"Be careful!"

In front, Jiang Yishu anxiously shouted out. Behind him, there were also people shouting.

Jiang Yishu saw that a person carrying a few large cartons was about to crash into Lin Lin, go up and try to pull Lin Lin away, but his hands, missed him.

In the blink of an eye, Lin Lin had already avoided the box behind him and stood in a safe place.

He didn't seem to be affected at all.

Jiang Yishu laughed bitterly, she seemed to be so powerful, he did not need any help at all.

Even those ferocious Zombie could not hurt her, so what were these boxes worth?

Only when would she need someone's help?

Not that she really needed it, but she wanted someone to help her?

The conversation had been interrupted by the box. Originally, it was meaningless to continue, but this box happened to be of help to the two of them.

And Base A had nothing to shop around, even if the streets were filled with stalls, there was nothing that Lin Lin needed.

Maybe she would have to wait until the base people announced the crystal core of the ability Zombie that could help her level up. Only then, the stalls in the base would have something that she would set her eyes on.

The Guild Leader and Vice Guild Leader were both out there, and they didn't know if any accidents would happen to the newly merged team members.

Just based on the strength of the battle, Lin Lin believed that even if her side was outnumbered, they would not lose.

And in the competition, there was Xi Shiyu and Bai Yu singing the same tune. If they were to recognize the truth, who would be able to win?

However, it was different from the chaotic scene they imagined. When they returned, they discovered that everyone was holed up in their rooms. Perhaps, in their eyes, time without a mission was time without freedom.

As for Xi Shiyu and the others, they were probably waiting in the room for some bad idea. However, they could still be considered to be resting.

But now was not the time to rest.

On the way back, Jiang Yishu mentioned that the base had made it mandatory for hunting group to receive two star missions every month, and there were only three days left in the middle of the month.

After calculating, he would have to complete an unpredictable mission in the remaining time, which was a bit tight. But the star missions that the base required to complete, one of them was of a hard nature, and had to be of the star ranks and above where the hunting group was located. For example, Raging Inferno was currently a Tristar Hunt Squad, so the mission had to be above three stars, including three.

The other one, however, was casual.

It doesn't matter what star level, 1-star, 4-star, or even 5-star, as long as you finish it.

But it was only half the time they had now, Shen Mei and the rest were not anxious at all.

Lin Lin asked Jiang Yishu. Heh, sure enough, in the past, Strong Wood would take one or two star missions in the last ten days and that would be enough.

There was more than enough time.

"You'll tolerate them being so relaxed?"

No matter what, Jiang Yishu was the Acting Guild leader. Lin Lin did not think that he was someone who would let his subordinates go so easily.

"If they ask, I have no other choice."

Jiang Yishu answered casually, but Lin Lin didn't have any intention of letting him go. She kept looking at him until he continued, "They have laziness and cowardice in their hearts, rather than saying that they are lazy and don't want to waste their time accepting two three star missions, it would be more accurate to say that they are afraid."

The apocalypse is full of dangers. Once out of the base, there will be no one to protect their life.

So what if they were teammates? In such a life and death situation, how could they sacrifice themselves to save others?

Don't joke with me.

Furthermore, he couldn't do it himself, so he didn't want others to do it noble and well.

It was already a big taboo for hunting group to not trust his teammates.

Lin Lin had already seen through the fatal flaw of the Intense Wood long ago, so she was not too surprised by Jiang Yishu's words.

Actually, as the acting leader, Jiang Yishu could totally take on a three star mission on behalf of the hunting group.

Jiang Yishu was not afraid of death, but was afraid that he would not be able to see Lin Lin after death.

It was very contradictory, but it was not contradictory at all.

Jiang Yishu did not say that he did not have any desires, he had something he wanted. Wealth and power were, in the end, a bit envious. However, after having someone in your heart, compared to that person, everything else was nothing.

Therefore, when the people of Intense Wood retreated, he would indulge himself with them.

Lin Lin thought for a bit and the corner of her mouth twitched, "Three stars seems to be a little too weak."

Jiang Yishu looked at Lin Lin who already had an idea in her heart, and smiled gently: "En, after you came, you really did look down upon me."

Tristar Hunt Squad, Intense Wood.

It was time to change.

Jiang Yishu went upstairs and called for people. After everyone came down and sat, there was one less person.

"Shui Eryi didn't come back with you?"

When Lin Lin asked this, she looked towards Shen Mei. The two of them were both female, so they should be more intimate than the others.

Shen Mei ruffled her hair and laughed: "I came back together, but I don't know where I went to after I came back, nor do I care."

Yang Dazhu felt that Shen Mei's attitude towards him was not good, as though she was trying to soften something, and anxiously said, "I saw that Shui Eryi went out to buy some daily necessities and she said that she wanted to go out to buy some."

With four new people, although Lin Lin and the others had brought some with them, they still needed to purchase some things.

Lin Lin nodded, she was only holding a meeting to watch today's competition, it wasn't important if Shui Eryi was here.

It was just that everyone was here and they lacked a person, so they had to ask.

"Do you have any thoughts about today's match?"

After he asked that question, it was just as Lin Lin had thought. They were all silent, and no one spoke.

They were both adults, and didn't look like primary school students. thought for a bit, then asked again: "Then is there anyone who doesn't like it, or feels that it was just a moment of carelessness that caused me to lose?"

Yan Kuan versus Bai Yu, whether Bai Yu is injured, Yan Kuan won't win.

When Yang Dazhuang went up against Xi Shiyu, although Yang Dazhuang was suspicious of him, Xi Shiyu's superpower was almost the best, excluding Lin Lin and Jiang Yishu. Even if they did not win, they would definitely not lose.

Shen Mei and Xu Bai, these two, might not have used their ultimate moves, but who would use their trump cards in this match? So, it was still Shen Mei who won by a level.

As for Yan Kuan and Chen Chen, even though Yan Kuan underestimated his opponents and had yet to display his superpower, Chen Chen was undoubtedly the victor in the eyes of the masses.

In short, there were probably none who were unresigned to the outcome of these four matches.

Lin Lin saw that the others were still quiet, or perhaps tacitly agreed. With a smile, he said: "Then you all have no idea, and also believe that your losses are not unjustified, do you all think that the other party is stronger than you?"

Yan Kuan suddenly said, "Regiment Commander, do you mean to say that we must compete on the same level?"

Lin Lin knew what Yan Kuan meant. He was only saying that Yan Kuan was forbidden from using his abilities in the competition due to the type of ability he had with Chen Chen.

"No, in a true life or death battle, anything can be used as a basis for battle. There is no gender, no age, no rank."

Saying that, Lin Lin looked around at the crowd, and continued to speak: "So, in my eyes, because of your age and ability, there is no discrimination or treatment, I do not look at the process, I look at the results."

This was because in the apocalypse, the result was so cruel that there was no loss or victory.

There was only life and death.

To live is to live.

If I die, I bury him.

Lin Lin explained her own principle as a Guild Leader, which was that in this battle, everyone had made a mistake.

"The level of your Discipline is weak or strong. You can practice it yourselves, and control it takes hard work to produce results. Different Discipline users can't give much of an opinion." I don't have much to say about these two things. I only have one thing to say today. Dependence, you are all too reliant on your Discipline. "

Xu Bai had always had a skeptical attitude towards Lin Lin. Right after he finished speaking, he continued, "Dependence, what dependence? We are superpowers, so of course we have to use our superpowers."

Lin Lin waited until Xu Bai finished speaking, but seeing that no one else had finished, she said indifferently: "We are just one person first, then we are superpowers users."

Shen Mei laughed, "Captain, you're right. What kind of espers are we?"

Jiang Yishu frowned, he wanted to say something, but Bai Yu laughed and said first: "That's right, but there are some people who speak human words, and some people who do not know how to speak."

How could Shen Mei not hear those words? The fire attribute unique ability had caused her to be unable to resist those mocking words, "I only know that what I'm saying is human words, but yours doesn't sound like it."

Seeing the argument getting hotter, Shen Mei and Bai Yu started to talk. There was someone that Huo Jue couldn't bear to see happen. When they thought that they would once again see the battle of words escalate to a brawl, the sudden cooling caused everyone to shiver uncontrollably.

After the awakening ability, the corresponding strengthening of the body would also be able to withstand a lot of heat and cold.

It wasn't an exaggeration to say that even a few degrees below zero wouldn't make them feel cold.

But now the temperature outside should have been twenty degrees or so, and they were freezing.

They all subconsciously looked towards Lin Lin, she was the only one present, a ice special ability user.

Seeing everyone looking at him, the coldness in Lin Lin's eyes became even stronger, her red lips slightly opened, and as she spoke, it was as though an ice pick had shot out from her, the coldness penetrating into her bones, "It seems that someone is very angry, let me cool everyone down."

Xu Bai's body became weak, but after a while, he could not take it anymore. He hugged his arms and rubbed them up and down, and said with a tremble: "Leader, Shen Mei and Bai Yu were just playing around, it's alright, we don't need to cool down, you … you can leave."

Shen Mei wasn't really afraid of the cold. She was a Fire Adept and was normally very warm. Now that the temperature had dropped, she only felt a little cold.

But she became a little more afraid of Lin Lin.

The tables they sat at were not small. This entire dining hall was under Lin Lin's hypothermia, yet Lin Lin, who had unleashed a group attack, seemed like she had not done anything at all.

Looks like Lin Lin really stopped fighting with Jiang Yishu.

The majesty of his superpower was already enough to strike fear in people's hearts, and Lin Lin's control over it was even more powerful.

In fact, superpowers like fire and ice were extremely difficult to control.

Shen Mei was a Fire Adept, so she knew very clearly that when they first started the awakening ability, she had only wanted to let out a low temperature fire to roast her clothes, but she accidentally burned all of them. And the first time she tried to release it to burn Zombie s at high temperature, it was as if she was giving it three warms.

As for Lin Lin, her control of temperature seemed to have reached the limit.

Shen Mei understood her situation, and knew that her new Guild Leader, currently, what she cared the most about was the unity of the hunting group, so she smiled slightly and said, "That's right, Guild Leader, Bai Yu and I are just playing around, there is no need to be angry."

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