Apocalyptic God-level Zombie Synthesis System

Chapter 1286: Hei Yi Shan, Hei Yi Jiao

This, this...

A dozen teenagers and teenagers all became dumbfounded. Where else can you say a complete sentence?

They quickly looked at Ye Li, but found that Ye Li's face was as calm as water, as if he had not seen so many zombies at all.

These dozen teenagers could not have imagined Ye Li's guts. He was so calm in the face of so many zombies.


"Do it yourself."

Ye Li gave an order to the End of the Army.

The ten zombies of the last corps of the last days heard Ye Li's orders, and after all roared, they were ejected.


The corpses of the last days began to knock down these zombies.

Ye Li also opened the synthetic lattice in his mind and began to synthesize these zombies.

Synthetic zombies, he did not synthesize them again, but let these zombies continue to attack other zombies.

One day has passed.

The zombie was finally synthesized.

The end-time legions have all become the seventh-order Uranus-level zombies.

The dozens of teenagers and girls all froze like clay sculptures and could not recover for a long time.

Ye Li put the End of the World Army into the system space, then walked away slowly.

Only a dozen teenagers were left in amazement.


After he took a few steps, he paused, just because he thought of something.

"Who knows where to teach in black?"

Ye Li showed a side face and said to a dozen teenage girls.

These dozen teenagers and girls have recovered from hearing this. They looked at me, I looked at you, and they all looked at each other.

After a few seconds, a girl said to Ye Li:

auzw.com "Senior, I know."

"Take me."

Ye Li opens slowly.

The girl was hesitant. After ten seconds, she bit her silver teeth and walked to Ye Li.


The young girl took Ye Li to teach in black.

"Senior, my name is Tang Xue."

The girl said to Ye Li.

The realm of the girl is not very high, but it is only the realm of the second-tier king.

Ye Li didn't have any interest in what the girl was called.

What Ye Li did not expect was that the black clothes were not far from them.

Only an hour later, he and Tang Xue went down to the Black Mountain.

Hei Yijiao sits on Heiyi Mountain.

"Go up the mountain." Ye Li said lightly.

Tang Xue, who had seen Ye Li's strength, would naturally not doubt Ye Li's strength. She took Ye Li to the Black Mountain without any hesitation.

After arriving outside the Black Church, more than a dozen black warrior gene warriors blocked their way.

"Who are you, don't you know this is Black Mountain?"

Ye Li smiled frankly, "What do you know, what do you not know?"

Why do dozens of black warrior gene warriors think that Ye Li will say such things.

"Since you know this is Black Mountain, dare to come here, are you looking for death?"

The dozen of black warrior gene warriors in front of Ye Li all looked at Ye Li and Tang Xue coldly.

"Actually." Ye Li thought for a few seconds, and then said to a dozen black martial arts warriors, "It's you who are looking for death."

When the words fell, several bursts of wind broke out suddenly, where can a dozen black warrior genetic warriors resist such a terrifying aura attack, their lives disappeared from this world forever.

Although Tang Xue knew Ye Li's horror, when he saw this scene in front of him, he couldn't help but panic.


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