"Kufu - the fields of the halibut are - because it's a workshop for Iris -"

"Oh, well. Speaking of which, is the field also the school of the spirits of the earth?"

I did say that when I first met him. They also play a role in fostering backwardness.

"That's right!

"But the factory fields are special now, right? I'm looking out for Iris, the contractor! I'll make you the best crop in the woods. Come on, now, let's get to the bottom of this."


What the hell is that? With that in mind, the apprentice's hares ran around with a patter and brought some bottles and cages.

"I made you a new yeast! King grape yeast is a refreshing sweetness with a melting tongue! Melon's yeast is sweeter and sweeter, and I'm sure you'll be able to bake sweet bread!

"And here, I'm also going to make dried grapes. Ignis, could you help me out later?


"Then I picked too many fruits and vegetables. The fruit is the usual jade, lemon, orange, nectar, king's grape and melon."

"This is what vegetables look like! Long eggplant, white eggplant, red eggplant, cranberry pumpkin (zucchini), red and yellow sweet chili pepper (paprika) and green sweet chili pepper (pepper), then corn!

Butterflies and apprentices lift up a pile of cages. Oh my arms are pulling......!

"That's an amazing abundance!? Um, that's enough for everyone! Because it looks heavy, see, put it on the floor...!

The apprentices said, 'I missed you! Thanks, Miraina!' The glittering gaze of. Yeah...... he's one of us...... we......

"It is. It's too abundant. There's plenty of fruit and vegetable storage in the vault, so make something."

"Oops, we're not messing around, are we? There's some weird magic in here! So the grace of the forest is overflowing."

"Mm-hmm... can't you do that?"

"Nha... Could it be this kind of magic vegetable?

Ignis and Lulusu-kun, who looked at each other, took a bouquet of flowers out of their bags. It's called "Midnight Grass" and "Hope Moon Grass" that I've collected in the labyrinth.

"Ahh! That's it! That smell!

"You're too thick a flaming magic vegetable. You've boosted your growth with the magic of the earth."

"What... this!? Did Ignis even notice?

"Yeah - it was amazing when I got back. How strange was it before I went to the labyrinth? That's about all."

- Why? This isn't a labyrinth, but how can you feel the magic vegetables that filled the labyrinth so far?

"Speaking of which, this forest too, Mr. Letterio - was the territory of Viscount Calsto. I wonder if it has anything to do with..."

Maybe you should tell Mr. Letterio what's going on in the woods? Maybe there's something in this forest that I'm still keeping a secret from...

"Oh, Iris. Are you going to leave that late-night grass and the moon grass as flowers?

"Yeah, yeah, if possible, that you won't leave it to us? The magic vegetables smell too bad to be hostile. Can't it be treated to a form that can be used as a material?

While Leg and Russ picked their noses, Lulusu-kun pointed and said a bouquet of flowers out.

"Oh, thank God you don't mind that..."

"Leg, Russ, this is the kind of flower I've been collecting. I'm amazed at Lurus' bags. This one's rich."

Still okay? Asking, the two of you nimmari your mouth.

"Let's all work on it. - I'll make it into material!

"I'll take care of it! Enjoy doing troublesome things in the hands of people like that!

Don't! and when Leg rang the floor with his short, adorable legs, the Hare Squad and the apprentices gathered together and pressed Lulusu-kun to "Come Out" and "Flower Out".

"Nyah! The needle hurts!? Just calm down!"

"Oh, come on...!

Lined up in front of me are oranges, nectars and melons (melons) in giant king grapes. Despite the inexplicable influence of magic vegetables, there is nothing but delight in being able to eat such delicious and large fruits!

"Awesome! Smells good!"

"It looks delicious!

Even Lulusu-kun, who is not quite interested in sweet things, wonders if this scent is "cum, cum, cum," and she is licking her nose with a perky tip of her tongue. And Ignis shows the same trick by imitating Lulusu-kun, even though he doesn't usually do that.

Oh, cute......

"Well, what shall we make?... Oh, let's make it a marinade of fruit?

Marinated meals are dishes made from lemon juice, vinegar, wine, olive oil, and other ingredients dipped in pickled juice made with seasonings, spices, and vanilla (herbs). This is easy and I think it's good for consuming a lot of ingredients. Depending on the marinade solution to be soaked, it can be quite sunny!

Besides, you can eat the marinade of the fruit as is, but it's delicious in yogurt, or as a salad. It might be a good idea to arrange it in the source. And...

"Hey, Lulsus. Shop for the festival...... you want to let it out, right?

"Holy shit! Of course not! Iris is still lost? I think it's time for us to get out of here.

"Yeah. Let's get it out! I have fruit that looks so delicious because of it!

"Sell what?

"Fruit and slime soda water! You don't think it's too uncomfortable selling with alchemy items, do you? I wonder if a beautiful and delicious beverage will ever come to the crowd..."

Oh, colorful fruits floating in soda water. Like swinging with pull translucent slime jelly, glitter in the sun light and it must be beautiful and cute......!

"I'm sure it would be good for the girls who come to see hair fastenings and hair decorations that Lulusu-kun plans to sell! I don't know, Lulu. Is that it?

Lulusu-kun was looking up at me with jittery eyes. That's crazy, huh?

"Iris. You can put slime jelly in, but you better not tell me. Especially if it's easier to lay low on a girl."

"That's right. Alchemists like slime - but they don't really want to eat mundane people."

"What, you think so? It's unusual and doesn't bother me......?

"But the sparkling cute fruit soda water is a nasty element."


Oh, speaking of which...... I see. That's helpful.

I sent the commercial guild a transfer flight (pigeon) to open the store at the festival. Immediately afterwards, Emma replied and we were to go to the procedure tomorrow.

"Lulusu-kun, do you have a sample of what you plan to sell?

"Nah? It's a prototype, but then, before I go to the guild tomorrow, I'll stop by the factory I'm dealing with and pick up what I can do."

Submit it in advance and it will be easier to review the day. Then I will have to prepare the goods tomorrow too.

"All right, then I'll sort out the labyrinth material and vault I've been collecting today, and the marinade will be made tomorrow...!


"Do it!"

I promise to go to the guild today at two o'clock. I bind my hair, and Lulusu-kun has a working platform and gloves. Ignis applied his strength to the grape yeast Leg and Russ had planted, and he quickly made me a new yeast solution.

"Thank you, Ignis. It's been a long time. How about a demon stone dude?

"Ta-be! Hmm? This is delicious!"

Today's scrap demon stone comes from the labyrinth that Mr. Bardo gave to Ignis.

I guess the quality is different, albeit the scraps? Ignis is in the mood to lick Lerorello.

"So... bake the bread!


"Yay! Lerorello!"

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