Apocalyptic starship

Chapter 1135: End of life

The departure of Fury, Death Scorpion and Du Heng put a lot of pressure on the Cube. The rest of his men could not take on the important task. Fortunately, the Spark Computer had enough brain to make all kinds of arrangements.

The Zerg had started to go crazy. Bugs began to land on various planets. They did not need oxygen and could breathe most harmful gases. They could eat all kinds of food that was not considered food. Even if they had nothing to eat, they could survive for a long time. There were no creatures in the universe that were more aggressive than the Zerg.

The Cube received a message from the front-line reconnaissance aircraft that the Zerg spacecraft appeared and began to rush towards the earth frantically.

In the command cabin of a large battleship, the Cube stood up from his seat, wearing a set of blue and red domineering mecha, with only his eyes exposed. He walked to the big screen and watched the dense Zerg spaceships rushing towards the earth. He sighed and issued an order to the standby troops to attack...

"For this poor universe to be quiet, kill all those bugs. Don't talk to me about species extinction or damn mercy. All die."

Countless warships of various types fired fiercely, countless fighters rushed towards the Zerg swarm approaching the earth in a five-plane formation group mode, missiles were launched and machine guns were fired, and the mechanical army attacked and fired from three directions in three dimensions, so that they could attack from more angles and would not accidentally hurt themselves. The Zerg swarm was like a thorn in the flesh, and what the mechanical army had to do was to keep breaking this thorn!

Two huge populations fought a war in the area close to the earth. On the earth, humans on the ground looked up in broad daylight and saw countless stars in the sky above their heads. That was caused by the reflection of sunlight from large spacecraft and the explosion and flashing of various weapons. Ordinary people didn't know what happened, and the aerospace center and the army were completely in chaos...

The most powerful country after the end of the world was Longguo. At this time, the commander of the Longguo army felt like a straw floating on the water in this war that could not be calculated with normal thinking, floating with the waves and not knowing where to go. What should he do? There were anti-aircraft missiles, but the number was not enough to fill the gaps between teeth compared to the densely packed aircraft in the sky. Advanced fighter planes? Other fighter planes can fly and fight in space, while Earth fighter planes can only fly on the surface of the earth and need to be replenished.

The people were happy to watch the stars, and those who knew the truth were sad...

Three days passed.

As time went by, the battle became more and more intense. From the beginning, it was far away from the earth, and now it is very close to the earth. The surface of the moon is a launch site for various weapons of the mechanical army. There are countless insect swarm debris in space. Many debris and broken spacecrafts are still alive. The insects drift towards the earth. Meteor showers, various debris streaked across the sky and burned up. Whether it is night or day, you can always see meteor showers in the sky...

Gradually, a small number of flying insects began to appear in the atmosphere. Before humans could fight back, they were tracked and eliminated by the fighter robots of the mechanical army that followed.

Day 5.

A bug landed in a city. The people around were still staring at the monster that was more than two meters tall, not knowing whether to run or continue to watch. Suddenly, the bug moved, waving its limbs and legs to penetrate the chest of a man in front of it and throw it away. The violence and bloody smell told people that now is not the time to watch. Run, trample, scream...

There was a sound of air flow in the sky. A fighter robot dived quickly and then suddenly stopped at a height of one meter above the ground. The machine gun aimed at the bug and fired!

Tongtongtong...! The machine gun shells smashed the bugs to pieces.

After destroying the bugs, the fighter jets suddenly rose vertically and continued to attack other bugs that entered the atmosphere. There were more and more bugs, and the human army on the ground also began to attack the bugs. The bugs that fell on the land would be destroyed by robots or humans, and those that fell into the sea or into the primeval forest would be in trouble. There are many creatures on the earth that are much more powerful than humans, such as those mutant animals...

In the sea water, a bug was torn apart and eaten by a group of creatures similar to underwater Tyrannosaurus Rex in the dinosaur era. It didn't matter about the toxins. Even the zombie virus couldn't do anything to them at the beginning. The bugs were even more vulnerable.

A large number of bugs fell from the sky into the forest. Originally, when the bugs thought they could have a big meal in a place with so many green plants, a group of various animals swooped down from the big trees in the bushes and tore the bugs to pieces in a few seconds. The bugs that landed in the human area lived the longest. The chaotic city was the most serious. Often, landing a bug could cause huge damage. Fortunately, at this time, a group of unwelcome people hidden among humans appeared, mutant enhanced people.

People are not used to neighbors or colleagues having powerful abilities. Most ordinary people have never stopped attacking mutants. It was because there were too many mutants who became emperors in the years when the zombie crisis was just resolved, which left too many bad impressions on people. Of course, there are good and bad mutants. In times of crisis, those kind-hearted mutants appeared with masks and veils...

A bug landed in a gas station, got up and started attacking the surrounding humans. The traffic was jammed and the crowd was chaotic, and the army could not enter. Not far away, a young boy put down the shopping bag in his hand and put on a black mask...

The bug that was killing a middle-aged woman suddenly found that one of his legs was broken, followed by the second leg, and the limbs and legs were broken one by one inexplicably. It was not until the eyes caught a figure passing by that the bug knew that it had met a mutant speed-type human and attacked continuously. Finally, the speed-type mutant boy stood in front of the bug and stabbed a steel bar into the bug's brain.

More and more mutants chose to stand up, either wearing masks or veils. When they met, they smiled at each other and rushed towards the bug.


Rubik's Cube, wearing a domineering mecha, stood in the command cabin and looked at the real-time picture of the earth, and issued another order.

"Place ground combat units on the earth! All fighter jets of the 7th and 9th fleets enter the atmosphere to snipe those bugs! Action!"

Immediately, the large battleships of the Seventh Fleet and the Ninth Fleet released the small frigates fixed to the hull, and the frigates flew towards the earth one by one, followed closely by dense fighter jets. After several days of fighting, the mechanical army still had a large number of reserves. Not able to participate in the war, but just sent to protect the earth, it seems a bit too philanthropic, but isn't this what is needed for survival?

As a large number of mechanical army warships entered the atmosphere, humans on earth watched helplessly as their homeland turned into a battlefield. A crashed small Zerg spacecraft smashed into a residential building, and the debris hit humans, causing casualties, confusion, and fear. They can usually pretend to be everything. Don't be afraid, when the real war comes, everyone will miss the peaceful and easy times.

I would rather be a peace dog than a person in troubled times. Some people may think it is exaggerated and unbelievable. People who have not experienced it will never understand the horror of troubled times, such as those countries that were once rich because of oil.

A huge Zerg spacecraft crashed into a pedestrian street in a certain city. Thick numbers of surviving bugs emerged from the wreckage of the spacecraft and pounced on the crowd. Five or six mutants with tired faces showed helpless expressions. Just when the people were frightened and desperate, twenty Multiple large cylindrical metal objects landed around the Zerg spacecraft, the hatch opened, and the mechanical soldiers walked out of the landing equipment and began to target the bugs and fire!

The mutants looked at each other and realized that the robots were just aiming at the bugs and firing. One of them was bolder and ran to the landing equipment.

"Uh... Mr. Robot, we need weapons."

The mechanical soldier who was firing ceased fire and turned to look at the young mutant boy. He thought about it and made a decision based on the current situation...

"There are guns and ammunition in the landing equipment behind me. The principle is similar to that of earth weapons. I think you should know how to use it. If you don't know how to use it, you will know how to use it after a few hits." After saying that, the mechanical soldier popped out the bayonet of his long gun and rushed towards a jumping person. The insect was stabbed with a bayonet and killed with a clean and ruthless approach.

"Thank you! My grandma is right, you are good people, you saved us."

"No, we are not human beings." The mechanical soldier with his bayonet drawn turned around and said.

The mutant boy scratched his head. The robots were indeed not human beings. Those were not important. What was important was that the robots agreed to use their weapons.

"Come on! The robots agree to us using their weapons! Come on!"

A group of mutants ran over excitedly, and the boy took the lead to get into the landing equipment. He saw high-tech monitors all over the interior showing battlefield conditions, as well as a row of firearms and a large amount of ammunition. The mutants excitedly stepped forward to grab the firearms, took a few rounds of ammunition, and walked out of the landing equipment. , the boy felt that the gun in his hand was not as long as the robot gun, so he touched it randomly a few times.

Kaka! The gun opened and extended to become a long gun, and the bayonet popped out at the same time. The boy was very excited. No boy doesn't like powerful guns. He loaded the magazine and followed the robot team to fire at the bugs that kept running around.

Tu tu tu tu…! The gun vibrated, and a bug fell to the ground covered in green blood.

"It's so cool! Hahaha~!"

A large number of bugs were eliminated, but there were still a large number of bugs landing in the sky. In view of the current situation, a large number of fighter jets landed on the ground, landing on city streets or rooftops. Fighters also landed in mountain villages and fields outside the city. The landing fighter jets were mechanically deformed and stretched out. The four mechanical legs of the landing gear stood still and stood upright. The cannon, missiles and machine guns aimed at the sky and turned into an artillery platform to fire!

The transformation of fighter jets into weapon platforms greatly reduced the pressure on the ground, but the war continued day and night. Mechanical dogs, mechanical birds, and mechanical spiders imitating the Zerg all appeared...

At night, standing in space and looking at the earth, all you can see is the flickering fire all over the place. The Transformers are waiting quietly and have not been dispatched. The higher-level Transformers are even waiting for the high-end Zerg combat forces to appear. The grassroots have grassroots responsibilities, and the high-level combat forces have their own. In the advanced combat mission, Rubik's Cube is also waiting, waiting for the Zerg god to appear.

The waiting Rubik's Cube received a message that a group of temporary troops from the mechanical planet requested to join the war.

"Creator, a large number of human citizens of the Mechanical Empire have requested to participate in the Earth Defense War. The number is small, close to 800,000, with a full range of weapons." The Transformers responsible for peripheral security sent a report.

"Approved to enter the earth from Area 19, all actions shall be in accordance with the mechanical army combat guidelines."

The human citizens of the Mechanical Empire who spontaneously came to protect their ancestral land took a large number of transport spaceships from designated areas through the fleet and entered the atmosphere. In the cabins, there were people driving high-tech tanks, driving helicopters, and wearing mechas, as well as various weapons. The human citizens of the Mechanical Empire looked out the window and the beautiful planet was getting closer and closer. They came here to fight for the land where their ancestors lived. When they learned about the Zerg attack on the earth, they spontaneously organized and assembled, and the spaceships originally used to transport cargo were transformed into For transport ships, just to come here to fight or die.

The first spaceship is the Ark spacecraft that once assisted the Rubik's Cube in the battle on Earth. In the cockpit, Tingting is assisting Ark in confirming the landing site. Xiaorou, a senior scientist who has been away from the earth for many years, quietly looks at the earth. Those who are constantly sharpening their knives are those special forces who left the earth and wandered around the universe. They were once zombies and are now members of the special forces. There is also Xiaokui, a perfect combination of viruses and humans. He once received a Tang knife as a gift from the Rubik's Cube. When they received news of the Earth's crisis, none of them declined, and each brought their own weapons to assemble.

After a long time, they are still the same. Technology has brought them immortality and strong combat power.

The landing place of the Ark was near Longshan. The human army and the people watched in horror as a spacecraft landed. When they saw a group of humans walking out with advanced weapons, they showed incredible expressions...

"After living for so many years, I finally want to do something serious." Xiaokui muttered, holding a Tang knife and quickly rushed towards a fallen insect in the distance.

Fighting, non-stop fighting, fighting for several days, countless Zerg died, Rubik's Cube didn't understand why the other party was willing to die like this? Death may have shown its value. A large number of mechanical army combat units with serious energy consumption were besieged and killed by bugs. They had no choice but to start rotating ground units. In space, there are still countless bugs rushing towards the earth. Currently, 9% of the fleet in the galaxy Fifteen gathered near the earth, and the magic cube was considering whether to continue to mobilize troops from other places.

"Order, the warship launches nuclear missiles in the direction of the Zerg. It doesn't matter whether there is radiation or pollution in space. Just stay away from the earth."

After receiving the order, each battleship put away its armor, exposed its missiles, determined its coordinates, and launched more than thirty nuclear bombs into the distance...

After a while, I saw dazzling fire flashing in the distance. There was no mushroom cloud in the space explosion. The explosion damage spread in a three-dimensional manner, spreading and advancing crazily among the dense insect swarm, but this still could not stop the insect swarm from going crazy.

Rubik's Cube looked at the fire in the distance and remained silent. Where were the three large battleships that were out of control? If there is anything else that can threaten the fleet and the earth, then the three large battleships are the first to bear the brunt. Super weapons can destroy planets and also destroy fleets. According to the battleship data, all the targets that can be targeted are reconnaissance aircraft and fighter jets, but they still can't be found. Those three large battleships were the most decisive victory in the struggle between the insect swarm and the mechanical empire.

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