Everyone looked at Ye Li and thought Xu Nan was right, but here is the Black Iron City.

Even if you are covered with iron, you can stick a few nails.

"Kneel." Ye Li looked at Xu Nan.

what! ! !

When everyone heard this, they were all amazed to the point that they couldn't be added.


Actually let the young master of the Dark Iron City kneel?

They quickly pulled out their ears because they all felt that they had heard it wrong.

"what did you say?"

Xu Nan stared at Ye Li, who would have thought that Ye Li would say such a thing.

"Kneel down, don't let me say it a third time." Ye Li spoke slowly to Xu Nan.

"You are looking for death!" Xu Nan could not help but roared.


Suddenly, only a sound of breaking wind appeared.

Xu Nan, the owner of Heitiecheng Shaocheng, screamed, and even knelt before Ye Li.

Xu Nan did not want to kneel, but there was a shocking blood hole in his right leg.

"It hurts me! It hurts me!"

Xu Nan shouted, and his pain was so severe at this time, it was unprecedented.

The crowd watching you look at me, I see you all looked at each other.

But here is the Black Iron City, isn't this person afraid?

At this time, some people have already gone to the city's main palace to report. I believe that it won't take long for the city's main guard to come here.

"You, wait for me!"

Xu Nanqiang endured the pain and said to Ye Li.


Ye Li smiled faintly, and there was no slight fluctuation in his face like Ruyu's face. He slowly spoke:

"You let me wait for Ye Li?"

The sound fell, and another sound of breaking wind appeared, and I saw another shocking blood hole in Xu Nan's other leg.


Xu Nan made a scream like killing a pig. The scream was so terrifying.

Qingzhu and Qingruo looked at Ye Li's back, and somehow they started to bump into the deer's heart, just because they felt that it was too safe to be with Ye Li.

"Give up! Give up!"

Suddenly, the shout came to everyone's ears.

The onlookers quickly followed the voice and saw dozens of guards from the main palace ran over.

These guards are all eighth-order surpassers, and the captain is a tenth-order surpasser, who only needs to go further to become a talent.

These dozens of gene warriors from the city's main palace came to Xu Nan, staring at Xu Nan, the young city master, in amazement. Where did they think of this place in Heitiecheng?

"Young city master, who did it?"

The captain quickly asked.

"It's him!" Xu Nan said, clenching his teeth and looking at Ye Li.

Dozens of gene warriors looked at Ye Li in unison, and their faces were all angry.

"Boy, did you eat the bear heart leopard gall?" The captain of the guard shouted at Ye Li.

Ye Li's face was calm like water, as if he hadn't heard anything.

"What are you doing here?" Ye Li looked at the dozens of guards in the main palace.

"Why?" The captain of the guard smiled coldly. He thought that Ye Li was a little funny, and then said: "You hurt our young city master, now ask us why?"

Ye Li's face still did not fluctuate at all, and he slowly spoke:

"So you are here, are you going to kill me?"

The onlookers looked at Ye Li in amazement. They didn't understand why Ye Li was not afraid. Isn't he afraid of death?


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