Xu Shan, the owner of Heitiecheng, was flushed.

"The whole army of the **** has been wiped out?"

Xu Shan stared at a third-order evolver in the hall.

"Yes, the lord, the man doesn't know what the origin is, but it's scary and terrifying anyway." The third-order evolutionary responded with a bow.

Xu Shan's face was terribly cold at the moment.

"How is the young master?"

"Young Master is in the hospital, it should be fine."

The gene warriors in the hall were also stunned, and what kind of people could make the corps annihilated.

"City Lord!"

At this time, another evolutionist ran in with a deep horror on his face.

"what happened!"

The city owner Xu Shan quickly asked.

"Urban master, a man and two women came out and said that we would destroy our mansion."

what! ! !

All the gene warriors in the hall were startled.


Asked a second-order natural elect.

"Yes, it looks like it's quite emboldened."

The city owner Xu Shan bit his teeth, his face cold and scary.

"You guys, let me go out and see!"

Immediately, the city owner Xu Shan led a group of gene warriors out of the city's palace.

Soon after, they went outside the main palace and looked at Ye Li, Qing Zhu and Qing Ruo.

"Just you are going to destroy us?" Xu Shan said coldly.

Ye Li smiled, "Yes."

"If I guessed right, you killed the guards of the main palace."


Ye Li nodded.

auzw.com The faces of the city owner Xu Shan and the gene warriors all became cold.

"Heaven has a way, you don't go, there is no hell, you come to vote!" Xu Shan stared at Ye Li and said.

Ye Li smiled frankly. He thought Xu Shan was really interesting.

"What are you waiting for?" Ye Li said lightly.

Xu Shan and all the gene warriors did not understand what Ye Li meant.

"Boy, what do you mean!" Xu Shanhan, the city's owner, shouted.

Ye Li leisurely smiled and said lightly to the city owner Xu Shan:

"I don't understand the meaning, just let you die."

As soon as this remark came out, Xu Shan and the gene warriors were all angry.

"court death!"

A second-order Heavenly Selector snorted and attacked Ye Ye.

Ye Li smiled secretly, thinking that it was another tasteless fly.


With the sound of the wind breaking through, the second-order natural-selector instantly disappeared.


The city owner Xu Shan and all the gene warriors were dumbfounded. Where did they think this would be the case.

"Are you shocked?" Ye Li looked at Xu Shan and the gene warriors.

Xu Shan and all the gene warriors were just shocked. They were shocked to the point that they couldn't be added.

Before they could speak, they heard Ye Li say again:

"Actually, you don't need to be shocked because you are about to die, and the dead will not be shocked."

Upon hearing this, Xu Shan and the gene warriors contracted their pupils.

But Ye Li has raised his finger, and the god-level skill Tianmo finger is issued.

How can such an attack be described in words?

Where can the city owner Xu Shan and the gene warriors avoid such an attack, they all yelled at the last moment of life:

"I'm dying!"

Immediately, they all died.

Qingzhu and Qingruo glanced at each other, and they no longer knew how terrible their master was. Is such a person really real?


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