All the residents were shocked, and of course they did not expect Ye Li to be so arrogant.

Although they saw the horror of Ye Li's defense force, it must be known that Xue Qiang was the first genius of Nanyun Base City, the seventh-order territorial realm!

Xue Qiang stared at Ye Li with death. Where has he seen someone like Ye Li before?

"Do you know what will happen to you when you say this?"

"do not know."

Ye Li shook his head, he didn't understand why someone would always ask him such a question.

"Then I tell you, you will be eaten by my evil tiger!"

"Eat him for me!"

With the order of Xue Qiang, the evil tiger beside him roared, and then swooped towards Ye Li.

This is a fierce tiger with a length of more than five meters.

It's a pity, what can this evil tiger count in front of Ye Li?


A voice broke through the wind.

This evil tiger rushing towards Ye Li was instantly penetrated.

how is this possible!

Looking at such a scene, all the residents took a breath of gas. They quickly rubbed their eyes and did not believe it was true. But no matter how they rub, the result is the same.

"you you!"

Where can Xue Qiang say a complete sentence at this moment?

"Speak, how do you want to die?"

This is the case that caused Ye Li's end. As long as he wanted Xue Qiangsan to die, no one would dare to keep him to Wuchang.

"Do you know who I am?"

After a few seconds, Xue Qiang recovered, staring at Ye Li and asked.

"Who are you, and does it matter if I kill you?" Ye Li asked calmly to Xue Qiang.

After hearing this, Xue Qiang suddenly became furious.

"I am the young master of the Xue family, the strongest family in the base city of Nanyun!"

Xue Qiang wants to use his identity to make Ye Li retreat.

It's a pity that Xue Qiang's wishful thinking was wrong, and Ye Li was never afraid of anyone threatening.

"Does it have anything to do with me?" Ye Liguan Guan Ruyu's face was fooled.

Xue Qiang looked at Ye Li's face, and could not help but gritt his teeth.

"If you dare to treat me, I don't believe you can get out of Nanyun base city!"

With that, Xue Qiang walked back.

Ha ha.

Ye Li smiled indifferently, he felt that Xue Qiang really felt too good for himself.


Another sound of breaking wind appeared.

Xue Qiang listened to the sound of breaking the wind, he was terrified and quickly turned around.

But this time, his pupils contracted quickly.

Only because he can't escape such an attack!


Xue Qiang screamed, and a **** hole in his scalp appeared on his forehead.


The residents of Nanyun Base City looked at such a scene, but they all couldn't help but be overwhelmed. They couldn't believe Ye Li actually killed Xue Qiang if they wanted to break their heads.

Isn't he... afraid of Xue's revenge?

At this time, the hearts of the residents are undoubtedly shocked.

They all swallowed and spit, and then looked at Ye Li, only to find that Ye Li's face did not fluctuate at all, as if nothing had happened.

In the past, the residents did not say that they had seen someone like Ye Li, but they had never heard of it.

They also found that Ye Li was standing still, as if waiting for the Xue gene warrior.


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