All the warriors on the wall outside the Beihuang City looked at Ye Li in shock. They dared to swear that this army was definitely the most shocking in their history.

Naturally, Ye Li's face did not fluctuate at all, and he put the Armageddon into the system space.


The warriors on the outer city wall were stunned again. How could the armies of the last days suddenly disappear? They don't know, they really don't know.

Is this the supreme existence?

"Former, Senior." Lu Man looked at Ye Li in amazement.

Ye Li Wenyan glanced at Lu Man, he did not speak with Lu Man.

The people of the Chen family on the outer city wall, they were already terrified. Fortunately, when they were outside the Chen family, they did not cause Ye Li, otherwise there would be no doubt, and the Chen family would be razed to the ground instantly.

"Senior, this is Lu Kun, the head of the Lu family. Please invite the senior to look at my face and sit at the Lu family." An old man said to Ye Li.

The old man is not only Lu Kun's owner Lu Kun, but also Lu Man's grandfather.

Ye Li thought that there was still ten days before the Lord of the Realm invited him to the banquet. Anyway, it was all right, so just sit down.

Subsequently, Ye Li agreed.



Lujia is one of the super families of Beihuang City, and the owner Lu Kun is also the first strongman of Beihuang City.

Ye Li arrived at the Lu family.

There was a dull look on his face.

Lu Kun, the head of the Lu family, took Ye Li to the hall, and then invited Ye Li to the seat.

After Ye Li sat down, Lu Man was the first to speak before waiting for Lu Kun to speak.

"Senior, sorry."

Lu Man looked at Ye Li and said.

Ye Li smiled secretly, Lu Man will apologize to him for this, he naturally did not expect it.

"You have to know that I wouldn't care about genetic warriors like you at all." Ye Li said lightly to Landing Man.

The implication is that it is just a ants, is it worth letting me devil leaf away?

Lu Man heard the words biting the silver teeth, some do not know what to say.

The Lujia Hall was extremely calm.

"By Maner, aren't you going to the Underground City tomorrow?" Lu Kun, the owner of the Lu family, told Landing Man.

"Yes grandpa, I'm going to find my cousin." Lu Man looked at Landing Kun.

Ye Li secretly stunned, of course, he did not expect Lu Man to go to the city.

He spent a day at the Lu family.

Ready to leave the next day.

When Ye Li walked out of the Lu family, he saw Lu Man.


Ye Li shouted at the back of Landing Man.

Lu Man was stunned, she turned around and found that it was Ye Li.

"Predecessor, senior."

Lu Man had never dreamed that Ye Li would appear in front of her.

"Let's go together." Ye Li's face couldn't see the slightest fluctuation.

Lu Man was stunned for a while, and looked at Ye Li in amazement, "Senior, are you going to the City of Realm?"

"Well." Ye Li nodded.

Lu Man listened to Ye Li's words, and did not know whether to be happy or sad.

Later, Ye Li and Lu Man went together.

The two walked to a canyon.

"Senior, here is Qi Guixia, there is an evil force, I hope we don't meet." Lu Man said carefully to Ye Li.

Ye Li smiled secretly, he wanted to land Man, after all, still did not understand his strength.

When the two were about to leave the Seven Gorges, a group of gene warriors rushed out and surrounded them.

Ye Li's face like Ruyu's face was as calm as water, as if he had never seen dozens of gene warriors surrounding him and Lu Man.


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