Apocalyptic God-level Zombie Synthesis System

Chapter 812: Do you know the feeling of disfigurement

The women and more than a dozen young gene warriors were all startled. They did not expect Ye Li to say such things.

"who are you?"

The woman stared at Ye Li with a disdain in her eyes.

"Who am I? You are not qualified to know yet." Ye Li spoke slowly.

"what did you say?"

The women and more than a dozen young gene warriors were stunned.

The woman's name is Qingling, a genius of the Qing family. She has always been jealous of Qingzhu and Qingruo. Now that Qingzhu and Qingruo offended the Wind and Snow Palace, she is certainly happy.

"Come in and report." Ye Li didn't want to continue talking nonsense with Qing Ling.

Qing Ling's brows were tightly locked as she stared at Ye Li.

"Where are you supposed to be here? To tell you the truth, you came just right. I grabbed you and dedicated it to the Wind and Snow Silver Palace." Qing Ling said with a sneer.

Ye Li sighed secretly, why is there no one willing to listen to him?

"Catch them!"

With Qing Ling's order, more than a dozen gene warriors from the Qing family rushed towards them.


With the appearance of several sounds of breaking the wind, more than a dozen gene warriors flew out, and after falling heavily on the ground, they all fainted.


Qing Ling was stunned. She didn't think it would be like this if she wanted to break her head.

"you you……"

Qingling at this time, where can I say a complete sentence.

"Do you know the feeling of disfigurement?" Ye Li said suddenly to Qingling.

Qingling was shocked, and she looked at Ye Li in shock.

Ye Li smiled, "It seems that you don't know. Since that is the case, I will let you know."

As the sound fell, a shocking blood stain appeared on Qingling's face.

"My face, my face, ah!"

Qingling yelled, the sound made people scalp tingling.


Ye Li is such a person, he never needs any reason to do things.

Qingzhu and Qingruo, if you look at me, I look at you and look at each other.

Qingling's cries spread far away, and then the Qing family ran out again as a group of gene warriors.

"How is this going?"

An old man stunned and asked, this old man is a third-order natural chooser.

"It's him, it's him!"

Qingling cried and pointed at Ye Li.

The old man looked in Qingling's hand. It didn't matter if he didn't.

"Qingzhu, Qingruo?"

The elders are the five elders of the Qing family.

"You have offended the Wind and Snow Silver Palace, and you dare to come back?" The five elders stared at Qingzhu and Qingruo and snarled.

"Yes, our Qing family has severed ties with you, why are you still coming back!"

The children of the Qing family behind the five elders also echoed.

Is this human nature?

Ye Li smiled calmly and looked at the five elders lightly.

"Mary ants, call out everyone in your family, and apologize to Qingzhu and Qingruo."


The elders of the five elders and the children of the Zhongqing family were all startled. They only felt that they had misheard.

Just now the five elders saw Qingzhu and Qingruo, but they didn't react at all. Then he remembered that Qingling was referring to Ye Li.

"Boy, do you know what you are talking about?"

The five elders sarcastically looked at Ye Li. He had not seen such an arrogant person like Ye Li.

Ye Li smiled, "I'll say it again, call out all the people in the Qing family, apologize to Qingzhu and Qingruo, don't let me say it a third time."

"Straight arrogant!"

Five elders got angry, and a large hand came out towards Yeli.


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