Apocalyptic God-level Zombie Synthesis System

Chapter 861: Give you two options

The palm of Tianxingzong's Elder Moon Cotton is only a line away from the leaf.

All the disciples in the square all opened their eyes a bit, for fear of missing a good show.


I saw Yue Hongmian's palm hit Ye Li's body.

what! ! !

All the disciples of the Tianxingxing in the square took a breath, and they stared at each other, as if they saw the most unlikely thing in history.

Just because Yue Hongmian slapped Ye Li with a palm, Ye Li didn't take a step back, and his face was still light and breezy, as if he hadn't been hurt at all.

"how is this possible?"

Yue Hongmian, Xiao Yun and Chi Wei stunned. They looked at Ye Li like hell.


Ye Li sighed heavily and said lightly to Yue Hongmian: "You said that you are a little first-order natural chooser, why did you want to shoot my demon king Ye Li?"

The voice hasn't fallen yet, the person has already shot!

But I saw: Ye Li shot lightly and punched a punch. This punch did not have any aura attached, but it seems to be a light punch, but it actually contains infinite power.

This punch was undoubtedly hit on the body of Yue Hongmian. The elder Yue Xianmian of Tian Xingzong instantly flew backwards for dozens of meters and hit the ground heavily, I don't know if it was dead or alive.

Quiet, dead silence.

All the disciples in the square were frozen like petrochemicals, their souls were trembling uncontrollably, and some disciples were already kneeling on the ground.

It was not that they were afraid to kneel on the ground, but that they would surrender to Ye Li involuntarily.

"Let your patriarch come out to meet me." Ye Li said slowly again.

When Xiao Yun and Chi Wei heard this, they dared to stay halfway and hurried towards the hall.

Soon, the Sect Master of Tianxing Sect and all the elders came out.

Sect Master Tianxing looked at Ye Li, obviously he had never seen Ye Li.

auzw.com "Who are you, why did you break into my heavenly sect?"

"Devil Ye Li."

"Demon Lord Ye Li?"

Sect Master Tianxing glanced at the elders, and apparently did not know who the devil Ye Li was.

"There is no reason for you to come out. I abolish the two of them. Can you agree?" Ye Li looked at the Sect Master Tianxing lightly.

Sect Master Tianxing followed Ye Li's eyes and found that Ye Li was talking about Xiao Yun and Chi Wei.

"What are you talking about?"

Xiao Yun and Chi Wei are one of the two great geniuses of Tian Xingzong. Ye Li dared to say such a thing, of course he did not agree.

"Give you two choices, one is to let me abolish them, and the other is to destroy the door." Ye Li spoke slowly.

Everyone in the square heard this, and all felt that Ye Li was arrogant to the point that he could hardly add to it. Although he punched away the two elders with one punch, it would be a bit funny to think of the destruction of Tianxing Zongzong.

Bai Cai also panicked at this time, but Tianxing Sect was her sect.

"Senior, what are you doing?" Bai Cai said to Ye Li in a panic.

Ye Li showed a side face, "I do things without you."

Bai Caiwen didn't dare to go on, but her heart mentioned in her throat, of course she didn't want Yeli to destroy Tianxingzong.


Sect Master Tianxing laughed.

"Devil Ye Li, Demon Ye Li, do you really think my Tian Xing Zong is a fish that was slaughtered by anyone?"

"That wouldn't let me abolish them?"


Sect Master Tianxing took a cold drink and then said to Ye Li:

"Devil King Yeli, you beat my elder Tian Xingzong seriously, I want you to die!"


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