Apocalyptic God-level Zombie Synthesis System

Chapter 1255: Your life is gone forever

Every time Ye Li treats other people with healing techniques, they will look on the girl's face.

Of course there will be no fluctuations in his face.

"No surprise, what's your name?" Ye Li asked the girl looking at the girl.

Although the girl doesn't know why her injury will be better, she is not a fool, and of course she knows that Ye Li cured her.

"My name is Hu Xue."

Listening to the girl's words, Chu Wei's white face added a sweet smile.

"Are you the mayor's daughter?"

"Yeah, how do you know."

Immediately, Chu Wei told Hu Xue everything.

Hu Xue understood it after listening, and looked at Ye Li and Chu Wei gratefully.


Suddenly, a cold laugh came into their ears.

Several people followed the voice and found that it was a dark race of dozens of violent green snakes.

"It's really nowhere to be found, I don't have to work hard to get it. I can't think there are three humans in this green snake forest."

A dark race of green mad snakes sneered.

Ye Li faintly looked at the dark race of the talking blue ferocious snake in front of him.

"Why do you show up in front of me?"

As soon as this remark came out, more than thirty dark gangsters and dark races were stunned. Obviously they did not understand what Ye Li meant.

"Human, what do you mean?"

auzw.com The dark race of the talking blue ferocious snake is a dark race of the second-level territories, he stared at Ye Li coldly and asked.

"It means that when you appear in front of me." Ye Li glanced faintly at the dark race of more than thirty green savage snakes, "Your life will disappear from this world forever."


More than thirty dark races of dark and violent snakes heard this remark, and they all became furious. At the same time, they could not believe why Ye Li dared to say such a thing.

"Human, I originally wanted you to live a few more seconds, but now it seems that you don't want to live anymore!"

"Give me!"

With the order of the second-level king-level blue ferocious snake, more than thirty dark races behind him flew towards Ye Li.

In front of ordinary gene warriors, these dark races of violent snakes are absolutely terrifying. But in front of Ye Li's eyes, they are not only weak, but also weak.


There were also dozens of sounds of breaking wind, and more than 30 dark races of blue ferocious snakes rushing to Ye Li, their lives disappeared from this world forever.

how is this possible?

The dark race of the second-level king-level blue ferocious snake was frightened, and I couldn't believe it was true anyway.

"How, how is it possible?"

The voice of the dark race of the second-level king-level blue ferocious snake is trembling violently.

"I said, when you appear in front of me, your life will disappear from this world forever." Ye Li looked at the dark race of the second-level king-level blue violent snake serenely, "Why are you Do not believe it?"

After hearing this, the dark race of the second-level king-level violent snake is so terrified that the three souls can't see the two souls, and the seven souls can't see the six souls.


I saw this second-order king-level blue violent snake dark race yelled, and then fled to escape from here, the speed has reached the fastest ever.

Unfortunately, how can he escape Ye Li's palm?


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