Apocalyptic God-level Zombie Synthesis System

Chapter 1128: Fire lord demons in the south

The dozen middle-aged men looked angry at Ye Li's face, and all were a little angry.

"Boy, I really want to know how many leopard galls you have eaten. How dare you say this!" A middle-aged man said to Ye Li.

Ye Li smiled frankly, "I dare to say such things without eating leopard gall."


A dozen middle-aged men heard this, and all of them rushed out of anger above their heads.

"Since you insist on finding death, you can blame me!"

As the words fell, a tenth-order heavens approached Ye Lifei.

It's a pity that a tenth-order heavenly person is too weak in front of Ye Li.


Everyone on the scene didn't see how Ye Li shot, and the tenth-order skyfall fell to the ground. There was a shocking blood hole on his forehead.

how is this possible! ! !

The remaining dozen middle-aged men were all terrified. They would never dream of such a scene even if they were dreaming.

"You, you, how did you do it?"

They all looked at Ye Li in horror. Although they didn't see how Ye Li shot, they certainly knew that Ye Li shot.

"Secret." Ye Li said lightly.

These dozen middle-aged men looked at each other, knowing that they had met the supreme existence.

"Senior, we are people from the Zhang family in the southern border, can you give us a face." A middle-aged man quickly said to Ye Li.

Ye Li laughed, he really laughed, just because he heard the best joke this year.

"Let me give you a face?" Ye Li lightly looked at a dozen middle-aged men. "Are you also worthy?"

As soon as the words came out, the smile on the faces of a dozen middle-aged men froze instantly.


"Senior, don't you toast without eating fines, do you know how powerful the Zhang family in Jingnan is?" A middle-aged man said coldly to Ye Li.


As soon as the man finished speaking, he flew out, and there was still a little bit of life after he hit the ground heavily.

This, this...

The rest of the men fell into horror, as much as they were shocked.

"You, what do you want to do?"

In their eyes, Ye Li is like a peerless demon at the moment, and it is too scary to look at it.

"I don't want to do anything." Ye Li calmly looked at the middle-aged man in front of him. "Just want to kill you, nothing more."

The voice hasn't fallen, and the man has already shot.

The remaining middle-aged man fell to the ground in just an instant, and the whole process was flowing, even for less than a second.


Su Xiaoxiao was also stunned. She knew that the legendary demon Ye Li was very powerful, but why did she think it was so powerful.

"The Zhang family in the southern border...?" Ye Li looked at Su Xiaoxiao suspiciously.

Su Xiaoxiao quickly replied: "If you go back to Senior Demon King, the Zhang family is located in the southern part of the southern border, and the Zhang family destroyed my family."

"Nanjing is the strongest Zhang family?" Ye Li then asked.

"Of course not. The strongest in the South is the several big gates and fire lords." Su Xiaoxiao said.

Fire lord... Devil?

Of course, Ye Li didn't expect that the fire lord demon was also in the south.

"Then go to the southern border." Ye Li slowly looked at the sun in the sky.


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