
Chapter 153 So Insane (Part Two)

Fren never thought that Zen could be so strong-willed.

In other words, did he not have the courage of a lion? He was completely supercilious!

The Zhuge Clan was one of the top seven noble clans of the Burning Sky Empire. The family had remained in power from the beginning of the Burning Sky Empire!

He didn't even blink his eyes upon hearing about the Zhuge Clan. If Fren's family's reputation could not cause him the slightest apprehension, then what else could?

Fren had always boasted of his demented nature. However, his attitude was based on the powerful background of his family.

Compared with Zen, the difference was not just a little bit.

Zen was such a man of hubris!

Embarrassment was what Fren felt right now.

Deep in Fren's heart, he desired to tear Zen to pieces!

He could have done that.

But if he killed someone in the Blessed Auction House, it might anger the Zhang Clan. His family could, however, bear the consequences.

As was known to all, there was never a dead enemy between two noble clans. And if a dispute occurred between the Zhuge Clan and the Zhang Clan, the Zhuge Clan could settle this matter by giving a bit of profit to the Zhang Clan.

He had made a mistake when he had shown respect for the Zhang Clan and promised not to hurt Zen here. 'Damn it. I shouldn't have said that, ' Fren regretted. He was overconfident and thought that he could threaten the low-born Zen...

It would not be appropriate to kill Zen now as he said that he wouldn't hurt Zen here.

The evil smile on Fren's face disappeared. He stared at Zen with livid disbelief.

"As an outer disciple, what makes you think you are capable of offending the Zhuge Clan? How dare you!" Vivan, who was standing behind Fren, could not stay silent anymore. She had never seen this kind o

ite to him. He bowed to Wick.

"You are the first one to embarrass Fren!" Wick said with a smile, "Wurth, you've got a great friend!"

"Thank you, Wick. I appreciate it! If there were another way, I would not mess with Fren," said Zen as he shook his head.

"You are welcome. I am only a few years older than you, so I am not that old. No need to bow to me," Wick said with a smile. "Zen, the item you bought has not been delivered yet. Please follow me. I will hand over the cubic crystals and the Weapon Refining Principle."

Wick looked honest and straightforward. But he was physically strong and seemed highly intelligent. Although he admired Zen for what he did to Fren today, he did not speak much about it. Zen was Wurth's friend. However, it was unrealistic to support Zen against Fren. He needed to keep his family's interests in mind first.

The Zhang Clan was running family business, not charity. It would be a significant loss if Wick also supported Zen.

But as members of the Zhang Clan, Wurth and Wick were extraordinarily wise.

They were very optimistic about Zen's future. If Zen were capable of beating Fren, his future would be bright! And they would be happy to see that.

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