Apocalyptic Interstellar Emperor

Chapter 508: : 1 person singled out

In an instant, Du Qingke was also suddenly!



Our extraordinary people are going against the sky!

Everyone has a different starting point, and some are born extraordinary!

However, the absolute majority of people, born ordinary, are through unremitting efforts acquired step by step to become extraordinary and gain glory!

"Cultivation beyond the ordinary, do not advance and retreat! Every gain of strength is the hard work behind it. Ten minutes on stage, ten years off stage! Success is hard-won, and happiness will eventually come!"

"If you want to overcome obstacles and move forward forever, you really need an [invincible heart]!"

At this moment, Du Qingke suddenly saw a peerless strong man who looked down upon the forests on this metal moor, opening up a galaxy in the chaos of the universe!

From this peerless powerhouse, then "projected" a long epic picture of "human evolution-growth"!

From the infancy stage, hobble step by step!

Initially encounter setbacks and failures, and then overcome failures and setbacks!

Even if you suffer from difficulties and fall, you can get up for the first time!

Learn from the difficulties and setbacks, and then gather your energy and move on!

An iron man who can never be defeated or defeated forever!

Du Qingke murmured: "This is the approximate [Invincible Heart]!"

"Life needs this, with such an [invincible heart]! Get up when you fall, sum up experience and lessons and continue to move forward, never become discouraged, never give up on yourself, and always hope for the future, getting stronger every time! This is the heart of invincibility!"

"The heart of invincibility is the key to breaking through the realm of Tianzun! Life is endless, and the realm of Tianzun is not the end of human transcendents!"

"The future is promising and there is a lot to do!"

This small piece of metal took Du Qingke on a long shuttle journey.

Du Qingke's mood and pattern have also been opened up again.

The vast universe and endless galaxies are the direction of the future!

There is a dream in the heart, and power under the feet!

"This metal mooring piece is not simple, it is engraved with the soul of a wise man! At critical moments, it can inspire people and give people a boost!"

Du Qingke smiled and put away the metal pad.

As for the true crown, Du Qingke put it away.

A large part of the outer layer of this true crown has been broken down, but the internal structure is generally intact.

In particular, some of the gems inlaid on it are also intact.

This crown is still very useful.

The crown can be restored by some specialized craftsmen.

Lord Snow Eagle now has imitations in his hand, although he was temporarily deceived.

But with the capabilities of Lord Xueying, this matter could not be delayed for long.

The counterfeit is a counterfeit after all, and no matter how it is faked, it is inferior to the genuine one after all.

Once the matter spreads out, Lord Snow Eagle will definitely conduct a full search immediately.

This time, the Snow Country is really moving. The three forces of the Holy Mountain, the Snow Eagle Lord, and the Palace Prince are all looking for the crown. It can be said that if you don't achieve your goal, you will never stop!

Du Qingke also felt that he was losing some money to Murongxue. At that time, he could just give Murongxue the broken crown.

"Let's go, get out of here!"

Du Qingke waved his hand.

Now, the purpose of coming to Snow Country is basically accomplished.

First, to break through the mystery of Tianzun—"the heart of invincibility". This is more of a state of mind. It is a little illusory, but after all, it points a direction. With a direction, no progress will be made. Lost!

Second, there are many resources in the Snow Country. Now, Du Qingke also has the strength and ability to transport these Snow Country resources out.

"The value of the Silver Pine Orchard has basically been exploited. Now, what can be used and developed is the Blood Crystal Mine and the Spirit Snow Production Field!"

Du Qingke said to Xiong Weiting and Tao Xiaobai.

"Like the blood crystal mine, there is no hurry. Now I am the plenipotentiary representative of the blood crystal mine. I am the boss wherever I am. It works. I can collect the blood crystal ore slowly."

"The most urgent thing is the Lingxue in the Lingxue production field! Xiaobai said that several tons of Lingxue have been found, brothers, let's go shoveling snow now, and carry away the spirit snow!"

Du Qingke mobilized.

"Okay, boss! We all listen to you!"

Both Xiong Weiting and Tao Xiaobai nodded.

Following the gap in the passage, Du Qingke began to stride out.

Du Qingke was the first to go out here.

Just stepping out, Xiong Weiting, Tao Xiaobai and other brothers have not followed.




More than 30 people in black, armed with weapons, surrounded Du Qingke.

These thirty-odd people in black have an extraordinary origin at first glance. They have a complete set of weapons and equipment, including long swords, scimitars, daggers, snowball guns, etc.!

"Representative Du!"

"Today, see where you go!"

A shrill sound came faintly.

Prince Yun's account of the number one master, Mr. Li, walked out swaggeringly.

"Grandpa Li! Are you not one of Prince Yun's people? What are you doing, with dozens of people, surrounded me Du Qingke, want to fight?"

Du Qingke sneered. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

This father-in-law, who has practiced boy skills and secret martial arts from the palace for decades, is indeed a master!

To be precise, Grandpa Lei's true cultivation base was not even weaker than that of Huo Guowei.

Deal with such a strong man!

Du Qingke also did not dare to take it lightly.

Grandpa Lei didn't know that Du Qingke's terrifying power was rather careless.

"Representative Du, I know that you are a person from the Holy Mountain, and you must be able to handle it. However, facing my father, you are far away! My father killed 800 people without a thousand!"

Li Gonggong said proudly.

"This time, I personally led the assassination team to assassinate you! It was quite a setback!"

There was a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

"Grandpa Li, I'm from the Holy Mountain!"

Du Qingke glared at Grandpa Li.

"Hehe, you are the one who killed you! My prince said, no matter how much you pay, you will be killed! Although the holy mountain is powerful, it will not turn your face against Prince Yun for a character like you!"

"If you want to blame, I'll blame you. I don't have the strength, and I dare to have a relationship with the goddess! A knife on the head! Representative Du, under Huangquan Road, don't blame Ben Gong for being cruel!"

Grandpa Li, murderous.

"Rory, come on! Go heads-up! Let's make gestures!"

Du Qingke hooked his finger towards Father Li.

"One-on-one? Then let Representative Du, one person single us all! It just so happens that Representative Du can be chopped into meat!"

Li Gonggong sneered and gave an order, and more than 30 people in black rushed forward!

These people in black are not simple, they are all masters in the court of Snow Country!

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