Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 400: Going to the gathering place

Before driving into the zinc mine, Han Feng saw zombie corpses all around the zinc mine...

Although people are constantly moving them, there are more than hundreds of corpses.

"Luna, ask all the team members in the zinc mine to come out and carry the bodies. Gather them into a pile and burn them on the spot."

Han Feng knew that these corpses would eventually rot if left for a long time... Fortunately, the weather was still cold now, so they would not rot within a few days.

"Okay, Team Korea."

After Luna responded, more than twenty Red Alert soldiers slowly walked out of the zinc mine.


[Writing this, I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Network→𝒕𝒘𝒌𝒂𝒏.𝒄𝒐𝒎]

Looking at the few soldiers, Han Feng continued, "Five brigades...more than 200 people...just..."

"Reporting to the Korean team, our soldiers suffered serious casualties... A large part of them were injured and infected with the GS virus, which led to subsequent deaths..."

"Summoning lacks troops...to make up for the establishment..."

Holding the steering wheel, Han Feng ordered.

"Reporting to the Korean team, if you want to make up for the establishment, you need to..."

"Confirm, summon."

"Okay, Team Korea."

After finishing speaking, Han Feng saw a newly summoned soldier walking out and joining the procession of carrying corpses.

In any battle, there are bound to be casualties.

Although Han Feng felt a little sad, he was not too pretentious.

After sorting out his emotions, Han Feng parked the multi-purpose infantry vehicle in the zinc mine.

While walking in the zinc mine, Han Feng asked, "Luna, Brother Wang and the others...how many people are left?"

"Report to the Korean team, Brother Wang and the others have less than a thousand remaining."

"Be specific."

"Report to the Korean team, 876 people.


Less than nine hundred...

Less than one-tenth of the mission issued by the system...

Raising his gaze, Han Feng looked at the soldiers cleaning up around him, and suddenly had a plan in mind and said, "Luna, if I summon 10,000 red alert soldiers...can I complete the second hidden mission?"

"Report to the Korean team, no. Survivors are not the same as red alert soldiers. You can only complete this task by collecting survivors."


Although Luna's answer was expected, she still... felt a little disappointed.

Ten thousand people...

It has been nearly seven months since the zombie outbreak.

After such a long time, even if there are super strong wild survival players...how many people can there be? !

And... I have been stationed in the zinc mine for four months. Apart from the priest tribe of the Holy Lord, I have never heard of the existence of any other survivor base.

Under various conditions, this task... is almost impossible to complete.

After half a circle, Han Feng walked back to the multifunctional infantry vehicle.

Leaning against the car, Han Feng took out a cigarette and lit it...


Breathing white smoke, Han Feng began to think about countermeasures...

"Luna, how many "wild" survivors were found during the radar scan this afternoon?"

Holding a cigarette in his mouth, Han Feng first thought that the radar had turned on scanning this afternoon. It's just that I forgot to ask because I saw the supply box...

"Reporting to the Korean team, in addition to the survivors of the zinc mine, the radar scan found a total of thirty-seven survivors."


After a pause, Luna continued, "The specific location of the survivors has been marked by the radar. Please move to the radar to take a look.

After Luna finished speaking, Han Feng turned his attention to the system...

In the radar display, Han Feng noticed that there were four or five small blue dots at the edge of the scanning range...

"Luna, how far away are they from us?"

Frowning, Han Feng asked.

"Report to the Korean team, they are 496 kilometers away from us."

"How many?!!!"

Hearing this value, Han Feng asked with his eyes widened.

"Report to the Korean team, they are 496 kilometers away from us."

Then Luna responded to Han Feng's question again.

"Fuck...five hundred kilometers...really five hundred kilometers..."

Looking at the display screen, Han Feng was stunned...

But fortunately...the direction of this group of survivors is away from Bt City, which avoids the problem of nuclear radiation.


Silently, Han Feng turned his attention out of the system.

Looking at the half-burning cigarette, Han Feng understood something...

A distance of five hundred kilometers, spanning an entire city.

At a far enough distance, the Holy Lord's "heaven-reaching means" can be avoided.

But Han Feng was a little confused about this "pure land"...

Such a long distance, if you go there, you will be as good as forty or fifty Miao people...

"Alas... This is the situation, why are you still fussing over it!"

As soon as this idea came to mind, Han Feng made himself laugh.

How can anyone exist these days? Even if there were only forty or fifty people there, I would definitely go there.

Throwing away the empty cigarette butt, Han Feng stood up.

He dusted himself off and walked towards the multifunctional infantry vehicle.

In his mind, a plan was quietly going on...

Back at the base, Han Feng picked up supply boxes one by one.

Standing in the open space, Han Feng took the lead in opening eight suitcases. Judging from the appearance...these eight supply boxes are all gold coin type.

Sure enough, after opening them all, Han Feng received a total of 140,000 gold coins.

It can be considered a small "windfall".

There are four supply boxes left, and there are also people Han Feng knows.

There are two supply boxes with a hospital "+" symbol, so there is no need to guess. They are supply boxes that restore health.

There is no need to guess if there is a "∞" symbol... it is a supply box with unlimited ammunition. There is only one.

There are two left, one is an ordinary small box and the other is a document envelope.

Holding the small box, Han Feng decided to open this one first.

"Turn on~"


A crisp sound came, and soon after, Luna's congratulations came, "Congratulations to the Korean team, for getting all the red alert summoning units, and increasing the supply box by 10%~"

"Haha~ I said it looks so familiar..."

After Luna finished speaking, Han Feng couldn't help but smile in response.

So far, Han Feng has found a total of two enhanced supply boxes.

In other words... Tanya has now increased her intensity by twenty percent, Natasha a little less, ten percent.

Putting down the empty small box with a smile, Han Feng picked up the document bag on the side.

"This thing...can't be the construction book of the base...?"

After a moment of doubt, Han Feng whispered, "Turn it on."


Another pleasant crisp sound sounded~

"Report to the Korean team that the supply box has been opened."


Listening to the familiar words, Han Feng reached into the sealed bag...

"Internal structural diagram of the Allied base vehicle..."

Taking out this "book", Han Feng smiled and read the words on the cover.

Sure enough...it's still a base construction plan.

"Luna, can I build a second base now?"

Holding the construction plan, Han Feng asked jokingly.

"Reporting to the Korean team, yes. From now on, you have obtained the authority to own a second base. And, you can now build a second temporary base."

"Second temporary base..." Repeating Luna's words, Han Feng slowly widened his eyes.

"The second temporary base! Awesome!!!"

With a cheer, Han Feng's worries were resolved!

As long as you have a second temporary base, you will be qualified to build defensive weapons wherever you go!

With these words, Han Feng became more courageous to go to areas five hundred kilometers away.

Holding the book happily, Han Feng ordered, "Luna, send someone to pick up the book~ Just put it in the base. When I find another suitable place, start manufacturing immediately~"

"Okay, Team Korea."

After saying that, Han Feng put away the three unopened supply boxes on the ground and put them in the car.

Taking out his mobile phone, Han Feng saw that the time was now 9:30 pm.

Feeling his hungry belly, Han Feng walked towards the barracks.

"Luna, a fish-flavored shredded pork rice~"

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