Apocalyptic Mechanical Chariot

Chapter 106 Reporting the Situation

Li Chao knew in his heart that although Han Feng's blow only caused a crack the size of a hair in the plasma shield, the strong wind caused by the Dark Moon sword had already penetrated the crack and cut him off. s hair.

And when he looked at the originally blue plasma shield on his body, it became dim and dull, and he knew that the shield could at most withstand Han Feng's next blow. Once Han Feng swung his third sword, then wait... His only thing is death.

"Stop it! I give up!"

Li Chao, who knew that he could only withstand one more attack at most, lowered his head dejectedly and admitted defeat. He also understood that even if he continued to fight, it would be meaningless.

After hearing Li Chao's words of admitting defeat, Han Feng, holding the Dark Moon sword, returned to the Unimog RV, nodded to Li Chao expressionlessly, and returned to the RV.

"Captain gave up?"

"How is this possible? What just happened? Why did the captain give up so quickly?"

When Li Chao surrendered, a loud shout suddenly rang out from the sharp-edged commandos who had been preparing to watch the show.

Most of them did not understand this battle. The captain, who they regarded as extremely powerful, could only survive the opponent's attack before admitting defeat.

And among the people in white evacuating, there were also buzzing and whispering sounds.

"What's going on? How did you win like this?"

"Even so, I didn't understand what was going on. Han Feng walked in front of the man and slashed him with his knife, and the man surrendered."

An Ying shook her head slightly after hearing the voices of the survivors from the men in white in the car whispering to each other.

Those ordinary people naturally couldn't understand the horror of Han Feng's attack just now, but she understood it deeply.

Li Chao, who surrendered and admitted defeat, naturally did not stay where he was for everyone to see. Instead, he turned directly back to the riot armored vehicle and quickly issued new orders to the members of the Blade Commando. The four armored vehicles parked in place quickly The ground started to move, and it quickly drove towards the passage of the wall.

Han Feng, who returned to the Unimog RV, looked at Wang Yingyu sitting in the passenger seat with a headache.

After Wang Yingyu learned that she could go shopping in the Fucheng safe zone tomorrow, she couldn't wait to take out sets of clothes from the living area and asked Han Feng to comment on them one by one. She had just followed the Blade Commando to the area to be cleaned. On the way, he had already reviewed three outfits. Unexpectedly, as soon as he got back to the car, Wang Yingyu had already put on the fourth outfit.

"Han Feng, I knew you would definitely win. Now tell me, which outfit looks better, or the one just now? I think this outfit is much sexier than the one just now, but I always feel it's a bit too I’m too mature, what do you think?”

Looking at the excited Wang Yingyu, Han Feng couldn't help but cover his forehead. For him, helping Wang Yingyu comment on her clothing matching was much more tiring than fighting Li Chao just now.

But looking at Wang Yingyu who looked expectant, he couldn't bear to refuse the other party, so he could only bite the bullet and start making comments.

Just when Han Feng was having a headache about how to comment on Wang Yingyu's outfit, Li Chao, who had just given up in the competition with Han Feng, had arrived at the headquarters of the Survivor Alliance and appeared in front of Qiao Dongliang's office.

Qiao Dongliang, who was originally lowering his head to deal with copywriting, raised his head when he heard the noise in front of the door, and found that it was Li Chao who came in. A smile immediately appeared on his face, and he said with a smile: "Hey, you are not on a mission. You went and came back so soon, what is the origin of the group of survivors who detained the members of the mobile inspection unit?"

He has absolute confidence in Li Chao. As long as Li Chao personally takes action against the crises that have arisen in the city these days, there will be nothing that cannot be solved.

Facing Qiao Dongliang's inquiry, Li Chao's face darkened, he took a few steps forward, grabbed the cold water bottle on Qiao Dongliang's desk, drank several mouthfuls of cold water, and wiped the water around his mouth with his hand. After seeing the water stains, he said aloud: "Commissioner Qiao, the mission you assigned me really tricked me to death. I am so embarrassed today."

"Oh? What's going on?"

When Qiao Dongliang heard what Li Chao said, the expression on his face became solemn instantly. He immediately sat up straight and acted like he was listening attentively.

"The strength of that group of survivors can be described as unfathomable. There are also evolvers among them, and I am not afraid of embarrassment. I just competed with that evolver. With my strength, I can only accept Hit the opponent with one move."

After the discussion between Li Chao and Han Feng, he gained a new understanding of the strength of the men in white who retreated from the team. Especially the Han Feng who fought against him made him feel extremely terrifying.

And after he returned to the anti-riot armored vehicle and slowly thought about it, he also noticed a problem. Han Feng, who was extremely fast, could not be the person who used weird abilities to charm him just now. There was also a third person in this team of survivors. The two evolvers, after he guessed the result, did not dare to hesitate any more and rushed to Qiao Dongliang's office to report the specific situation.

After listening to Li Chao's analysis of the strength of the men in white's retreating team, Qiao Dongliang solemnly asked Li Chao: "If the garrison in the city wants to fight against the evolver you have fought against, how much will it cost to kill it?" other side?"

"Rely on the garrison to kill him?" After listening to Qiao Dongliang's question, Li Chao frowned, stood there and thought seriously for a while, and finally shook his head.

"The evolution direction of that evolver is agility evolution. It's unrealistic to try to kill him with ordinary people. I also know the weapons of the garrison. The most powerful weapons are heavy machine guns and rocket launchers. These things need to rely on people. Come to operate, I guess the operators will not be able to aim at that time."

At this point, Li Chao's voice paused and he tapped the table with his finger: "If you want to rely on the power of ordinary people to kill the evolver, you must have a large-area destructive weapon like a heavy howitzer to carry out the attack. Carpet bombing, I can’t think of any other way.”

After listening to Li Chao's analysis, Qiao Dongliang, who was sitting behind his desk, held his chin with both hands and began to close his eyes and think about how to deal with Han Feng.

"I'll go see him in person, and you'll go with me later."

After a moment, Qiao Dongliang opened his eyes and said calmly.

Since Han Feng's current strength is unrivaled in the entire city, there is only one way to deal with him, which is to try to befriend Han Feng and avoid any conflict with him.

As the general person in charge of the city's defense force, Qiao Dongliang's personal visit not only gave the other party face, but also prevented conflicts between the two parties at the highest level.

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