Apocalyptic God-level Zombie Synthesis System

Chapter 1205: Tier 5 Uranus Dark Race

After Ye Li came to the side of the Armageddon, he looked at the cracked land in front of his eyes, and a smile appeared on the face of Ruyu.

Rumble! ! !

Just listening to the loud noise, a dark race with a height of several feet and a dark body in front of him appeared in front of Ye Li.

Ye Li smiled coldly. He naturally didn't expect that there would be a fifth-order Uranus-level dark race in the north.

"I finally broke the seal!"

This fifth-order Uranus-level dark race laughed from the sky.

"Why are you laughing?"

Suddenly, Ye Li's voice passed into the ears of this fifth-order Heavenly King dark race.

The fifth-order Heavenly King dark race was stunned, and he looked at Ye Li.

"Human? Zombie?"

The dark race of Tier 5 king level could not help but froze, just because he really couldn't understand how humans would be with zombies.

Ye Li smiled faintly, and there was no fluctuation in his face like jade.

"You are going to die soon." Ye Li slowly opened his eyes to the fifth-order Heavenly King dark race in front of him.

Hahaha! ! !

This fifth-order Uranus-level dark race heard this and instantly laughed again in the sky, as if it had never heard such a funny joke.

Ye Li looked at the fifth-order Heavenly King dark race and laughed. He thought that the representative of Qingfeng Sect did not believe him. This fifth-order Heavenly King dark race did not believe his words.

Since he traveled through this world, many people who do not believe his words have mostly died.

The fifth-order Uranus-level dark race in front of him is not the first and will never be the last.


"Humans, although I don't know why you are with zombies." The fifth-order Heavenly King dark race looked at Ye Li with disdain.

"But believe it or not, I can kill you with my eyes." The fifth-order heavenly king dark race continued.

Ye Li heard a word of joy, thinking that this is not his line, did not expect that this fifth-order heavenly class dark race cool running will also say ah.

Not to mention, it's kind of interesting.

"Since you think you can kill me with one look, what are you waiting for?" Ye Li calmly looked at the fifth-order heavenly king dark race. "Aren't you afraid?"

Upon hearing this, the fifth-order Heavenly King Dark Race burst out of a thousand angers above his head, and punched Ye Li with a punch.

This punch, the space burst, is really horrible!

Ye Li shook his head and smiled. The dark race in front of him was the fifth-order heavenly king realm, but he was also the fifth-order heavenly king realm.

Of course, he can defeat this dark race in the fifth-order heavenly realm.


Ye Li looked at the huge fist that came, then let's have a fist showdown!

Immediately, Ye Li also raised his fist and punched out with a punch.

I saw Ye Li's fist and the fifth-order king-level dark race's giant punches hit hard together.


This fifth-order Heavenly King dark race originally thought that Ye Li could not resist his punch anyway, but now it seems that he is not only wrong, but also to the point where he can't be added.

Ye Li didn't even think of it, just because in his view, the fifth-order king-level dark race could not catch his punch. He didn't expect the power of this fifth-order king-level dark race to be so terrible.

"Human beings, no wonder you dare to be so arrogant in front of me. It turned out to be such an existence." The fifth-order dark king-level dark race stared at Ye Li coldly.


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