Apocalyptic God-level Zombie Synthesis System

Chapter 1234: Enter the Mad Tiger Sect

It took a long time before the girl recovered.

"You, are you really going to destroy the mad Tiger Sect?" The girl looked at Ye Li in disbelief.

"Do you think I'm kidding?" Ye Li said to the girl.

The girl was stunned. Although she felt that Ye Li was very young, it was a fantasy to destroy the mad tiger, but she felt that Ye Li did not lie to her.

At the same time, she felt that Ye Li's eyes glanced, and she would never forget it again.

It was quiet at night, deep like the sea.


The girl called Ye Li and a deep begging appeared in her pupils, "Senior, can you help me get revenge!"

Ye Li had already guessed that the girl wanted to revenge.

"Anyway, anyway, I'm going to destroy the Mad Tiger Sect."

The girl was overjoyed when she heard the words, and she thought that revenge in her life was hopeless, but the appearance of Ye Li made her feel hopeful again in an instant.

"Senior, my name is Yang Jing."

The girl realized that she had not told Ye Li her name.

Ye Li naturally does not care about the girl's name, he said slowly to the girl:

"Let's go."

Yang Jing nodded in a hurry, and then walked towards Ye Hu Zong with Ye Li.

It didn't take long for Ye Li and Yang Jing to go under the Mad Tiger Sect.

"Senior, the top of this mountain is the Mad Tiger Sect." Yang Jing said to Ye Li.

There is no slight fluctuation in Ye Li's face like Ruyu's face, "Let's go up the mountain."

Immediately, Ye Li and Yang Jing went up the mountain.

Although Yang Jing did not know whether Ye Li could avenge her, but she knew that this was her only chance, and she must grasp it.

auzw.com A moment later, Ye Li and Yang Jing went outside the sect gate of the Mad Tiger Sect.

A dozen or so disciples of the Mad Tiger Sect looked at Ye Li and Yang Jing with confusion.

"What are you doing, do you know that this is the territory of the Mad Tiger Sect?" A disciple of the Mad Tiger Sect screamed at Ye Li and Yang Jing.

"I'm here to destroy your mad tiger sect." Ye Li spoke slowly.

what! ! !

A dozen disciples of the Mad Tiger Sect heard this, and they were immediately shocked. They just wanted to break their heads and did not think that Ye Li would actually say such a thing.

"You, what are you talking about?"

A dozen or so disciples of the Mad Tiger Sect only think they have heard it wrong.

"Ha ha."

Ye Li smiled, and a ridiculous look appeared on his face like Ruyu's face. "I can't think of you as a deaf except for a ants."

A dozen of the disciples of the mad tiger sect heard this, and all of them burst out of anger above their heads.

"Boy, I think you ate the bear heart leopard gall!" A disciple of a violent tiger screamed at Ye Li.

Ye Li shook his head secretly, killing no more than a point.


With the sound of dozens of breaking winds, more than a dozen mad tiger sect disciples all died, and of course a shocking blood hole appeared on their foreheads.


Yang Jing was stunned. She thought that Ye Li was very strong. However, when she thought that Ye Li actually grabbed such a point, she had the strength to suffocate her.

When such a movement happened, Mad Tiger Sect naturally heard it.

It was only an instant that all the sect disciples of the mad war rushed out like a black cloud, and they surrounded Ye Li and Yang Jing to the regiment.

Looking at such a scene, Yang Jing's white face couldn't help but scare pale.

"Senior, what should I do?" Yang Jing asked, looking at Ye Li horrifiedly.


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