Apocalyptic God-level Zombie Synthesis System

Chapter 856: Full version of Jiuli pot

The first-order Tianzun spirit looked at Ye Li in horror.

"Devil King Yeli, we meet in the mountains and rivers."

When the sound falls, the first-order Tianzun spirit soul is ready to leave.

But just after he turned around, Ye Li appeared in front of him.


Where did the first-order Tianzun-level spirit soul think of Ye Li's speed is so fast?

"Demon Lord Ye Li, what do you want to do?" The first-order Heavenly Venerable Soul looked at Ye Li horrifiedly.

Ye Li smiled faintly, "Leave the Jiuli Pot's residual pot, and leave his life."

The first-order Tianzun spirit soul heard this remark, and became very angry.

"Demon Lord Ye Li, do you really want the fish death net to break?" The first-order Tianzun spirit soul looked at Ye Li with death.

Ye Li smiled and said lightly: "The fish is dead, and you deserve it?"


The first-order Tianzun level spirit soul soul said three good things, which means that he is very angry at this time, very angry.

"Devil King Yeli, then I will let you see my strength!"

The first-order Tianzun-level spirit soul shouted loudly, and immediately the evil breath around him began to crisscross.

"Evil King Palm!"

I saw the first-order Tianzun-level spirit soul raised its palms, and one palm hit towards Ye Limeng, the evil breath on his palms was full, and he looked like horror.

"Peerless sword!"

Ye Li didn't want to turn to this first-order Tianzun level spirit soul, and directly issued a god-level skill.


Seeing such an attack, the first-order Tianzun spirit soul shouted, just because he knew his life would disappear from this world forever.

After the first-order Tianzun-level spirit soul was melted into nothingness, Jiuli Pot's residual pot fell down, Ye Li's hand grabbed, Jiuli Pot's residual pot instantly reached Ye Li's hand.

Now that the three Jiuli pots have been found, they can be synthesized.

Immediately, Ye Li began to synthesize the Jiuli pot residual pot.

auzw.com "Will the host synthesize the Jiuli pot residual pot."



"Successful synthesis of Jiuli pot residual pot."

Ye Li thought about finally letting him find the Jiuli Pot residual pot, which was not bad.

Then he put the complete Jiuli pot into the system space.


"Let's go." Ye Li looked at Bai Cai, who was stiff like petrochemicals.

"Where are you going?" Bai Cai looked at Ye Li in amazement. She thought that all the zombies are here. Where can she go now?

Ye Li thought for a while, then said to Bai Cai: "Go to your sect."

Bai Caiwen said that the whole body was shocked. Obviously Ye Li would say such a thing.

"Go, go to our sect?" Bai Cai looked at Ye Li with wide eyes.

Ye Li nodded and looked at Bai Cai lightly, "Is there any problem?"

Bai Cai was surprised, she always had a feeling that Ye Li would kill her at any time.

"No, no problem." Bai Cai quickly replied.

Immediately, Bai Cai took Ye Li and headed towards Tian Xingzong.


Tianxingzong is the middle sect of the Eastern Land. Ye Li and Baicai came to the Wind City below the Tianxingzong.

There are many gene warriors in Fengcheng, but most of them are not high.

"Senior, this is Fengcheng, and Tianxingzong is on it." Bai He pointed to a mountain.

Ye Li looked in the direction of Bai Cai's fingers and found that it was a mountain with strong aura.

"Yo, isn't this the pride of our heavenly daughter Bai Cai?"

A sound came into Ye Li's ear.

Ye Li looked and found that she was a girl about the same size as Bai Cai. The girl had a thick disdain on her face, and a young man with a crown of jade was beside her.


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