Apocalyptic God-level Zombie Synthesis System

Chapter 1149: Into the Black Mountain

Everyone in the Erlong Inn opened his eyes wide.

Only because they found that Ye Li did not make any evasion or defense.

Liu Ling also froze. She really couldn't understand why Ye Li didn't hide.

I saw that the golden-backed mountain knife in the hands of Tubao was about to reach Ye Li's head.

Liu Ling has closed his eyes.


Oh my God! ! !

But when the golden back chopper in the hands of the slaughtered leopard was heavily chopped above Ye Li's head, the golden back chopper came out with the sound of steel collision with Ye Li's hair.

Is this...Tietougong?

Wrong, this is not iron-headed power, it is ten thousand times more terrifying than iron-headed power.


Tu Baobao, the leader of the Black Heart Mountain, was also stunned.

Liu Ling opened his eyes and found that the golden back chopper in Tutu's hands was on Ye Li's head, but Ye Li was indifferent, as if nothing had happened at all.

At this moment Liu Ling's heart has endless shock.

"How can a person like you be able to change?" Ye Li looked lightly at the leader of the Black Heart Mountain, Tubao. "Only death can make you change."

Ye Li smiled, and then said: "But you dare not die, so I have to help you."

As the sound fell, Ye Li punched Pu Tu.

This punch does not have any spiritual power attached, it is such an ordinary punch, but it can make people feel the extreme of power.

The leopard slaughter of the first-level king-level realm can't stop Ye Li's punch.


Ye Li's punch hit Tu Leopard's chest, and Tu Leopard flew out instantly, and after hitting heavily on the ground, his life disappeared forever.

Quiet, silent.

"Who else wants to shoot me?"

auzw.com Ye Li glanced lightly at everyone at Erlong Inn.

Where did everyone dare to speak at Erlong Inn? They quickly lowered their heads, just because they felt that Ye Li was not alone, but the devil killed by the infernal purgatory.

"Let's go." Ye Li said to the shocked Liu Ling.

"Good senior." Liu Ling nodded quickly.

Liu Ling understood the truth that no matter what horrible things Ye Li did, she would not be shocked.

Ye Li and Liu Ling walked out of the Erlong Inn.

"We are now looking for treasure medicine." Ye Li said.

Liu Ling came to Guanling Mountain just to find the holy medicine.

"Senior, Guanling Mountain is so big, we don't know the location of the holy medicine at all." Liu Ling said.

Ye Li thought for a few seconds, then said to Liu Ling:

"Let's go to Heixinshan and ask."

Immediately, the two went towards Heixin Mountain.

It didn't take long for Ye Li and Liu Ling to go outside Heixinshan Dazhai.

"Senior, there are so many people standing outside the walled gate. How do we get in?" Liu Ling asked Ye Li looking puzzledly.

Ye Li smiled faintly, "Give me your hand."

Liu Ling stunned, "Ah?"

Then Liu Ling felt that this should not be the case. She quickly put her hand on Ye Li's.

Ye Li took Liu Ling's hand and urged Shenxing to walk a hundred steps to Heixinshan Dazhai.


Liu Ling was shocked to the point of dumbstruck. She thought she was just outside, how could she get inside in a blink of an eye?

She had thought that she would never be shocked, but now she found that she was not only wrong, but also to the point where there was no way to add.

on the square.

The people in the Black Heart Mountain saw Ye Li and Liu Ling who suddenly appeared, and they quickly rubbed their eyes, but no matter how they rubbed, Ye Li and Liu Ling were still in front of them.


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