Apocalyptic God-level Zombie Synthesis System

Chapter 824: The panic of the Jin family

Jin Feng, the head of the Jin family, and the elders quickly walked out of the hall, and their faces were also filled with consternation.

"what happened?"

They just felt like a mountain pressed against them, making them even unable to breathe.

Ye Li lightly looked at the group of people who came out of the hall, he slowly spoke:

"My name is Yeli, and I will live with you from now on."

When the sound fell, Ye Li withdrew the magic energy.

The pressure disappeared instantly.

Everyone in the Jin family was relieved, and they breathed out quickly, looking at Ye Li in horror.

"who are you?"

Jin Feng, the head of the Jin family, looked at Ye Li in a deadly way, and intuitively told him that the man in front of him was absolutely terrified to the point that he couldn't add more.

"A demon." Ye Li said calmly.

A demon?

The Jin family and the elders all froze, and for a moment did not know what to say.


Suddenly Jin Feng, the owner of the Jin family, snorted suddenly, "What if you are a devil, why should our Jin family let you live?"

When the words fell, everyone in the Jin family also looked at Ye Li. Thinking of right, even if you are a demon, why should our Jin family let you live? Do I have no face in the Jin family?

I saw Ye Li looked at the sun in the sky, and then looked at his fingers. After a few seconds, he slowly spoke out:

"Because you disagree, you will all die. Is this reason clear enough?"

what! ! !

Jin Feng, the owner of the Jin family, and everyone in the Jin family were shocked. Although this sentence made them absolutely arrogant, but when Ye Li said this sentence, the moment of domineering side leakage, but let they……

But it made them feel that Ye Li was not talking empty words.

"If I don't believe what you said?" Jin Feng frowned and looked at Ye Li with a deep frown.

A light smile appeared on Ye Liwenyan's face, only to see that he put up his index finger, and the horrible white aura lingered above it.


Suddenly, Ye Li issued a finger to the sky.

The white spirit that was so terrifying that it was so terrible went toward the sky.


In an instant, the sky seemed to be poked a big hole, looking shocking.

"Oh my God!!!"

Everyone in the Jin family was so shocked that it was terrible.

The elders of Jinfeng and the Jin family took three steps backwards and were able to issue such an attack. Of course they knew that Ye Li was definitely a demon that they could not look up to.

"we agree!"

Jin Feng shouted at Ye Li.

Ye Li's face is still not fluctuating at all, on the contrary, there is a look of laziness.

"I'm tired." Ye Li spoke slowly.

"Quick!" Jin Feng shouted quickly, "Quickly take seniors to rest."

Immediately thereafter, someone took Ye to leave and went to a room.

After entering the room, Ye Li lay in bed and fell asleep all night.


At night, the stars are dotted and the moon is high.

The bright moonlight shone on Ye Li's face through the window, and Ye Li reluctantly opened his eyes.

He felt the Armageddon Corps, and found that the Armageddon Corps had successfully merged into the Zombie Army, and now there are a lot of Zombie Army coming to the base city of mad thunder.

But it will take a while.


Suddenly, Jin Ling's voice passed into Ye Li's ear.

"Come in." Ye Li said boringly, thinking that Jin Ling would come at this time, and it was no good to appoint.


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