Apocalyptic God-level Zombie Synthesis System

Chapter 836: Where is the Zhong family

Elder Zhong Jiashi snorted, and immediately waved his big hand.

"Kill me the demon king Ye Li!"

Suddenly, more than a dozen Zhong gene warriors rushed towards Ye Li.

Ye Li's face did not fluctuate at all, and the dozen or so gene warriors rushed in front of him were really weak.


With the appearance of dozens of wind breaking sounds, the lives of dozens of genetic warriors rushed away from this world forever.


The audience watched this scene, and they took a breath of air, staring at Ye Li in a dumbfounded manner.

Elder Zhong Jiashi was even speechless. He wouldn’t think that Ye Li was so strong that he was so terrible.

"Are you scared?" Ye Li looked at Elder Zhong Shi faintly.

Elder Zhong Jia heard this, his pupils contracted rapidly, and cold sweat had wet his body.

"Devil King Yeli, but here is the base city of mad thunder, what do you want to do?"

It is not difficult to hear from the elders of Zhong Family Ten, Zhong Family is the most powerful family in the base city of Kuanglei, which is threatening Ye Li.

It's a pity that the elders of the Zhong family thought that the sky would collapse soon, and they would never think that Ye Li was never afraid of being threatened. .

"I don't want to do anything, I just want to kill you, that's all." Ye Li said lightly to Elder Ten.

Ten elders heard Ye Li's words, and a chill instantly spread from his tail vertebrae to the Tianling cover. He looked at Ye Li in horror.

"Devil Ye Li, you can't kill me. I am the ten elders of the Zhong family. If you kill me, the Zhong family will never let you go."

Elder Zhong's voice trembles and makes his scalp numb. Everyone can hear that he is not willing to die.



If Ye Li didn't kill him, would he still be the devil Ye Li?

"Relax, they will die." Ye Li spoke lightly.

Yin Luo, a horrible white aura attacked the elder Zhong Jiashi's body, and his body instantly showed a fist-sized blood hole.

The eyes of Elder Ten were so wide that he could not accept that he died like this.

The onlookers were all terrified, some timid and even fainted, urine pants were everywhere.

Ye Li turned around and looked at Lin Hao, only to find that Lin Hao had froze like a clay sculpture.

"Go tell your family and let them obey my demon king Ye Li." Ye Li spoke slowly to Lin Hao.

Lin Hao heard that he had recovered, and where did he dare to refute a bit, and hurried towards the Lin family.

Ye Li thought that the army of zombies was coming soon. If the forces of the base city of Kuanglei were not integrated, wouldn’t it be his loss if they killed the zombies?

Suddenly, Ye Li looked at a man beside him.

Seeing Ye Li looking at him, the man was so scared that his **** rolled up and pissed, almost not kneeling on the ground, just because he felt that Ye Li was watching him, he was already dead and could not afford any possibility of life. .

"I, I, I... I didn't offend you, I beg you to spare me my life."

The man quickly asked Ye Li for mercy.

"Where is Zhong's house." Ye Li asked the man.

The man was shocked and dreamed that Ye Li had asked him where the Zhong family was. He was as amnesty as possible and quickly told Ye Li where he was.

After knowing the location of the Zhong family, Ye Li urged Shenxing to walk towards the Zhong family with a hundred steps.


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