Apocalyptic God-level Zombie Synthesis System

Chapter 847: The rogue is you, you are the rogue

The tenth order shadow wolf dark race looked at Ye Li. He hoped Ye Li could let him die.

"Guess if I will let you go?" Ye Li said lightly looking at the dark race of the tenth order shadow wolf.

The tenth-order shadow wolf was stunned. He looked at Ye Li horrificly and said with a very trembling voice:

"Adult, what do you mean?"

Ye Li smiled and said slowly: "It means I will not let you go, you will die soon."

The tenth-order shadow wolf dark race was so scared that it burst into tears.

"Adult! Adult!"

The dark race of the tenth-order shadow wolf began to knock on Ye Limeng. Unfortunately, Ye Li has never been a softhearted person.

Usually if Ye Li wants to kill a person, this person does not help if he knocks his head off, and the dark race is naturally the same.

The tenth-order shadow wolf raised his head and saw that Ye Li's face did not fluctuate at all, knew that Ye Li could not let himself go, and yelled at Ye Li angrily:

"Since you won't let me go, you will desperately want you!"

After the tenth-order Shadow Wolf dark race was finished, it jumped from the ground and rushed towards Ye Li.

Ye Li smiled faintly, and there was no slight fluctuation in his face like a crown.


With the sound of a wind breaking, the life of the tenth-order Shadow Wolf dark race will disappear from this world forever.

Seeing this scene, the villagers all froze like clay sculptures, and their faces were horrified.

"Senior, you are our life-saving benefactor of Muyezhuang, and if you are not, the consequences will be disastrous!"

The head of Muyezhuang said that he had to kneel for Yeli, but before he knelt down on the ground, his knees felt a wave of resistance.

"I don't like people kneeling for me." Ye Li said lightly.

The village chief heard Yan Yan quickly got up from the ground and looked at Ye Li with a grateful face.


Three days later.

The End of the World Army brought back more than 3,000 zombies this time.

More than 3,000 zombies once again refreshed the fear of the villagers. They have not seen so many zombies after so many years of life.

Ye Li synthesized all the zombies, or did not synthesize a tenth-level zombie zombies. Ye Li thought it was time to find the remaining pot of Jiuli Pot.

According to the tenth-order shadow wolf, the Jiuli Pot residual pot is in the surrounding area.

He is now a first-order communicator, and it can be said that he walked sideways in these places.

Later, Ye Li bid farewell to the villagers in Mu Ye Zhuang, and then left.


Ye Li was looking for the whereabouts of the Jiuli pots in the surrounding area, but after a few days passed, he still found nothing.

He came to a waterhole, and after taking a bath in the waterhole, a scream came.

"Ah! Rogue!"

Ye Li looked down the sound and found a 17- or 18-year-old girl covering her eyes as if she saw something she shouldn't see.

A look of boredom appeared on Ye Li's face. After getting dressed, he came to the girl.

"Who is a rogue?"

The girl was startled, seeing Ye Li was dressed, she let out a breath, and a displeasure appeared on her fair face.

"The rogue is you, you are the rogue!" said the girl staring at Ye Li.

Ye Li smiled secretly. Since traversing into this world, no one has ever dared to call him a rogue. It is really fearless.

At this time Ye Lizheng was in an unknown wood.

"I'm not a rogue, and I don't want to see you anymore, you go." Ye Li spoke slowly.


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