Apocalyptic Interstellar Emperor

Chapter 189: : The sun goes out

After the formation was burned, Du Qingke felt relieved and felt a little more relaxed.

It happened that mom and dad were still purchasing supplies and did not come back.

Du Qingke went to Qingshi Town again.

This place in Qingshi Town is very special.

The Secret Realm of Azure Dragon is hidden here, and Liu Jiarui, Marei, and Wu Tian, ​​three talented young men, once lived here.

Du Qingke was very clear in his heart that this seemingly ordinary town was actually not ordinary at all.

Du Qingke found Sun Lei who was still teaching at the Bluestone Miner Middle School.

Now, Qingshi Miner's Middle School is a famous "high school" in Jiangnan Province.

This is not, the popularity of the school has greatly increased, and many students come and go.

Sun Lei saw Du Qingke and was also very enthusiastic: "Du Qingke, you are here just right!"

"I just invited you to go to class, give a lecture to the students, and share your experience."

Sun Lei said enthusiastically.


"Teacher Sun, I'm afraid I don't have time today. I came to you to talk about something."

Du Qingke said with a heavy face.

"What's the matter? Something makes you so nervous."

Sun Lei couldn't help being surprised.

"Teacher Sun, in another month like this, the world will change drastically. Take advantage of this time to prepare more food and water, especially on January 1, 2100. Don't go out, just hide at home and close tightly. door!"

Du Qingke reminded.

After a pause, Du Qingke added: "When I am, I suggest, Teacher Sun, you go to the Flower Manor before December 31, 2099 at the latest. The Flower Manor is safe and my parents live there. They are. I also know that you are my former head teacher."

"What the **** is so serious!"

When Sun Lei saw Du Qingke, his face was heavy, and his heart was cold, and he asked again.

Du Qingke pointed to the sky: "The sun will go out!"

Sun Lei's eyes widened and his mouth was dumbfounded.

"If someone else said it, I definitely don't believe it. But, Du Qingke, I believe what you said!"

Sun Lei nodded solemnly.

Du Qingke waved his hand: "Teacher Sun, hurry up and prepare. Also, the quilt, you should also prepare more. In a short time, the weather will be very cold. The world will be earthshaking in the future! If the teacher is in trouble, just Go to Flower Manor!"

Sun Lei smiled calmly: "Don't worry, Qingshi Town is very safe."

"Teacher Sun, are you so confident?"

Du Qingke asked with a smile.

"Well, I do have this confidence!"

"Don't worry, I am in Bluestone Town, there will be no danger."

Sun Lei said firmly.

"it is good!"

After Du Qingke said, he didn't stay any longer and immediately returned to the Flower Manor.

However, on the way back to the Flower Manor, Du Qingke saw another acquaintance.

This acquaintance is really familiar!

Ouyang Tiantian, dressed in an orange-red floral skirt, adorably appeared on Du Qingke's only way.

"Master Du!"

Ouyang Tiantian stepped forward enthusiastically.

Near the Flower Manor, there are many secret whistles. These secret whistles are arranged by the Ouyang Family. They usually protect Du Shan and Ye Ya, but sometimes, these secret whistles will also send messages to the Ouyang Family.

When Du Qingke returned to the manor, the secret whistles reported to Ouyang Tiantian immediately.

Ouyang Tiantian naturally rushed over immediately.

"It's a sweet girl! Just in time, you met you. Talk while walking."

Du Qingke said lightly.

Ouyang Tiantian was very happy: "To be able to talk to Du Gongzi, I can't ask for it."

Along the way, Du Qingke simply disclosed some news to Ouyang Tiantian, which is a reward for Ouyang Tiantian's protection of his parents these days.

After listening to Ouyang Tiantian, her heart was also unable to calm for a long time.

"It's really incredible!"

"My son, will the earth we live on be different in the future?"

Ouyang Tiantian asked in surprise.

"Yes, not only is it different, but it will also change its appearance. There will be more and more masters in the future. The future will be the worst and also the best."

Du Qingke sighed.

"The top priority is to prepare more food, quilts, and fresh water resources. At the same time, create a batch of primitive weapons, swords, bows, crossbows, and axes."

Du Qingke reminded Ouyang Tiantian.

"Thank you son, I will prepare for it."

Ouyang Tiantian said solemnly.

Unconsciously, Du Qingke and Ouyang Tiantian walked together, just to the door of the Flower Manor.

"I'm home now. Sweet girl, if there is nothing to do, you can leave. I will see you in the future!"

Du Qingke said lukewarmly and walked into his manor.

In the evening, Du Shan and Ye Ya, who had gone to purchase supplies, returned one after another.

There are also a hundred large freezers purchased online, all of which have been delivered.

Everything is ready.

Du Qingke handed his father Du Shan a formation: "Dad, I have two big formations inside and outside our manor. This formation can control the aggressive formation-"Sword Formation of the Darkness"!"

Then, Du Qingke handed his mother Ye Ya another formation: "Mom, you can control the defensive formation-"Vegetable Pagoda Formation"!"

"Wait until January 1, 2100, you must start the formation on time!"

Du Qingke solemnly instructed.

"Don't worry, Qingke! Mom and Dad, I won't worry you!"

Du Shan and Ye Ya responded.


Du Qingke did not stop what he was doing.

It just so happened that Du Qingke called Du Fengchao using his home phone.

Du Qingke urged Du Fengchao not to leave school recently, especially on December 31 and January 1.

Of course, Du Qingke's good brothers—Marei, Liu Jiarui, Hu Yunxiang, etc.~www.ltnovel.com~ Du Qingke called them one after another and notified them.

After the Great Disaster Era broke out, the universities were relatively safe, and there were cafeterias and supermarkets inside the schools, and supplies were relatively sufficient.

Because the universities are higher education, as long as it is a formal university, there are more or less strong people who can fight against the attacks of dinosaurs.

In particular, some prestigious universities, not only the strong in the school, but also can request the military to protect them.

As long as you stay in university and don't come out, there is basically no danger.

"Zhonghai University, Modu Jiaotong University, Tianfu University, and Jiangnan Non-commissioned Officer University are all good and good universities. Brothers, as long as you stay in school, there is almost no danger!

Du Qingke breathed a sigh of relief.

The number of days off was gradually approaching. Du Qingke also left the Flower Manor and returned to Zhennan Military University.

In the school, Du Qingke and other students started some basic training.

Days are approaching day by day.

Until December 31st, Jiang Zhen suddenly appeared in the 9012 training camp site.

Jiang Zeng said bluntly: "Du Qingke, I want to challenge you. Now, after reformation, I have changed my profession and become a mecha fighter! And I am: the top mecha fighter of the golden rank! Tomorrow is the year 2100. The 1st of the month is also the beginning of the 22nd century!"

"I, Jiang Zeng, challenge you! The day is set: January 1, do you dare?"

Jiang Zeng yelled.

Du Qingke ignored Jiang Earning, but looked up at the sun: "One day, the sun will go out! The era of catastrophe is about to explode!"

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