
Chapter 49 Bloody Mountain (Part Two)

A second later, the monkey leaped into the air. It had been aiming for the tree, but since Zen had broken the tree before it could reach it, the mane monkey flew straight toward Zen.

Zen smiled when his plan worked. The monkey had no way to escape this time.

However, as the mane monkey approached Zen, it gave out a fierce cry. Then its eyes glowed a deep red before it emitted a squeak. In the next instant, its body turned red, and the mane of the whole body bristled.

Zen found the monkey's unusual move. A sense of danger filled Zen. He covered his head with his hands and drew back in horror.

Before Zen could retreat two steps, the mane monkey's body grew twice as large.


The mane monkey's body suddenly exploded. The noise was deafening! When the dust settled, Zen saw that the explosion had left a huge hole in the ground. The needles from the monkey's mane were scattered in all directions by the force of the explosion.

At the time of its death, the monkey had released its mane needles with such force that they were firmly lodged in Zen's body.

"I didn't expect a second-degree phantom beast to have such a powerful attack," Zen said in surprise as he pulled out the mane needles one by one. If he had not stepped back, he could have been hurt by the mane needles.

The classification of unreal beasts was similar to that of men. The one main difference was that many unreal monsters could burst with incomparable innate power when faced with a survival crisis.

After handling the steel needles in his body, Zen approached the pit and found a piece of yellow crystal fragment in the center. Only 30 yellow crystal fragments were needed to pass the test. That was certainly a much smaller number than the green crystals!

Of course, the monsters he had to deal with were a lot more fierce.

Just as Zen was preparing to put away the crystal fragment, a voice boomed through the forest.

"Put that crystal down and get out of here!"

On hearing the words, Zen frowned. When he turned, Zen saw three men standing behind him. Judging by their clothes, Zen knew that these three men were disciples from noble clans. It was possible that they m

ts but also with other disciples.

And the use of the magic array would effectively avoid real death.

Seeing the two companions had been taken out, the remaining man took a few steps back in surprise. His expression showed the fear he felt. His rampant and arrogant attitude had been swept away. As soon as the shock wore off, he shouted, "My family... My Family..."

But Zen didn't let him finish. He growled at the man. "If you don't want to die as well, hand over all the crystal fragments you have. No matter how powerful your family is, they can't save you now!" After saying this, Zen took a step toward the man.

Without hesitation, the disciple from the Fang clan threw a handful of crystal fragments at Zen. Then he turned and fled without saying anything.

Zen shook his head. He didn't want to rob others, but it seemed like recently, many people were trying to rob him.

He collected the crystal fragments. There were 20 green crystal fragments and seven yellow crystal fragments!

It looked like the robbery was a quick and convenient way to finish the test. Zen was tempted. Compared to the effort of killing phantom beasts one by one, snatching was obviously more efficient.

But he soon gave up the idea. The ultimate purpose of giving the Blooded Test was to challenge and improve himself.

He would never give up the opportunity to refine himself. However, if others tried to rob him, Zen decided not to let them go.

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