This second-order passer-by who shot Ye Li just wanted to say something, but it was a pity that he would never have the opportunity to say anything, just because there was already a shocking blood hole on his forehead.

what! ! !

Everyone present was shocked, and they didn't expect Ye Li to be so terrified when they wanted to break their heads.

Chi Jun also fell in horror, knowing that he had kicked the iron plate this time, but...

He has no reason to be afraid, because this is the base city of Donglei, he does not think that Ye Li dare to shoot him.

"I am the son of the city owner of Donglei Base." Chi Jun spoke coldly to Ye Li.

In the eyes of the crowd, although Ye Li is so powerful that he can't be overstated, he will certainly not know Chi Jun's identity, otherwise Ye Li will never dare to shoot the second-order passer-by.

They naturally also knew that after Chi Jun had revealed his identity, Ye Li would surely startle and piss.

The spectators quickly looked at Ye Li's face.

It doesn't matter if you look at it, you are shocked to the point of being shocked at first glance.

Just because Ye Liguan Guan Ruyu's face did not fluctuate at all, as if Chi Jun hadn't heard anything at all.

"Donglei Base City's son?" Ye Li looked at Chi Jun lightly. "But so."

Wow! ! !

All the onlookers heard this, and all of them could not help but take a few steps back.

"You, what are you talking about?"

Why did Chi Jun think that his background could not make Ye Li's face fluctuate at all.

"I don't want to talk nonsense with you, just say it." After that, Ye Li said to Chi Jun, "How do you want to die?"

When Chi Jun and the men behind him heard this, they were all terrified, and they were as horrified as they were.

"Me, I am the owner of Donglei Base City..."

Ye Li did not let Chi Jun finish the conversation successfully.

I saw Chi Jun's body penetrated by a horrible aura, Chi Jun's eyes widened.

Until he died, he couldn't believe he died like this.

This, this...

Several men behind Chi Jun saw that Chi Jun was dead, and they were all so scared that the three souls could not see the two souls, and the seven souls could not see the six souls.

"Ah! Ah! Ah!"

Ye Li hadn't even shot them, they all screamed.

Pretend to be crazy?

Ye Li shook his head secretly, thinking that these ants were really ridiculous.


Ye Li raised his fingers, and several horrible aura attacks flew from his fingers.

All these men fell to the ground in amusement.

Quiet, dead silence.

All the onlookers were shocked, and they could not believe the scene in front of them anyway.

"Senior, you are making a big deal."

Jiang Xue shivered a little, and she said to Ye Li.

Ye Li's face like Guan Yu still didn't fluctuate at all, nor did he answer Jiang Xue's words.

"Senior, you should run quickly."

Jiang Xue saw that Ye Li didn't care about him, he quickly said to Ye Li.

"I haven't escaped this habit." Ye Li spoke slowly.

The onlookers were still looking at Ye Li in horror at this moment. They really didn't know that Ye Li had eaten a few leopard galls before making him dare to kill the son of the city's master Chi Jun in the base city of Donglei.

It didn't take long for the **** of hundreds of main city rushed over.


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