They had parked their car in a very secluded place. If they hadn't observed carefully and seen where Lin Lin and the others were parked, they would have had to wander around for a long time to get in contact with them.

Although Lin Lin roughly knew the location of the cave, because of the terrain and environment, even if she used her mind power to investigate it thoroughly, she could not do so. As she did not know what danger was in front of him, the seven of them advanced in their battle positions.

Although it was slow, if there was any danger, they would be able to fight without any time to react.

Lin Lin was naturally at the vanguard. Firstly, she was the only one who knew the way out, and secondly, her superpower was the strongest other than Jiang Yishu.

On the other hand, with Yang Dazhu and Jiang Yishu on both sides, the earth element could defend and the lightning element could deal with any sudden attacks.

Xi Shiyu and Shen Mei were behind him, but their combined wind and fire attacks had multiplied in power.

Chen Chen was protected in the middle, his supernatural ability determined that he could not take the initiative to kill Zombie, but it was enough to protect himself, while he was in the middle, able to take care of all the healers.

As for Bai Yu, he was naturally at the end. His Water element wasn't weak either, and he could also be considered a deep thinker in the team. Even if there was a sneak attack, he would have seen through it sooner.

The seven of them followed this path and entered the mountain. Under Lin Lin's lead, they arrived at a cave.

This cave was very well hidden, if Lin Lin did not know, Jiang Yishu and the others would have probably missed it.

Shen Mei was very curious, she asked: "Captain, is this the place?"

Lin Lin nodded. In her previous life, after the A Base's army had found this place, she and the Freedom Group had visited this place together, hoping to find some kind of weapon. Even though they had superpowers, after using them all up, they would still have more confidence.

Lin Lin and the rest did not have it, but it was after they had entered the cave a few times, so they had already familiarized themselves with the structure of the cave. It was easy for them to find the cave entrance.

Shen Mei also knew that this cave was the legendary place for gunpowder.

"Then let's go in quickly." Shen Mei's hand was like a lighter, when she raised it, a small flame ignited at the tip of her finger, her expression was extremely excited.

However, she was stopped by Lin Lin when she was walking forward, her expression was somewhat serious, and said: "You want to bring fire in?"

Shen Mei could read Lin Lin's eyes instantly, and with a sudden realization, she put out the fire in her hands and said: "It's my fault."

Blame her for thinking that it must have been very dark inside and that it needed light, but she was a Fire Adept, so naturally she subconsciously lit the fire to light it up.

However, he had completely forgotten that it was an armory filled with gunpowder.

Gunpowder, ah, under dry conditions, if she wasn't careful enough to land sparks on it, it would have exploded!

Even if Shen Mei did not enter, he could roughly estimate how much gunpowder was inside. Could it be that the place that Lin Lin cared so much about was a place with only a little bit of gunpowder?

This way, once it explodes, there will be a chain reaction. Not to mention escaping, it's hard to say if you still have a corpse when you die.

The cave would probably be blown up and all of them would be stuck inside.

The more he thought about it, the more terrifying it became. Shen Mei felt a chill behind his back, and said again: "Captain, I was too careless this time!"

Lin Lin did not say much on the other hand, and asked Shen Mei to take note of it next time, and then said: "You guys wait outside for my message, I'll go in and take a look."

This time, no one raised any objections, probably because they felt that even if they objected, it would be useless. They might as well listen to him, maybe Lin Lin would still trust you a little more.

Just like Jiang Yishu.

The bag had a flashlight, which Lin Lin brought along to illuminate the cave. Lin Lin held onto the light source as she walked in step by step.

A city is located in the south, the weather is pleasant, suitable for living, the corresponding caves are also wet.

Lin Lin's feet were soft, but it was not muddy. Although the air was slightly moist, she did not hear any dripping sounds.

There must be a reason why the gunpowder would be placed here. He guessed that no one would think that someone would place gunpowder in a damp place. The most dangerous place was the safest place.

Others might not think of it, but it didn't matter.

Just like in Lin Lin's memories, this cave was very deep, and there were many forks in the road. One was a dead end, and the other was a way to live with gunpowder.

On the left.

Lin Lin walked in the direction that she remembered without hesitation, and continued to walk slowly.

Along the way, they saw quite a few bugs, snakes, and rats, who either dodged the moment they saw light or tried to attack Lin Lin, all of them were swept away by her special ability. With a "pa" sound, they flew into the cave and died.

A few minutes later, Lin Lin finally reached her destination.

What entered his vision was not gunpowder, but rather pieces of waterproof and moisture-proof oilcloth, and Lin Lin also knew, that below were all extremely powerful bombs, quite a lot of gunpowder, as well as countless of guns and bullets.

Lin Lin walked forward and casually tore apart one or two pieces of tarpaulin. Even though she was confident and had quite a few gunpowder bombs in her space, she was still shocked by the heroic spirit that was placed casually inside.

She didn't expect that there would be so much gunpowder in here. Moreover she didn't expect that the army would take so many weapons without a single bit of information to leak out.

Thus, even though outsiders knew that there was gunpowder here, they still didn't expect that the truth would be so exaggerated and terrifying.

After tying up the tarpaulin, Lin Lin casually looked around. It was pretty much as she had expected, there were mostly heavy weapons and gunpowder inside, such as the gun in Lin Lin's space and the time bomb, but there were no such things.

This was also the reason why Lin Lin wanted to come in first.

Lin Lin had space, but the reason she came in first was not to swallow these things, but to take out all the things in the space.

Perhaps there were people who could not understand, but to Lin Lin, things that she could not use were still trash.

Before the apocalypse happened, Lin Lin had indeed fallen into a state of crazed collection for a while, constantly stuffing food and weapons into the space. She was afraid that she would lack something after the apocalypse, and at that time, her heart would always be empty.

But now, Lin Lin who was in the apocalypse, had actually calmed down slowly because she was in a familiar environment.

In the apocalypse, people were a burden, but supplies were still the same.

Even if they had the space, supplies that could not occupy the position would still be a burden.

The more external objects there are, the stranger one's thoughts will become.

It was either empty air, or empty air. The moment they saw the supplies, they would rush forward and temporarily lose their minds. They did not care about the danger behind them at all.

He had to be arrogant, thinking that he had enough strength to survive in this world. In fact, Lin Lin had met with many people with ample equipment who died at the hands of Zombie or mutated plants.

If she couldn't use it, then it would be useless. Lin Lin didn't need it, and furthermore, she was giving it out for the team to use.

Lin Lin pretty much cleared up the space and covered herself up a little, then took her flashlight and walked out of the cave, ready to call Master to move the things in this time.

Naturally, they had to keep people outside, and the choice between the left and right was to leave Jiang Yishu and Xi Shiyu behind.

Jiang Yishu was strong, and with the help of Xi Shi Yu's special ability, he was able to move quickly. When faced with a situation that he was unable to handle, he could enter the cave and call for them.

Lin Lin and Shen Mei were both women who deserved to be labourers in the apocalypse, so naturally, they couldn't be treated differently now.

However, there were still differences between males and females. The heaviest burden was naturally on Bai Yu and Yang Dazhu.

As for Chen Chen, uh, he could still come in and carry them away to train his body.

"Wow (?) b! "

This was the first reaction of a group of people who had never seen the world before.

Chen Chen was still alright, it was probably because he did not have a strong understanding of weapons, so his expression did not change much.

The other adults, including Bai Yu, were also shocked.

"There are so many firearms here."

The Bai Clan and the Black and White Clan had come into contact with some of these things, but they had never seen so much in a single cave.

Previously when Lin Lin brought it up, he thought that the most she could get was a few boxes of gunpowder and a few boxes of guns would already be an unimaginable amount. But she never thought that he would once again underestimate Lin Lin, and underestimate her information!

Shen Mei inhaled and swallowed the saliva in her mouth. She smacked her lips and said: "Guild Leader, these, these are all weapons?"

Lin Lin nodded, "What else?"

The tarpaulin had already been torn apart before, and what entered his eyes was only a dark mass of guns and gunpowder. was actually so shocked that he suspected that he was dreaming, and subconsciously asked a question.

Receiving Lin Lin's affirmative answer right now was like winning a 10 million lottery, she was overjoyed.

Shen Mei, on the other hand, looked like a hungry wolf that had seen a fat rabbit.

"Let's take something that we like first."

Bai Yu slowly turned to where Lin Lin had placed the time bomb, seemingly researching it. Luckily she had the flashlight, otherwise, it would have really happened in the dark.

As for Shen Mei and Yang Dazhu, they acted as if they were telepathic and rushed towards the heavy machine, touching it gently as though they were caressing their lover's body.

His face was one of infatuation, and he couldn't recover for a long time.

Lin Lin took the gun that she bought from Lin Ying before she died and gave it to him, saying: "Keep this light and light."

The handgun in her hand was exquisite, but it was definitely not a fake. She knew the type of gun very well, but she could tell that the gun was very good, and she was the first one Lin Lin thought of.

As a Guild Leader, Lin Lin was definitely the best. Everyone in the world envied him but couldn't envy him.

"Guild Leader, what about you? Why don't you take this gun first?"

Lin Lin touched the gun at her waist and said: "I'm used to using guns, there's no need."

The gun could cultivate feelings, Lin Lin's handgun was also a one in a hundred. It was always used to it, but not only did she use it habitually, it was also used to it and had a lot of feelings.

Shen Mei also understood it a little, so she nodded her head and did not act pretentiously, and kept the gun.

If you don't let me in the apocalypse, I can make you, a team, all fully equipped. If there isn't any huge difference in strength, then you can be considered as a powerful hunting group.

If it was only the Guild Leader's power, hehe, what use would it be?

A single person, could it be possible that he could bring so many people to fly together?

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