"Grandpa, are you really well?"

Jin Ling looked at Jin Can in shock.

Jin Can nodded a little, "Ling'er, I feel like I'm better."

Upon hearing this, Jin Ling looked at Ye Li.

"You guessed it, I did it." Ye Li spoke slowly.


Not only Jin Ling, but also several doctors in the ward were shocked.

"Sir, are you cured of Jin Jin's injury?" a doctor looked at Ye Li and asked.

Ye Li certainly didn't want to talk to this doctor, he looked at Jin Ling, "Can we go now?"

Jin Ling stunned, "Where are you going?"

"Zombie's Land." Ye Li spoke slowly.

After talking, Ye Li took Jin Ling's hand and urged Shen Xing to walk away in one hundred steps.

Before Jin Can had time to ask questions, Ye Li and Jin Ling disappeared out of thin air, leaving Jin Can and several doctors stunned in place.

Ye Li ran all the way to the zombie land.

After a few hours, Ye Li and Jin Ling appeared in the zombie land.

Jin Ling's eyes widened wide and her mouth widened for the largest time in history. She felt suddenly disappeared from her grandfather's ward. Then she knew nothing, and when she appeared again she went outside the zombie.

"Hey, what's going on?" Jin Ling looked at Ye Li in amazement.

Ye Li smiled indifferently. He looked at Jin Ling and slowly said: "Are you shocked?"

Jin Ling was startled, and suddenly the Jin family arrived at the place of the zombies, of course she was shocked.

When she didn't know how to answer, she heard Ye Li say:

"Never be shocked, because everything I do will shock you for three days and nights."

As soon as this remark came out, Jin Ling couldn't help but be more shocked.

"Let's go in." Ye Li said lightly.


As the sound fell, Ye Li walked slowly towards the zombie.

When Ye was ten steps away, Jin Ling recovered, and she quickly followed.


The land of zombies is an endless jungle.

There were only a few sporadic zombies inside, and all the other zombies were sent out to attack the base city.

"Senior, what are we doing here in the zombie?" Jin Ling looked at Ye Li puzzled and asked, her grandfather's injury was healed, so there was no need to come to the zombie.

"I'm looking for something." Ye Li spoke slowly.

Jin Ling's words were relieved, and she felt that Ye Li was definitely not here to pick the Ganoderma lucidum.

"Ooo! Ooo!"

Although there are not many zombies in this zombie land, there are still some. When Ye Li and Jin Ling entered the zombie land, they rushed towards them.

Ye Li's face like Guan Yu was very boring, thinking that these zombies weren't enough for him to sew his teeth.


With the sound of a wind breaking, dozens of zombies instantly melted into nothingness.


Jin Ling quickly rubbed his eyes, only feeling that he was wrong.

"Senior, how did you do this?"

Although Jin Ling was horrified, he was more shocked.

"Nothing to say." Ye Li said calmly.

Immediately, he urged Tian Ling Tong to start looking for something.

In Ye Li's view, the treasure in this zombie place is very likely to be the residual pot of Jiuli pot. He now has a residual pot of Jiuli pot in his hand. As long as he finds two more, he can synthesize the complete version of Jiuli pot. pot.

After a long time of searching, I found nothing!

Ye Li was a little displeased. This zombie is so big. If you want to find the Jiuli pot, it is tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack.


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