
The receptionist stopped writing. "I've already recorded everything."

However, Lin Lin seemed to have thought of something and spoke out, "Oh right, there's still the Guild Leader."

The receptionist looked up, and was a little surprised. Is it vice-captain Jiang Yishu? "


After Lin Lin denied it, she continued, "Guild Leader Lie Mu, Lin Lin, ice attribute."

After everything was settled, Lin Lin took her things and left the Base Guild. The receptionist looked at their backs, and did not get a good look at them.

In Tristar Hunt Squad, there were only nine members, and they actually had the guts to accept a 5 star mission.

There were no stupid people in this apocalypse. The remaining one was smarter than the last one.

The fact that this team was able to stay in the beginning meant that they had the corresponding strength and vision. No matter what, they couldn't choose a 5 star mission, and compared to before, there were three new members and that leader.

Could it be that they can really accept a 5-star mission? With their three star strength?

No, it wasn't just the four of them. With these four, who could say if they were a three star master teacher?

Perhaps, there was a miracle that came from her.

That woman should be the Guild Leader.

The receptionist pursed her lips, looked at the name on the paper and muttered: "Lin Lin."

Lin Lin did not know of a receptionist, as there were a lot of things happening. All she knew was that Xi Shiyu was extremely excited, "Sister Lin, so we are here to take a mission, does that mean we are about to go out and fight Zombie?"

Xi Shiyu licked her lips as light danced in her eyes, "I haven't fought a Zombie in a long time." He was looking forward to it.

Jiang Yishu glanced at his, his heart feeling strange. Although Xi Shiyu was wandering over outside, and did not have a person that was as afraid of or did not want to face the Zombie, it was impossible for him to be looking forward to killing the Zombie.

Moreover, it was not only Xi Shiyu, Bai Yu and Chen Chen were also different from the other people from the apocalypse. They were not obedient at all, their eyes were still unruly, as if they were not suppressed by the apocalypse. While the others thirsted for a stable place, they were extremely disdainful of it. It was as if the sinister outside was even more comfortable than the inside.

Bai Yu was a restless person, he knew. The apocalypse might be better for him than a decayed and well-behaved world.

However, Jiang Yishu did not believe that Xi Shiyu and Chen Chen, the two children who were not even of age, would be calm and collected towards the time of doomsday from the very beginning, or even be so excited now.

There weren't that many freaks.

The only possibility was that they had changed because of Lin Lin.

Gradually, they started to get closer to Lin Lin.

Jiang Yishu thought back to the first time he saw Lin Lin, and felt that the auras coming from the four of them were so similar that he could tell with a single glance that they were together. They must be very familiar.

His heart felt a little sour.

Xi Shiyu did not know that Jiang Yishu had actually started to envy his, but he had been looking at Lin Lin, and had even shifted his attention to the paper in Lin Lin's hands. "Sister Lin, why don't you let me take a look at that 5 star mission?"

Lin Lin originally wanted to say something, but an ear-piercing voice came out, "Haha, a five star mission, aren't you afraid of ridiculing someone else's big teeth? Do you really think a five star beast is something you can casually cut?"

To Lin Lin, Xi Shiyu was like a child who loved to mess around, but to his enemies, it was like a January or February wind. The blade on his face hurt.

His cold eyes looked over and the corners of his mouth lifted into a fiendish grin. Although his innocent face had weakened quite a bit of his power, he still said, "At that time, who was I? So it was a combination of cabbage. Why, did I come to the street to pick up cabbages?"

Amongst the four or five people standing opposite of him, both of their faces instantly darkened. One of them was the one who mocked Xi Shiyu previously, and the other one was someone familiar, Yu Yuyan.

That little chili girl who was inspecting the entrance of the city.

Yu Yuyan could not hold it in any longer and said, "A child who speaks in such an unpleasant tone, I wonder who taught him this?"

The spearhead pointed straight at Lin Lin.

Previously, he had released his wind ability outside the city to teach this woman a lesson. He did not expect that he would not learn his lesson, and now, dare to say that he was in Sister Lin.

With a raise of his hand, a wind blade flew straight towards Yu Yuyan.

Yu Yuyan did not have any superpowers, so Xi Shiyu knew very well that he had only used thirty to forty percent of his abilities.

However, just as the Wind Blade was about to cut Yu Yuyan, it was forcibly destroyed by a vine. But even so, a small piece of the Wind Blade still cut Yu Yuyan's hair, but it was better to disfigure her face.

had a vine in his hand, his eyes were sharp like a knife, and when he looked at Xi Shiyu, he actually had some killing intent mixed in, "You're so young, yet you have such a vicious heart."

It was as if Xi Shiyu had heard a joke, "I'm sorry, who said that you have to be so vicious as to hook up with your age?"

Lin Lin looked at her' shamelessness' and suddenly felt that letting Xi Shiyu and Bai Yu mix with each other was a huge mistake. In the future, she would still have to 'lock' Bai Yu up and release her when necessary.

Lv Sheng should have known Jiang Yishu, so she did not care about Xi Shiyu's shamelessness anymore. Her expression changed very quickly, as if she was being bullied, and she spoke softly to Jiang Yishu: "Yishu, who are these two, do you know them?"

Hehe, walking together and standing together, you're still asking if I know you, you're talking nonsense, or you're just asking on purpose?

Lin Lin was unclear of what Lv Sheng meant, it looked as though she was trying to show her weakness, but why did she have to mock Xi Shiyu before, and create a vicious image?

In fact, it was Lin Lin who was a little unclear about the direction of the females in this apocalyptic world.

He could only rely on himself and his men.

There were many in the former group, and most of them relied on physical strength.

The latter, although they rarely lived in the apocalypse completely relying on their own strength, like Lin Lin or even Shen Mei, they were mostly tough people.

For example, although Lv Sheng liked Jiang Yishu, it did not mean that she would swallow her anger when facing her love rival.

As for after that, why couldn't she show weakness?

A woman who could act like a spoiled child despite her power, how could she not like him?

Jiang Yishu looked at Lv Sheng and continued to smile, "Miss Lu, this is my hunting group teammate, Xi Shiyu, and this is Lin Lin, the Guild Leader of Zang Mu."

As his voice faded, a surprised gasp could be heard.

Guild Leader Lie Mu?

Actually, Lv Sheng and the others had always thought that Lie Mu would definitely be the Guild Leader, but even if he died as the Vice Leader, who knows if the person he was waiting for would come or not. There were many dangers lurking around in the apocalypse. They would either choose a safe place to stay for a long time or die on the outside. After all, it wasn't a day or two, it wasn't a month or two, it was half a year.

But now, the Guild Leader actually appeared, and it was a woman!

There were only three female Adepts in Base A, Shen Mei, Lv Sheng and the last one was Lin Lin.

Shen Mei and Lv Sheng were only members of the hunting group, so what ability did Lin Lin have to be the Guild Leader!

The most important thing was that Lv Sheng did not expect Jiang Yishu to be waiting for a woman. Furthermore, looking at the way he looked at Lin Lin, how could Lv Sheng not understand what he meant.


Lv Sheng was too shocked, and subconsciously denied it.

Jiang Yishu restrained his smile and said seriously: "Miss Lu, there is nothing impossible about this."

Yu Yuyan knew what Lv Sheng was thinking, adding on to the fact that Lv Sheng had just helped her, they were naturally speaking on Lv Sheng's behalf now, "Xiao Sheng is just feeling sorry for you, you were the one who established Lie Mu, and now a woman is interfering and taking over him. Jiang Yishu, you better keep your eyes open, don't be fooled by these people."

Jiang Yishu frowned, he was about to say something, but Xi Shiyu made her move again …

Fighting if there was a single disagreement, it seemed like it was not only Bai Yu's patent, those who had followed beside Lin Lin for too long would also have this kind of habit.

After all, Lin Lin never liked to waste time talking about things that she could solve herself.

The other party consisted of two females and three males. Other than Yu Yuyan, they were all superpowers, with the exception of Lv Sheng, two of them were of the earth type and one was of the fire type.

Xi Shiyu's sudden move was a foregone conclusion. His enemies had been on their guard for a long time, and that was why the two Earth Adepts had been able to block his attack.

In the apocalypse, due to killing Zombie, there were more factors of violence than during peacetime. When attacked, they immediately defend and counterattack.

Who cares who you are and why you want to attack me.

The surrounding crowd had long dispersed. Although the base clearly prohibited killing each other, there was no restriction on fighting. At least, they didn't receive a heavy punishment. It was a common practice for Adepts to fight. They had long since become observant, and when they noticed the two sides standing in a confrontation, they would stay far away from them, or they would stay far away and observe from the sidelines.

After all, he didn't know who to cry to when the aftermath of the fight hurt him.

He was just an ordinary person. If he didn't have any power behind him, no one would care about him even if he were to die.

Furthermore, they were looking for justice in the hunting group.

The two adepts had blocked Xi Shiyu's wind blades, and had thrown several earth balls at them. Although they were earth, the abilities of an adepts were such that even a earth ball could compete with a steel ball.

Along with the earth ball, a fireball also flew over. As it pressed down, it seemed to have quite an oppressive force.

Xi Shiyu had originally planned to use his Discipline to block the attack, but then a vine appeared out of nowhere and wrapped itself around his legs. Then, it wrapped around his hands in the blink of an eye.

It was Lv Sheng.

Xi Shiyu pursed her lips, the binding power of the vine was not strong, so Lv Sheng's strength was still much weaker than his.

However, a fireball was pressing down on him. Even if it only bound him for a few seconds, it was enough to injure him badly.

And behind her was the Sister Lin …

Just as this thought flashed through his mind, a figure flashed in front of him. With a wave of his hand, a few streams of cold air that could be seen flew out and struck the incoming dirt ball and fireball unerringly.

"Thud." The earth ball instantly froze and then fell to the ground.

Even with fireballs.

On closer inspection, the signs of fire in the ice-covered ball had disappeared completely.

As one might imagine, fire against ice was simply unable to withstand a single blow.

Xi Shiyu had already used his wind blade to cut open the vines, and when he looked up, he saw Lin Lin's white neck and the cold voice.

"If you want to fight, how about five against one?"

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