Apocalyptic Garbage Sorting System

Chapter 908: Who owns it is not certain

Chapter 908

"Xiaoyong! If I let you go back, can you not reveal where our heaven is?"

After a while, Li Yichen looked at Xiao Yong and asked.

"This... I'm afraid it won't work! It's not that I don't want to, but that I can't do it!"

Xiaoyong smiled bitterly and shook his head:

"If you put us all back, I can't guarantee that they will say this here, but if you kill them all and let me go back, I can't explain their whereabouts!"

Looking at Li Yichen, Xiaoyong said seriously:

"Actually, no matter what you do, this place will definitely be known to our people, because the direction and distance of our search team’s departure are documented! Even if you leave us all here, it won’t be long before we detect our disappearance. , They will definitely send someone over to check it out."


Li Yichen nodded slightly. He had thought of this before. He touched his chin, looked outside and said:

"I will let you go back. After you go back, you can tell your people that we are human beings who entered the source world from other planets. This heaven is ours. You don’t need to have any ideas. If you have any, we will Treat you as enemies!"

With that said, Li Yichen turned to Xiaoyong:

"Believe me, it's better to be our friend than to be the enemy! Moreover, we have a lot of things you need here, and we may be able to do some trade, genetic medicine, technological weapons, medicine, food, we all have here."

"This is just our forward base, and our back is backed by the resources and population of the entire planet."

He threw a tablet to Xiao Yong:

"Bring this back. There are products we can provide. You can choose the ones you are interested in. Of course, we will not provide all the products for free. You must exchange the resources we need."

"As for what resources we lack... You can get me a list like this, list the commodities you can provide for exchange, and let us choose! Of course, I think..."

Li Yichen thought for a while, then took out a superpower injection:

"This is what you probably need most! This is called the superpower injection, as long as you inject it, you can get a 100% ability called the rapid advance! You can go back and let your people try it for yourself-oh! By the way, the abilities I mentioned are the kind of skills that you have turned into profound meanings!"

"Of course, we don’t have much of this stuff, so it’s more expensive. As for the exchange ratio, let’s talk about it when your product list comes. Remember to remind your people that if you want to trade, then send someone who can call the shots. If you have other ideas, it is best to dispel, otherwise, I bet you will regret it!"

With that said, Li Yichen stood up:

"Okay! Remember to relay my words to your people, now, let us wake up your companions, and then you can leave!"

Throwing the supernatural power injection to Xiaoyong, then Li Yichen took the lead and walked out, while Xiaoyong looked at the injection in shock...

"Able... an injection that can awaken the Profound meaning 100%?

This is impossible! ! "

Xiaohu murmured, but he caught the superpower injection to death, and he had an urge to inject it into himself immediately.

You know, among them, people with profound meaning and those without profound meaning are treated completely differently. It can be said that they are different from each other. Although listening to Li Yichen’s description, this profound meaning does not seem to be very powerful, but as long as you Comprehend this profound meaning, you will soon enter the elite legion!

You should know that every elite legion is a treasure. Not only does it need to leave the universe, it doesn't even need to do any work. The treatment is still the best. Only when it encounters a crisis, the elite legion will be dispatched.

Moreover, every time the elite legion strikes, they will bring a large number of ordinary legions to cover them. For the high-level army, they would rather lose a hundred ordinary soldiers than an elite soldier!

Although this will cause those elite fighters not to have too much actual combat experience, and their actual combat effectiveness is not very good, but it is clear that the high level of the military does not care about this.

For them, the role of these elite fighters is to use their profound meaning to break the deadlock when the battle is deadlocked, and leave the rest to the ordinary legions.

After hesitating for a long time, Xiao Yong finally gave up, because if they really still have this kind of injection according to what Li Yichen said, and they can use it to trade with them, then it will not be difficult for him to get such an injection in the future. It is necessary to risk using this injection now.

Because this is a sample, just this one, if you use it yourself, I am afraid that the persuasiveness will not be so strong. If this transaction is disturbed, then you may become a sinner.

Carefully put away the injection, Xiao Yong picked up the tablet and chased him up. Li Yichen did not wait for Xiao Yong, but went straight to wake up the soldiers. The soldiers who woke up found Li Yichen and were shocked.

They were all captured and stunned by the little guys of the Shadow of Death, because these little guys were in standard clothing and covered their faces, so these fighters thought they were caught by some emerging race.

After all, the little guy in Shadow of Death is not tall, and what those fighters see are all of this shape, it is inevitable that there will be misunderstandings in their hearts.

And now that they saw Li Yichen, they knew that they were actually captured by the same kind?



Seeing Xiaoyong coming from behind Li Yichen, the soldiers couldn't help being stunned. Some even showed anger on their faces. Obviously, they thought Xiaoyong had taken refuge in the enemy.

Because Xiao Yong has no restrictions on his body now, even his original weapon is on his back, and there is no other enemy guarding him around him, and he seems to be very free. In this case, besides rebellion, is there any other possibility?

Seeing the expressions of these fellow robes, Xiao Yong was taken aback, then understood, and quickly explained:

"Don't get me wrong, I have not rebelled!"

"Have you revealed the location of our heaven?"

Those soldiers obviously didn't believe it, one of them glared at Xiao Yong and asked.

"I don't need to divulge the location of our Tianyu, because he has been to our place at all, and I was walking around the Tianyu with him for a long time at that time!"

Xiaoyong replied:

"And I will be sent to the search team because of him! Without him, I would still be happy on Tianyu Island!"

"You mean... he is the guy who entered the mist of the sky and sea?"

The soldiers had never seen Li Yichen, but apparently they had heard about it. They looked at Li Yichen, and the soldier asked before.

"That's right! It's him! If you don't believe it, you will record his image and you will know when you go back and check it!"

Xiaoyong replied, and also looked at Li Yichen specifically, the meaning was obvious, it was to see if he agreed with the video.


Li Yichen nodded:

"Xiaoyong is right, I am the guy who entered the mist of the sky and sea, but fortunately, I am not dead!"

"You... how did you leave the Misty Sea? Is there a channel in the Misty Sea that leads to other heavens?"

The warrior couldn't help but asked a little excitedly, if this is the case, and if they can also master the secret, then the human race will really take off! !

The power of the human race is definitely not the worst compared to other Tianyu races, but if you want to get the heart of the Tianyu, the most difficult thing is not to kill the other races in the Tianyu, but to find the Tianyu!

Although the entrance of Tianyu cannot be closed, it is actually a spatial passage, so it is not easy to find it. It must be very close to be possible.

Moreover, there are many heaven entrances that do not appear on the ground. They may be in the air, valleys, rivers, and other special terrains. This makes it more difficult to find!

Just like the heaven they have discovered now, the other party has just discovered it, so they haven't had time to arrange it. If after a while, when they have complete control of the heaven, they will definitely disguise the entrance of the heaven.

This place itself is a valley. They either dug all around the entrance of the heaven to create an artificial valley, making the entrance of the heaven into the air, or pile up a mountain range and place the entrance of the heaven in the belly of the mountain. The entrance to this heaven is completely hidden.

So, if the person in front of you really found this heaven through the fog, it would be too important for humans.

"First of all, I will not tell you the way I left the fog. That is my secret. In addition, this heaven was not found by me through the fog. I was able to find it because another race discovered this sky first. The domain was then discovered by us during the migration!"

Li Yichen said:

"In addition, to tell you the truth, this is an initial universe, which has not been occupied by other races, so this universe is still in its initial stage. As for the protists here, we will soon be wiped out!"

"Initial horizon?"

The soldiers looked at each other with annoyed expressions in their eyes. These people hadn't even cleaned up the original creatures. That means it didn't take long for them to discover this heaven.

What if they did not come here to explore today, but a few days in advance?

Then this heaven must belong to them.

However, now it seems that this human being is not hostile to himself, if it can be put back... then the ownership of this heaven is probably hard to say.

The soldier thought to himself, then looked at Xiaoyong, and then at Li Yichen:

"Okay! I believe you, but... what are you going to do with us?

We just explored normally and discovered this place unintentionally. If you can let us go, we will definitely not reveal the existence of this place to outsiders. "

When he said this, the soldier looked sincere...

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