Apocalyptic God-level Zombie Synthesis System

Chapter 1228: He killed the young master

"He, he actually said that my mouth will cause trouble." Yang Wei burst into tears with a smile.

Everyone in the restaurant couldn't help but get up. They really couldn't understand why Ye Li dared to say this to Yang Wei.

"What are you laughing at?" Ye Li looked at Yang Wei faintly.

"Laughing?" Yang Wei smiled coldly again, "I laughed at you as a waste, but I dare to speak in front of me Yang Wei!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the restaurant laughed.

Jin Duo and Li Xue shook their heads, thinking of the sins of the heavens would be forgivable.

"When you say this sentence, your life has disappeared from this world forever." Ye Li spoke slowly to Yang Wei.

Yang Wei's words stopped his smile, and a cold look appeared on his face.

"Don't be arrogant in front of me, now give you a chance." Yang Wei stared at Ye Li, "kneeling in front of me."

Everyone in the restaurant looked at Ye Li. They all wanted to know if Ye Li would kneel. They thought maybe, just because Yang Wei was the young master of the Yang Family in the White Wolf Base City.


Ye Li sighed secretly, why do people always refuse to believe his words?

"I let you kneel for me..."

Before Yang Wei finished his words, his pupils contracted rapidly.

And he never had a chance to say this sentence, only because his life disappeared from this world forever.

how is this possible! ! !

Everyone in the restaurant was terrified. They looked at Yang Wei's body and found a shocking blood hole on his forehead.

"Senior, this..."

Jin Duo and Li Xue were also terrified. Why did they think that Ye Li actually killed Yang Wei?

"Is there anything worth wondering?" Ye Li said lightly to Jin Duo and Li Xue's second daughter.


Where did Jinduo and Li Xue dare to speak, their white faces were as scared as they were afraid.

"Let's go." Ye Li spoke slowly.

As the sound fell, Ye Li got up and walked out of the restaurant.

Jin Duo and Li Xue, look at me, I see you all looked at each other, they had to keep up.

"Senior, how did you kill Yang Wei?" Jin Duo said to Ye Li in a panic.

Ye Li smiled frankly, "It's just a ant, and if you kill it, you will kill it."

"But Senior, Yang Wei's family..."

Jin Duo did not finish talking, but looked at Ye Li.

"Hehe." Ye Li's face was light and breezy. "If they want to come to me, then kill them."

Jin Duo and Li Xue heard this, and then they finally understood Ye Li's horror.

Such a presence...the murder would never blink at all.

"By the way, since you think the Yang family will come to me for revenge, why do you still follow me?" Ye Li looked at Jin Duo and Li Xue a little puzzled.

Jin Duo and Li Xue heard this and realized this problem.

"Leave it." Ye Li said lightly.

Jin Duo and Li Xue thought for a few seconds, and immediately said to Ye Li: "Then Senior, we will leave."

Immediately, Jin Duo and Li Xue left Ye Li.

They knew that the Yang family would come to Ye Li to avenge Yang Wei, but they did not expect it to come so fast.

Jin Duo and Li Xue had just taken a dozen steps, and the gene warriors of the Yang family surrounded Ye Li to the regiment.

"It was he who killed Young Master Yang Wei!" a younger Yang family cheered Ye Li with his finger.


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