below is still continuing, but Li Yichen can see clearly that the lizardmen are already gone. They are intertwined with the primitive villains and cannot be separated at all. In this entangled battle, the lizardmen are somewhat unable to perform. The weakness of the villain disappeared completely, but because of their agility, the lizard people were overwhelmed.

The lizardmen have clearly seen this situation. In the eyes of all lizardmen, despair has been revealed. Even now, many lizardmen are using suicide attacks, completely ignoring themselves, as long as they can kill the enemy, even if they die together. it is good.

Anyway, it's all death in the end, and there is no hope at all. It's better to let the ending come faster. Death and failure are not terrible. The most terrifying thing is this process.

Looking at the dying and struggling lizardmen, Li Yichen took a deep breath. In fact, without them, the lizardmen would not have fallen to this point. Even if they could not quickly destroy the original villains, they would at least not fail.

With the suppression of those elite archers and rattan soldiers, it is difficult for the native villains to break through the lizardmen’s defenses, and once the lizardmen have truly landed in the sky, and then want to drive them away, it is basically impossible. .

"Wow belt wow mynah, Teng's dog search intends to use pressure! Onboard!!!"

At this moment, among the lizardmen below, one of the lizardmen who was quite tall and with a totem painted on his face suddenly raised his head and looked at the helicopter in the sky with deep hatred in his eyes. Then, he raised his axe, Roared loudly at the sky...

Hearing the roar of this lizardman, the other lizardmen responded one after another. Then, all the lizardmen suddenly turned and charged in one direction together, even the native villains around them were ignored.

"Huh? This is..."

Li Yichen was stunned, and then he pulled a sneer at the corner of his mouth. It seemed that these lizardmen had discovered themselves, and put the account of their imminent death on their human heads.

Because the direction these lizardmen are charging now is on the side of their castle, with the current state of these lizardmen, it is no longer possible for them to take the castle and rush out of this heaven.

Therefore, their current behavior is undoubtedly a suicide attack, and the purpose is very simple. We are dead, and you don’t have a good time. Even if we are annihilated, we must lead these little demons to your side before we annihilate the clan. .

Although the lizard people also know that even if they don't do this, the primitive villains will not let the humans go. After all, these humans are also invaders. For the primitive villains, there is no difference between the reptilians and humans.

But what the lizardman senior wants to see now is that the original villain fights with humans. If he can take the opportunity to live a little longer and see that humans are also massacred, at least he will feel better before dying. some.

Now the native villains are fighting with them. They are going to move the battlefield to the castle before the entire army is wiped out. Damn humans, want to watch the excitement? Impossible, follow us to hell...

As a result, under the decisive charge of the remaining tens of thousands of lizardmen, the native villains were also brought close to the castle of the **** capital...

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