Apocalyptic Mechanical Chariot

Chapter 538 Sneaking into the Eastern Safe Zone

Eastern Security Zone, Jinling City.

This original ancient capital of the Six Dynasties became the headquarters of the Eastern Security Zone after the outbreak of the apocalyptic virus.

Due to the original plan for economic development, the economic development level of the eastern coastal areas of the country will be obviously higher than that of those inland cities.

Therefore, the eastern coastal area is also the area with the largest flow of people in the country.

With the outbreak of the apocalyptic virus, a large number of survivors from the eastern coastal areas were brought to Jinling City, the location of the Eastern Safety Zone.

After the troops of the Southeast Military Region eliminated the zombies in Jinling City, the survivors around Jinling City all crowded into Jinling City. For a while, it was difficult to find a place to rest in Jinling City.

However, with the passage of time and the gradual growth of the Eastern Security Zone, the distribution of residential areas in the entire Jinling City is no longer based on the original first-come, first-served principle.

Instead, the more powerful members who have contributed the most to the Eastern Security Zone live in more central locations.

At this moment, the area around Zhuque Lake in the center of Jinling City is already an area where every inch of land is at a premium. Those who now live in this area are undoubtedly important figures in the Eastern Security Zone.

Fang Jifeng was originally a member of the Eastern Evolvers Mutual Aid Association. Since the Eastern Evolvers Mutual Aid Association followed the leader of the Eastern Safe Zone to the Medicine City, his vitality was seriously injured.

Li Qiankun, the leader of the Eastern Security Zone, canceled the Eastern Evolvers Mutual Aid Association, an organization.

Instead, all the evolvers who were originally affiliated with the Eastern Evolutionaries Mutual Aid Association were allowed to join the Eastern Security Zone Military. At that time, Fang Jifeng also took this opportunity to transform from an evolver of the Eastern Evolutionaries Mutual Aid Association to a member of the Eastern Security Zone Military. .

Therefore, Fang Jifeng, as a member of the Eastern Security Zone military and an evolver, is naturally eligible for a house around Zhuque Lake.

At this time, Fang Jifeng was lying on the bed with a cigarette dangling from his mouth. On the other side of the bed, a woman in her late twenties emerged from the bed without a piece of clothing.

She raised her head, cast a wink at Fang Jifeng with her big watery eyes, and then said slowly:

"Jifeng, didn't you say that after we get together, you will find ways to help me improve my strength? We have been together for a while now. Is there any way you can help me improve my strength? Is it by taking life? Core, to improve your own strength?"

"Don't worry about this. Anyway, I have a way to help you improve your strength. It will only be in the past two days. You can wait a little patiently."

Fang Jifeng looked at the charming woman in front of him, with a look of hesitation on his face, and finally swallowed the words that were about to come to his lips.

Although the two have been together for some time since he met the female evolutionist he fell in love with in Jinling City a month ago, as a member of the secret project defense department in the Eastern Security Zone, he still has certain limitations. He was vigilant. He planned to help Liang Qili's 'girlfriend' improve her strength through a secret project, which was already a violation of discipline. And he was not prepared to reveal more detailed content to Liang Qili, so as not to harm others or himself. .

"Forget it." Liang Qili looked at Fang Jifeng's tight-lipped appearance, rolled her eyes, and then pouted her mouth slightly.

"I know your job is very mysterious. Since you don't want to talk about it, I won't ask. Anyway, as long as you can help me improve my strength."

Fang Jifeng looked at Liang Qili pouting, and the expression on his face relaxed slightly. His big hands continued to climb onto Liang Qili's body, breathing hot air into Liang Qili's ears, and said softly: "I helped you get the promotion How should you repay me for my strength?"


Liang Qili deliberately yelled, then hit Fang Jifeng hard on the thigh with a slap.

Fang Jifeng, who was slapped, seemed to have received some signal. His eyes immediately began to become bloodshot, and a new round of battle was about to begin.

Just as Fang Jifeng and Liang Qili started a new round of fighting in their house near Zhuque Lake, on the outskirts of Jinling City, several men wearing black night uniforms appeared on a piece of land with the words "Military Important Site" 'Sign of the cave entrance.

The man wearing black night clothes and standing at the front of the team frowned and looked at the cave in front of him. He lowered his voice and asked behind him a man who was completely wrapped in black night clothes:

"Bluebird, are you sure this is the Eastern Security Zone, a very important strategic material storage location?"

A man wearing a black night uniform and hiding at the back of the entire team took two steps forward, approached the man standing at the front, and said:

"Boss Meng, I can't guarantee whether it is a place where very important strategic materials are stored."

"But I can guarantee that this was taken out from the mouth of an officer in the Eastern Security Zone through my evolutionary ability of hypnosis. Unless he was wary of my hypnotic ability from the beginning, otherwise there would be quite a lot of information stored in it. Important strategic materials are the information that the officer knows in his mind."

"Okay, I don't doubt what you mean. I just want to do it again for final confirmation." While standing at the front of the team, the man known as Boss Meng heard some dissatisfied voices coming from beside him. Finally, he waved his hand quickly.

Then he stared straight at the cave in front of him and said to another man wearing black night clothes behind him:

"Magnetic field, I'm afraid there will be pre-apocalyptic defenses here, so you will turn on electromagnetic interference later, walk at the end of the team, and intercept possible communications."

"I understand, I will turn on electromagnetic interference now!"

The man nicknamed Magnetic Field and wearing black night clothes, after receiving the instructions from Boss Meng who was walking at the front, directly activated his evolutionary ability, and the color of his eyes suddenly turned silvery white.

His own ability, electromagnetic interference, has been activated.

From now on, unless he actively stops releasing his evolutionary ability, this area will always be in a state of electromagnetic interference. Even if their figures are discovered, no news will be spread.

Boss Meng, who was standing at the front of the team, finally nodded his head when he saw the magnetic field's eyes turned silver. Then he waved his hands forward and whispered:

"The operation begins! Let's go and find out what the so-called important strategic materials in the Eastern Security Zone are!"

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