Apocalyptic God-level Zombie Synthesis System

Chapter 796: Go tell the Wang family, I killed Wang Yun

As soon as this remark came out, everyone in the Lin family couldn't help but stunned.

The reason why they were stunned was not because they felt that Ye Li had insecurely destroyed the Lin family, but because of Ye Li's domineering speech.

It is simply too domineering side leakage, this is the most domineering person they have seen from birth to now.

A domineering like ancient gods and demon.

"Yes! Lord Demon!"

Lin Zhanshan, the owner of the Lin family, responded quickly.

Immediately, Lin Zhanshan immediately sent Lin Yang to report to the Wang family.

The gene warriors who are present look at me, and I see that you all looked at each other. They had only heard of the prestige of the devil Ye Li before, and they had not seen it.

At this moment, it was terrible to think that Demon Yeli was really Devil Yeli.

They have a feeling that Ye Li, the devil is the most terrifying person in the world.


Wang Family.

Wang Hu, the head of the Wang family, is talking about something with the elders.

Suddenly, a child of the Wang family came in.

"Homeowner, the Lin family is here, saying there are important things to see."

"Is it important?"

Wang Hu smiled coldly, thinking about what the Lin family could do, but they were one of the five major families in Xuancheng, and it was not easy to refute the Lin family's face.

"Let the Lin family come in." Wang Hu, the owner of the Wang family, waved his hand.

Soon after, Lin Yang walked in.

"Master Wang!" Lin Yang yelled at Wang Hu.

Wang Hu smiled coldly, "Lin Yang, what do you Lin family have to talk about?"

The elders in the hall were extremely disdainful. Their Wang family was the first family of Xuancheng. What did the Lin family look down upon.

"Master Wang, I hope you can mourn and change." Lin Yang said.

"Sorrows and sorrows change?" Wang Hu stunned.

auzw.com All the elders in the Wang Family Hall were also stunned. Obviously, they did not understand Lin Yang’s meaning.

"Master Wang, just shortly after, Master Wang was offended by Ye Li because he offended Ye Li."

what! ! !

As soon as this remark came out, everyone in the Wang family could not help but take a breath.

"You, what are you talking about?"

Wang Hu's eyes were red, and Wang Yun was his most beloved grandson.

"Master Wang was killed by the devil Ye Li." Lin Yang continued.

Quiet, dead silence.

A few seconds later, the owner of the Wang family bit his teeth, clenched his fists, and his nails did not penetrate the skin and he felt no pain at all.

"Devil King Yeli!"

"Homeowner, Demon King Ye Li is really a bully!"

An elder of the royal family roared.

"Homeowner, our Wang family must avenge Xiaoyun. They all say that Demon King Yeli is the strongest person in Xuandi, and I will not believe it!" Another elder also snorted.

Wang Hu's eyes were now able to spew out fire. He gritted his teeth and said coldly:

"Ye Li, the devil, you just bully others, and actually bullied my king's head!"

"I want to tell Master to let him do justice to me!"

Lin Yang was stunned, thinking of Wang Jiajia's main complaint to the Master?

Isn’t his master dead, could he not die?

"Master Wang, I'm just here to report, and I will leave without doing anything else."

After that, Lin Yang hurriedly walked out of the Wang family. He felt that everyone in the Wang family was in a rage. If he didn’t leave now, he might not be able to leave.

Lin Yang arrived at Zombie Paradise and quickly told Ye Li the news.

"What? Master Wang Hu didn't die?"

Lin Zhanshan, the head of the Lin family, was also stunned.

"Master Lord Demon, the master of Wang Hu is called Lin Jiutong. He was the strongest person in Xuandi. Even the main hall of Siqitang was not Lin Jiutong's opponent." Lin Zhanshan said quickly to Ye Li.


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