Apocalyptic God-level Zombie Synthesis System

Chapter 1207: Situation, Beihuang City

Ye Li thought about half a month later, then he had to rush to the situation now.

The overall strength of the situation is much higher than that of the North.

Three days later, Ye Li went to the ground.

The place at the moment is Beihuang City.

There are many gene warriors in Beihuang City, and the level is not low.

He found a place to eat, and then started walking on the streets of Beihuang City.

Immediately, he saw the zombie paradise.

Ye Li secretly rejoiced, thinking how long he hadn't seen the zombie paradise. This is still a thing in Beihuang City. It's kind of interesting.

Without much thought, Ye Li walked towards the zombie paradise.

It didn't take long for Ye Li to go outside the zombie paradise.

Many gene warriors have stood outside the zombie paradise. They all came to the zombie paradise to hunt zombies.

In fact, in the realm of these gene warriors, zombies are like ants in their eyes.

Ye Li lined up, thinking of buying a ticket and going to play.

What he didn't expect was that someone actually plugged his team.

This is a beauty, a beautiful beauty.

The woman in front of Ye Li's eyes is similar to his age, with a disdainful face on her white face. She also looked at Ye Li, as if to say, you have to be convinced if I plug in your team.

He didn't want to see the woman in general, but the woman dared to look at him, which is no wonder.

"Do you know that you plugged my team?" Ye Li said lightly to the woman.

The woman smiled coldly, "I just want to insert your team, how can you take me?"


Ye Li thought that Lu Man was a second-level territorial realm, an absolute genius, but in his eyes, the gap between him and Lu Man was one heaven and one underground.

"Keep off." Ye Li looked at Landing Man calmly. "Don't let me say it a second time."

Lu Man frowned, and of course she didn't expect Ye Lida to talk to her like this.

The gene warriors waiting in line were also dumbfounded. They never expected Ye Li to be so calm when facing Lu Man.

"If you dare say it again, Miss Ben will hit you!" Lu Man looked at Ye Li frowning.

Lu Man is an arrogant girl, Ye Li has already guessed.

When Ye Ligang wanted to speak, a strong voice came into his ears.

"Xiaoman, what's wrong?"

I saw a very good-looking man came to Lu Man's side, the man and Lu Man's age is about the same size, looks very suitable.

"Chen Bai, it has nothing to do with you." The expression on Lu Man's fair face fell a little.

Chen Bai is the name of the man beside Lu Man. Chen Bai smiled at Landing Man, and then said:

"How can it have nothing to do with me, of course you have something to do with me if you have something."

With that, Chen Bai looked at Ye Li.

But this look, Chen Bai's pupil shrank suddenly!

Just because he thinks that his appearance is comparable to the man in front of him, not to mention that it is not much different from one sky to another.

"You, how could you look so beautiful?" Chen Bai looked at Ye Li with a stern look.

Ye Li smiled secretly, he didn't know how many girls had heard such words, but no man had ever said this to him.

The gene warriors also found Ye Li's handsome and unparalleled, and they were all stunned. There were countless people they had seen, but Ye Li was so beautiful and beautiful.


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