Apocalyptic God-level Zombie Synthesis System

Chapter 1104: Find a place for me to rest

Ye Li came to a village.

There are quite a few gene warriors in this village, and as if they don’t welcome outsiders, they all looked at Ye Li with a cold face.

Ye Li ignored them, he released Wind Butterfly from the system space, while Wind Butterfly was still in a coma.

Everyone in the village was surprised, they rubbed their eyes, but in any case, Fengdie was still in front of them.


They really couldn't understand when Wind Butterfly appeared beside Ye Li.

Ye Li released the End of the World Army from the system space.

"You go to explore the surrounding situation." Ye Li said to the End of the Army.

The eschatological corps heard the words and went in all directions.

When the last-day legion disappeared in Ye Li's field of vision, he discovered that the villagers in the village had carved clay sculptures.

"Is this man afraid of being a powerful genetic warrior?"

"Do you need to say that?"

"I think it might be a strong first-level king-level realm."

As soon as this remark came out, all the villagers were shocked.

The powerhouse of the first-level king-level realm?

Then they all shook their heads, thinking that this is impossible. How high is the status of the first-level king-level powerful, how can they come to their small village?

Ye Li raised his palms, and a gentle aura went towards Wind Butterfly, and he removed the memory of Wind Butterfly.

No way, if he doesn't do this, Wind Butterfly may become a waste person from now on.

Wind Butterfly slowly opened his eyes.

"You, who are you?"

Fengdie quickly pulled away from Ye Li and looked at Ye Li in horror.

Only then did the villagers understand that Ye Li turned out to be a bad person. They thought that Ye Li must have seen the wind butterfly look beautiful, and kidnapped her.

"Girls are not afraid, we are there!"

Soon, hundreds of villagers surrounded Ye Li.


Ye Li smiled, thinking that these villagers were really interesting.

"What do you want to do?" Ye Li spoke slowly.

An elderly villager stared at Ye Li, "You are a bad guy!"

Ye Liyile said lightly to the elderly villagers: "Never say I am a bad person."

"Of course, don't say I am a good person."

The villagers were stunned when they heard the words, and did not understand what Ye Li meant.

"I know her." Ye Li said.

"Impossible!" the elderly villagers shouted.

In this year, the old villager is an old man, a genetic warrior, and an eighth-order natural chooser.

"I'm too lazy to talk nonsense with you, find a place to rest for me." Ye Li said slowly.

The villagers were stunned. Where have they seen someone like Ye Li before? Is he not sure what the situation is now?

"You bad person, still want to find a place to rest?"

Ye Li didn't answer, he spread his palms, and the original fire appeared on his palms.


Suddenly, Ye Li threw the essence fire against the sky.

The source fire formed a fire dragon and headed towards the sky.

The sky... became crimson.

how is this possible! ! !

The villagers were all stunned. They wouldn’t even think that it would happen for ten days and ten nights.

"Can I find a place to rest now?" Ye Li said, glancing at the villagers lightly.

After the villagers heard the words, their faces were horrified.

"Yes, yes." Gu Xi old man quickly replied.

Afterwards, the old man went to his house with Ye Li and Fengdie.


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