
"Congratulations to the host for obtaining a super treasure map."

The sound of the system suddenly appeared in Ye Li's mind.

Ye Liwen Yan Guanru Yu's face could not help but showed a wonderful color.

It's really interesting to think about it. He hasn't got a super treasure map in a long time.

Without much thought, he opened the obtained super treasure map.

After opening the Super Treasure Map, the coordinates appeared in my mind.

Ye Li found that the coordinates are far away from here.

He urged a hundred steps toward the coordinates in his mind.


Ten days later.

Ye Li came to the area named Black Land.

He found that the coordinates in his mind suddenly disappeared, and there was no surprise on his face, just because he didn't know how many times he had encountered such a situation before.

Ye Li’s current location is called Hu Cheng.

On Hucheng Street, most of them are gene warriors, and their faces are all vicious, and it is not annoying at first glance.

He walked into an inn.

The inn was full of people, all drinking.

"Primary two."

Ye Li called Dian Xiao Er over.

"Objective, what do you want?"

"Give up all the delicious food in your shop."

Dian Xiaoer heard the words and walked away.

Soon, good wine and good food came up.

When Ye Li was about to eat, a voice came into his ears.

"It looks like my friend is not a local!"

Ye Li looked over the sound and found that he was talking about a middle-aged man. The middle-aged man looked at the age of forty and had a shocking scar on his face.

"Can only locals come in to eat here?"

auzw.com As soon as this remark came out, everyone in the inn looked at Ye Li, and there was a sneer on their faces.

"Do you know where this is?"

The middle-aged man said to Ye Li again.

"I don't know." Ye Li shook his head.

The middle-aged man smiled coldly, "This is the Erlong Inn, which is full of fish and dragons, and there are gangsters who are killing more people."

"I think you look good, and you dare to come to Erlong Inn, which is ridiculous!"

Hahaha! ! !

Everyone at the Erlong Inn laughed.

Ye Li was stunned, he naturally did not expect to eat a meal and this kind of thing.

Why is the tree quiet and the wind never stops?

He didn't understand, he really didn't understand.

Ye Li was not prepared to continue to care about middle-aged men, but began to eat and drink.

When the middle-aged man saw Ye Li didn't answer him, he couldn't help but feel very upset. He walked angrily to Ye Li.

"Tell me, you are scared!"

The middle-aged man spoke coldly to Ye Li.

Ye Li faced Guan Ruyu's face with light clouds, and he looked at the middle-aged man calmly.

"Why should I be afraid?"

"what did you say?"

The middle-aged man spoke to Ye Li one word at a time.

"If I must make you afraid?" The middle-aged man stared at Ye Li and shouted.

"You can try it!" Ye Li said lightly.


Everyone in the Erlong Inn laughed when they saw this.

They felt that Ye Li was a little ridiculous, and they didn't know it when they died.

"Okay! Then I scare you!"

Yin Luo, middle-aged man in front of Ye Li punched Ye Ye heavily.

Everyone at Erlong Inn knew that Ye Li could not resist such a punch anyway, and the smile on their faces was even worse.


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