Apocalyptic God-level Zombie Synthesis System

Chapter 1274: What speed is this

Hundreds of wild tiger mountain gene warriors on the top of Beishan Mountain looked at Ye Li and Mo Li coldly.

"There are so many genetic warriors in my wild tiger mountain going down the mountain, how could you possibly come up!"

The middle-aged man asked Ye Li and Mo Li.

The middle-aged man is no one else, it is the leader of the crazy tiger mountain, the first-order heavenly realm.

Ye Li smiled, and said to the leader of Kuanghu Mountain Kuanghai:

"Do you really think that the ants can stop us?"

"what do you mean…?"

The face of Kuanghushan leader Kuanghai was startled, just because he thought of an amazing possibility.

"Yeah, those ants were killed by me." Ye Li said lightly.

Hundreds of gene warriors on the top of Beishan Mountain heard this, and they all looked dumbfounded. They couldn't believe Ye Li was true anyway.

"good very good!"

Thousands of anger broke out above the head of the crazy sea, and he could not remember how long he had not been so angry.

"Since you are here to find death, then I will fulfill you!"

Kuanghai, the leader of Kuanghu Mountain, shouted coldly at Ye Li and Mo Li.

Ye Li smiled frankly, "Compared to this, the god-level sky-dweller, have you found it."

Mad Sea is not a fool. Of course, he knew that Ye Li and Mo Li came to the top of Beishan Mountain for the purpose of divine power.

"Yes, I found it, but you are about to die."

Crazy sarcastically said to Ye Li.

Ye Li's face like Yuyu's face was calm like water, and he spread his palms against the mad sea, slowly opening his mouth:

"Hand over God-level Tongtian Gong, I can spare your life."

Hahaha! ! !

As soon as this remark came out, the leader of Mad Tiger Mountain, Mad Sea, and hundreds of gene warriors all laughed in the sky. They only felt that they heard the most funny joke in the world.



Ye Li shook his head secretly. He didn't understand. He really didn't understand. Why do people always disbelieve him?

"I can't think of a dying person who can say such words, which really surprised me."

The leader of Kuanghu Mountain, Kuanghai, looked at Ye Li inexplicably and said.

Ye Li did not speak, but urged a hundred steps.


The mad sea and hundreds of genetic warriors were all shocked, only because they found that Ye Li was left with only a residual image.

What kind of speed is this...?

"Hurry up!"

The leader of Kuanghu Mountain Kuanghai shouted, and then hundreds of gene warriors all began to look for Ye Li's location.

Unfortunately, how can they capture Ye Li's figure?

Kuang Hai was terrified at this moment, why did he think that Ye Li actually had such a horrible speed.

I saw that when Ye Li appeared again, he was behind the leader of Kuanghu Mountain Kuanghai.

"Head, be careful!"

When a man saw Ye Li appearing behind the leader, he quickly shouted.

Kuang Hai Wen Yan reacted, he turned around quickly, but it was too late.

Ye Li had punched him in the body with a punch.


The mad sea is just a first-order heavenly realm, where can it resist Ye Li's punch.

This punch directly penetrated the body of Kuanghai, the leader of Kuanghu Mountain.

Quiet, Yaque silent.

Hundreds of genetic warriors opened their eyes to the largest ever, and their mouths were so wide that they could swallow an extra large bowl.

"You think..." Ye Li glanced faintly at the hundreds of genetic warriors on the top of Beishan Mountain. "How do you want to die?"


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