Apocalyptic starship

Chapter 1106: Tracking

Entering the building, there are five elevators in the lobby. The four elevators on the left and right are in use, but the elevator in the middle with two waiters standing is not used by anyone. The three of them went straight to the middle elevator.

"Sorry, you two, we can't go here..." Before the waiter finished speaking, the three of them grabbed the necks of the two people and slammed them against the wall, and the two collapsed to the ground.

Open the elevator, and the wheel drove in first.

"Two idiots! It's three!"

Ding! The elevator door closed, and the elevator automatically rose without the touch of the magic cube. Everything was controlled silently. The two waiters who were knocked to the ground outside took out the intercom and shouted that someone broke in and called to close the elevator, but no matter how the monitoring center controlled the elevator, it still rose. The strange thing was that no object could be seen in the elevator.

The top floor of the building is not a fully enclosed building but an open building. There is a large transparent building like a glass cover on the top. There are pavilions, towers, bridges, flowing water, birds and flowers inside. It has to be said that it is good to have money. You can build a villa on the roof.

At this time, there were more than 20 thugs outside the elevator entrance, wearing black T-shirts and black pants, which was very attractive. The only drawback was that the thugs were too thin, like a group of sissies.

The indicator light of the elevator kept flashing. No one was afraid of the many thugs in front of the door because there were so many people. A few big guys sitting in a beautiful box in the distance were still drinking and laughing, showing their heroic qualities of being calm in the face of danger.

Ding, the elevator reached the top and the elevator door opened.

Before the elevator doors were fully opened, just when all the thugs were ready to fight, a small toy car drove out from the gap of the elevator door...

Kaka! Two small machine guns and a rocket launcher extended from the roof of the toy car.

"Revolver, no need to fire, these people are too weak, there is no need to use guns." Mofang was the first to come out of the elevator. He thought that his cool look would attract a lot of attention. As a result, everyone was paying attention to Xiao Ke who was walking behind him. The thugs even forgot what they should do. Mofang rolled his eyes fiercely.

"What a bunch of idiots, if you really want to kill people, all of you are dead now."

Xiao Ke didn't care what the Mofang said. The first thing she did after coming out was to take out her gun and transform it into a long gun. The cool shape of the sci-fi gun immediately made the thugs who were fascinated by her beauty come to their senses. Then, they all took a step back...

Everyone has a pistol. Gangs are embarrassed to call themselves gangs without pistols. The problem is the long gun. Only the army or ruthless people have long guns. Once the gangs have long guns, they can wait to be dealt with. Different power represents different meanings. Having a long gun is no different from rebellion. Besides, everyone understands the power of the long gun. The effective range of the pistol is pitiful. It depends on the quality of the gun. The power of these second-hand imitations obtained by the gangs remains to be investigated.

Mofang rubbed his forehead. He said he came to negotiate, but now it has become a confrontation.

The thugs slowly retreated, some took out pistols and some took out machetes. At the wine table in the distance, a middle-aged man slowly turned his chair and looked at the elevator door. He was also attracted by Xiao Ke.

"Friend, the rules of the underworld cannot be broken. Are you here to kick my place?"

"We are not interested in your place. Tell me about the news that you accidentally discovered the computer virus. You'd better tell me directly and don't force me to do uncivilized behavior." Mofang said lightly.

"Okay, leave the girl and ask anything."

The man looked at Xiao Ke with a smile. This gangster boss looked quite handsome. I guess he used his appearance to check the future partners of some young men.

Hearing this, Mofang felt that he was going to be in trouble...

Bang, bang, bang...!! The long gun fired fiercely and the bullets fired by the Gauss gun had huge kinetic energy. There was nothing that could not be penetrated by the bodies of the decorations, bottles and jars, or the thugs. Xiao Ke fired, and the revolver naturally could not be idle. The two small machine guns on the small toy car made a rattling sound. The movement was small but the accuracy was higher. Most of the thugs who were hit were done by the revolver. Mofang stood at the elevator door where bullets were flying and rubbed his forehead.

The gunshots stopped, and the beautifully decorated hall was covered with blood and wailing. Those big guys who were just drinking and pretending to be superior hid in the box and dared not show their heads. The wheel clicked twice and transformed into a robot, jumped onto the table and raised the gun to scan.

The magic cube suddenly scanned three people coming out of the back room, three mutants, that's right, there are mutants on Earth.

"I'm starting to regret not bringing a mecha up." The magic cube muttered.

In the parking lot of the building, several people were taking photos of two sci-fi motorcycle racing cars with their mobile phones, posing in various ways, and then uploading them to their friends online. While taking photos in various ways, the two motorcycle racing cars suddenly started up, and then, under the gaze of several people, the two motorcycles combined into two human-shaped mechas with the sound of metal mechanical collisions, bursting with blue flames, and instantly flew high...

On the rooftop, three mutants were about to rush out to attack Mofang and Xiaoke. Suddenly, high-strength glass shattered, and dense energy bombs came in along with the chilly wind and glass fragments. Two mechas spraying blue flames were shooting at the hall outside. The three mutants were melted by the energy bombs before they could rush forward to fight!

Three incomplete bodies fell to the ground, and two mechas drilled into the hall from the hole, and landed with a clang and stood still.

Mofang stepped over the bodies and walked towards the box step by step. No one in front of him, injured or not, dared to block his way. Mofang was too lazy to deal with them. He pulled off the tattered box door and walked to the several big guys lying on the ground.

He bent down and looked at a trembling man.

"Are you the boss of this area?"

The man nodded with sweat on his face, and looked at the Rubik's Cube calmly with his eyes wide open.

"I said I'm here to ask you something. Yes, you are the boss. You can do whatever you want in this city and no one dares to control you. You can also sleep with all kinds of little girls. You can also kill whoever disobeys. That's your business, understand? I'm not interested in your nonsense at all. I just want to know what the damn virus is about! Tell me, I think you will tell me."

"This is the first time that someone dared to talk to me like this in all the years I've been on the street! It's true that I can't beat you now! I just don't accept it!" the man shouted.

Rubik's Cube nodded. He was such a tough-talking guy. He was so frightened that he peed his buttocks and still pretended to be a hero and thought he was awesome.

"Believe me, as long as you tell me, even after a bad day, you are still the boss. If you are domineering, dissatisfied, or cruel, that is your business. I will leave it aside and tell me."

"Dream!" the gangster shouted.

"Let me tell you! I am the boss here not because I am ruthless! It is because I have connections! Many governors have good relations with me. I advise you not to offend me, otherwise I will send you to prison sooner or later! Haha, I will still stay as that girl, and I will tell you what it means to be capable in front of you!”

Rubik's Cube was stunned. Is this guy talking harshly to me? Or is this guy definitely not going to kill him? Rubik's Cube was very annoyed by people who thought they were great but were actually idiots, so he grabbed the so-called boss by the collar and lifted him up.

"Look, I don't have time to talk nonsense with you here, tell me about the virus."

This time the man was really trembling, not because Rubik's Cube spoke harshly, but because Rubik's Cube took off his sunglasses and his eyes were glowing red. He was a demon, ferocious, and his eyes glowing red were definitely not a good person and not a human at all! Until then, the so-called gang boss finally understood that the person who came to him was not a human being at all, and he was finally afraid when facing the mysterious and powerful creature.

"I...I can't remember clearly...don't kill me..."

forget? It doesn't matter, a slender and ultra-thin bayonet popped out from his right hand, and with a pop, it penetrated into his brain from the Baihui point on the top of his head and began to copy and repair the soul data. Others around him only saw their boss twitching...

After getting the brains of this boss, Rubik's Cube discovered that this guy is really not a good guy. He still likes students at such an old age. He usually pretends to be civilized but does immoral things behind his back. He is lecherous and greedy for money and plays monopoly. He is involved in a lot of Internet and all kinds of people are involved. Rubik's Cube I had no interest in this and didn't bother to deal with it. After copying all the soul data, I tossed the slowly dying corpse aside with a flick.

"Let's go somewhere."

The mecha automatically flew behind Rubik's Cube and folded it up flexibly. After putting it on, Rubik's Cube grabbed the wheel and flew out of the hole out of the building, followed closely by Xiao Ke. Several big guys in the box trembled and looked up, seeing a black thing on the table. Flashing red light...

boom! ! The top floor of the building exploded.

Not long after, two flying objects flew over the suburban bungalow area. The Rubik's Cube quickly landed with a clang in front of a large warehouse. Xiaoke landed slowly, put down the wheel, and the Rubik's Cube wearing a mecha walked to the door of the warehouse and kicked it. He kicked a hole in the door and walked in. There were many people inside, several computers and a dozen people who looked like accountants were calculating accounts. The narrator placed a large amount of banknotes and gold.

A thug picked up a shotgun and aimed it at the Rubik's Cube. The Rubik's Cube quickly moved in front of the man and covered the muzzle of the gun with his hand. The thug reflexively pulled the trigger...

Bang! The gun barrel exploded and the gun collapsed. The thug was wailing and screaming and rolling on the ground. He didn't bother to care about the thugs. He came to the computer and put his hand on the case and started to invade the computer.

By scanning the computer Rubik's Cube, we found out that this was where the big guys laundered money. They used network technology to launder money from improper sources, and the mysterious virus was also discovered by the Rubik's Cube. It was just a gang that wanted to be wiped out for justice. I found the hacker through the computer Rubik's Cube. He was a young man, very poor, but he became a super hacker through his own efforts.

In the past, the young man had a good future when he went to school, but the stories were often so fucked up. The young man's family was imprisoned and died because he offended gangsters for a little bit of trouble. Even his sister was harmed by those people and committed suicide. Driven by sadness and hatred He can often do things that many people cannot do, such as becoming a super hacker through self-taught hard work. Unfortunately, he can no longer take revenge with his own hands.

"Zuanlun, kill everyone here and put all the evidence of their crimes on the Internet. Even if I die, I will make them despised by millions of people."

"As commanded."

Small machine guns opened fire, and everyone in the warehouse was shot to death...

Xiaoke could see that the Rubik's Cube was depressed, and he didn't know how to comfort him. The search for the mysterious chaotic code would not be smooth sailing, and setbacks were inevitable. Fortunately, it was a good thing to get rid of the harm no matter what.



Rubik's Cube and Xiao Ke were eating in a small restaurant. News was playing on the TV at the counter, including a video of an unidentified high-tech object flying into the sky and opening fire to attack the building. There were also several young people talking about aircraft. It was two motorcycles that turned out to be Transformers. Not long after, the news and the Internet were once again detonated by another piece of news.

An anonymous person called "The Age of Wheels" released a large amount of information, all of which pointed to a certain gang boss and the protective umbrella behind him. Video evidence, picture evidence, item evidence, recording evidence, all kinds of evidence cannot be overturned at all. Erase, someone once tried to shut down the information publishing platform, but no matter how hard they tried, they couldn't shut it down. Blocking, deleting, and various methods all failed to stop the spread of the information.

The building that was attacked was the gang's lair, but the one who attacked the gang was some kind of unknown mechanical life. Everything is complicated and confusing.

The waitress brought a dessert to Rubik's Cube and Xiaoke.

"Thank you." Xiaoke said politely.

"You're welcome, please use it slowly."

"By the way, um... what do you think of those robots? Uh... I mean, what do you think of those robots?" Xiaoke suddenly asked the waiter, and Rubik's Cube also stopped and looked at the little girl.

"Robots? Not so good. We humans created them but they were betrayed and massacred. We were prosperous before, but they took away our technology."

"That's it. Thank you. Your desserts are delicious."

"You're welcome, please use it slowly."

The waitress smiled and left. Xiaoke showed her hands to the Rubik's Cube. After the disaster, the people on earth were instilled with a large amount of modified history. There were also people who learned the truth, but they were too few and too few. Their voices only attracted abuse and ridicule. It has no effect. History is meant to be modified, and humans have always done so.

Rubik's Cube turned to look at the brightly lit and noisy night market outside the window, too lazy to think about how people on earth think about mechanical life. The chaotic code originated from the earth, where is it...

We originally planned to find the Guardians of the Galaxy animals who are resident in the Milky Way and often return to Earth. However, after searching for major events on Earth during this period, we discovered that the Guardians animals had long since left Earth. They were very popular at the time, but as the older generation aged, The new generation believed that they were puppets made by robots to rule mankind. They protested, slandered, and fabricated rumors in various ways. Driven by thoughtful people, the momentum became stronger and stronger. The animals in the Guardian team had to fly the spacecraft to leave the earth and leave the land. It was so sad and ridiculous. When they left, many people asked the animals in the escort team to leave the spacecraft behind, saying that it belonged to the people on Earth.

"It's so noisy..." Rubik's Cube sighed while looking at the lights of thousands of houses outside the window.

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