Everyone in the restaurant wanted to break their heads, but they didn't think that Ye Li actually killed Tang Yue.

You know, Tang Yue is the eldest lady of the Tang family in Beiyun base city.

"Senior, this...!"

Not to mention everyone in the restaurant, even Chu Wei didn't expect that her eyes were wide, and she couldn't believe it was true anyway.

"Nothing worth fussing about."

Then, Ye Li ordered.

He eats as fast as usual. After eating well, the Tang family is finally here.

Dozens of gene warriors from the Tang family rushed into the restaurant.

"Senior, you wait, I'll call someone."

After talking, Chu Wei went to the Chu family and called for someone to go.

Ye Li smiled secretly, thinking where these ants would be his opponent.


The gene warriors of the Tang family looked at the body of Tang Yue on the ground, and their eyes were all flushed.

"Who killed our old lady!"

A gene warrior glanced at everyone screaming.

Everyone in the restaurant naturally turned their eyes to Ye Li.

Dozens of Tang gene warriors saw this, they all quickly looked at Ye Li, but found Ye Li standing indifferently.

"You killed our old lady?"

A gene warrior stared at Ye Li.

Ye Li's face like Ruyu's face naturally has no fluctuations.

"Yes, I killed it." Ye Li looked at the gene warrior indifferently. "How can you treat me?"

As soon as this remark came out, dozens of Tang's gene warriors were all angry to the point that they could hardly be added.

"Kill me to avenge Missy!"

Suddenly, dozens of gene warriors of Tang family rushed towards Ye Li.

auzw.com Ye Li sighed secretly. He thought about dozens of corpses.


With dozens of voices breaking the wind, the lives of dozens of gene warriors from the Tang family disappeared from this world forever.

"how is this possible!"

Everyone in the restaurant was shocked when they saw this.

Dozens of Tang's gene warriors died in an instant? They didn't even see how Ye Li shot.

They looked at Ye Li in horror, but found that Ye Li's face did not fluctuate at all, as if nothing had happened at all.

At this time, Chu Wei brought the gene warrior of the Chu family to the restaurant.


But when they looked at the scene in front of them, they were all terrified to the point that they couldn't be added.

"Senior, this, did you do it at this time?"

Chu Wei looked at Ye Li in horror.

"Is there anyone other than me?" Ye Li said slowly.

Quiet, dead silence.

Where did the people in the restaurant dare to speak? They even held their breath, just because they felt that Ye Li was no longer a person, but a killer from the infernal purgatory.

The gene warriors of the Chu family also froze like petrochemicals, and could not recover for a long time.

"Senior, although you killed so many gene warriors of the Tang family at once, the Tang family will not be willing to give up."

"It doesn't matter." Ye Li looked at Chu Wei lightly, "Take me to your family."

Chu Wei nodded when she heard the words.

Chu Wei, Chu Wei and the gene warriors of the Chu family took Ye Li to the Chu family.

Soon after, they came outside the Chu's house.

"Senior, this is my family."

Chu Wei said to Ye Li.

Ye Li's face was calm like water, and he walked slowly into the Chu's house.


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