Apocalyptic God-level Zombie Synthesis System

Chapter 1221: White Wolf Base City

Gai Tian, ​​the master of the South Realm, said this, and everyone in the Grand Hall of the Realm was stunned. He didn't understand why Gai Tian wanted to say such a thing.

"Brother Gai, where is the North Realm Lord?"

Asked Jiu You, the main song of the situation.

"That's not it."

Everyone in the hall quickly followed the gaze of the South Border Master Gai Tian and found that he was a teenager with a crown of jade.

Lin Kang, Lin Kang, Lin You'er and Lin Yong also looked at Ye Li. They all looked at each other because they all thought of an amazing possibility.

This amazing possibility is that Ye Li is the master of the North.

Otherwise, why would Gai Tian, ​​the master of the southern border, look towards Ye Li? What an amazing possibility it is.

Ye Li's face didn't fluctuate in Guan Ruyu's face. He slowly got up from the seat and said lightly:

"Yes, I am the Northern Realm."

Although Lin Kang, Lin You'er and Lin Yong guessed that Ye Li was the master of the northern border, they were shocked when they heard Ye Li's affirmative answer.

Just have a feast!

Except for Gaitian, the southern realm, who knew Ye Li, the realm masters of the other realms didn't know Yeli. They all knew each other.

After the banquet, Ye Li returned to the Lin family with Lin Kang, the owner of the Lin family.


But of course their hearts are shocked.

"You, are you really the Northern Frontier?"

Although it has been absolutely determined that Ye Li is the master of the northern realm, Lin You'er still feels incredible, although she knows that Ye Li's power is terrible to the point that she can't be increased, and she can become the master of the world...!

"You think I am." Ye Li looked at Lin You'er lightly. "If you think I am not, I am not."

auzw.com Lin You'er dared to continue speaking after hearing this.

Soon after, Ye Li and Lin Kang, the head of the Lin family, returned to the Lin family.

It's natural that Ye Li is the master of the North Realm. It didn't take long for everyone in the Lin family to know that Ye Li was the Master of the North Realm.

After a few days at the Lin family, Ye Li felt bored. He had to go to the ground to see if there were any big gathering places for zombies.

Later, he said goodbye to the Lin family and left the city.


Ye Li came to a white wolf base city.

This base city was actually named after an animal. Ye Li had never met him before. He felt a bit interesting and stopped at the white wolf base city.

"I heard that there is a large gathering place of zombies in the critical mountain."

"Yeah, I also heard about it, I don't know how many zombies there are."

"Alas, I don't know if these zombies will come to attack our white wolf base city."

Ye Li went to a restaurant, and his side table started talking.

"If anything, Miss Jin has taken the gene warrior to the critical mountain."

Hearing this, several people at Ye Li's side table were relieved.

Ye Li smiled faintly, thinking that when he first came to this white wolf base city, he met a large gathering place of zombies. Who should he justify?

"Do you know where the critical mountain is?" Ye Li asked the men at the side table.

Several men laughed when they heard the words, "Brother, you are also going to join in the excitement, now that place is no longer available."

"You only need to tell me the location of the critical mountain." Ye Li said again.

Several men shook their heads. They thought that Ye Li was going to die, and of course they would not stop him. After all, it was not them who died.


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