As Ye Li's fire poured oil, Bai Cai's face began to chill.

"You, what are you talking about?" Bai Cai stared at Ye Li.

Ye Li smiled lightly at Yun Danfeng, and slowly said: "I said you are a waste. You dare not avenge your sect and Master. Isn't it a nonsense?"

Hearing this, Bai Cai's tears could not stop falling.

Thinking of the tragic image of the day in the day of the line, her scalp tingled.

"Don't force me?" Bai Cai looked at Ye Li dead.

Ye Li smiled faintly, and there was no slight fluctuation in his face like a crown.

"I forced you?"

"I destroyed your sect and killed your master, now you say I force you?"

Bai Caiwen heard this, and couldn't bear it anymore. She closed her eyes and thrust into Ye Li's heart.


What Bai Cai dreamed of was that the steel knife in her hand made a steel collision with Ye Li's body.

Bai Cai opened his eyes and looked at Ye Li in amazement.

"Waste like you actually want to take revenge. It's ridiculous. I didn't tell you. Am I a first-order heavenslayer?"


Bai Caiwen said that the blade in his hand was still on the ground and howled to cry.

Ye Li's face still didn't fluctuate at all, he looked at Bai Cai sitting on the ground crying and crying.

"You can never revenge." Ye Li said slowly.

Again, Ye Li was never a good person or a bad person. The reason why he didn't kill Bai Cai was that he thought Bai Cai was a bit interesting.

He Yeli does not need any reason to do things. He wants to do what he wants, and doesn't want to do it if he doesn't.

For example, he wanted to destroy the Tianxing Sect. No matter whether the other disciples of the Tianxing Sect caused him, he would destroy it. Whether Bai Cai wants to kill him or not, he doesn’t want to kill Bai Cai either.

"Why, why did you destroy my sect and kill my master!" Bai Cailihua started to rain.

Ye Li didn't answer Bai Cai's words, he just...

An hour is omitted here.


The next day, the sun shone on Ye Li's face through the window. Ye Li opened his eyes, and a languid look appeared on his face like a crown.

Yesterday... What a wonderful night.

Bai Cai also woke up at this moment, the moment she woke up, she jumped up, picked up the steel knife on the ground, and then thrust it violently towards her neck.

But before the knife reached the neck, the knife became powder.

Bai Cai froze like petrochemicals, of course she knew that Ye Li did it.

"Why, why don't you let me die!" Bai Cai looked at Ye Li desperately.

Not only did Ye Li destroy Tian Xingzong, kill her masters and brothers, but also defiled her yesterday.

But now, she just wanted to die, but she couldn't.

"Please, let me die." Bai Cai asked Ye Li.

Ye Li smiled faintly, "Since last night, your life will no longer belong to you, but to my devil Ye Li."

Bai Cai heard this, she only felt a deep despair!

This was the most terrible despair she had ever had since birth.

"Ooo! Ooo!"

Suddenly, the cry of the zombie appeared in the ears of Ye Li and Bai Cai.

Ye Li showed a wonderful color on his face. It was good to be a zombie. Then he released the Armageddon from the system space.

"Legacy Corps, it's up to you."


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